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time to start a card drive to eliminate the association

That is my biggest complaint about UNIONs. A company needs to "flush the toilet" once in a while and get rid of all the turds.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
Agree these are the same turds that abuse the sick or attendance policy and make it hard on everyone else.
I used to CS off all the time simply because I was fed up with my UNION coworkers at TULE (not all but a lot of them). Are you sure the attendance issue is not a result of stress related to TWU UNION culture? That is not to say all UNION cultures are that way but the TWU culture, in my opinion, is toxic.

I can tell you when I worked non UNION at American Airlines my stress level was much lower and my attendance much better. Having been on both sides of the fence (white collar / blue collar) I can tell you American Airlines as an employer is not the problem, it is the TWU (now the association nobody voted on).

Never while on the white collar side did I ever feel marginalized or victimized. However the TWU would have you believe anyone outside of a UNION membership is the "enemy".

Since I have left and started a new career I have had perfect attendance for the last 3 years. Given my attendance record at TULE that is pretty telling.
Whatever happened to AMP?
Good question. I was in full support of AMP after membership was opened to other title groups (I believe they did this because targeting ONLY A&P's was failing).

I even attempted to get my coworkers (FSC's) to support it selling it as an internal "American Airlines Employee UNION". Nobody showed any interest. I believe it was because AMP targeted only Mechanics at first and they (FSC's) were distrustful of it.
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If you want to even entertain this idea, stick with AMFA, not some organization out of someones bedroom.
OK guys. ALTA is a home grown United Airlines Union currently collecting cards to replace the Teamsters. There is no American Airlines ALTA Committee. I know because I was involved with ALTA at UAL before I retired. Someone's pulling your leg. GT
Why are you trying to marginalize them?

Looks like you are doing your part being a cog in the propaganda machine.

By all means, correct me if im wrong. I dont know why we want to start another AMT craft union when we already have one. The idea is to get everyone on the same page, having multiple unions does not promote this.
By all means, correct me if im wrong. I dont know why we want to start another AMT craft union when we already have one. The idea is to get everyone on the same page, having multiple unions does not promote this.
That is a good sensible question. Here is my answer.

In my opinion part of the problem at American Airlines is we have too many UNIONs representing too many groups.

I think it would be much better to have all American Airlines employees under one UNION with ONLY American Airlines employees instead of many international UNIONs.

I have always believed that and have always championed that on this site.

AMFA is OK but in my opinion it should be a distant choice over unifying employees voices and divesting employees of these international UNIONs.

I think we can all agree that having an international that does not answer to the employees and represents multiple employers has not worked out well overall. I understand AMFA is more democratic however in my opinion them being a multiple employer UNION is still a problem.
That is a good sensible question. Here is my answer.

In my opinion part of the problem at American Airlines is we have too many UNIONs representing too many groups.

I think it would be much better to have all American Airlines employees under one UNION with ONLY American Airlines employees instead of many international UNIONs.

I have always believed that and have always championed that on this site.

AMFA is OK but in my opinion it should be a distant choice over unifying employees voices and divesting employees of these international UNIONs.

I think we can all agree that having an international that does not answer to the employees and represents multiple employers has not worked out well overall. I understand AMFA is more democratic however in my opinion them being a multiple employer UNION is still a problem.
The most successful inhouse union at SWA is SWAPA , that is the pilots union. The mechanics could have gone in with them , AMFA said no, and we are still where we are at. We are democratic yes, but the people you elect to represent you, are only so good. If you read The AMFA updates, most of the scope language pertains to C checks, they are worried about. It almost seems the line maintenance side of the house is being held hostage , because of C checks, unfortunately the C checks are going to morph into something else. So whatever we finally agree to , will have to keep line, hangar, and shops separate.
That is a good sensible question. Here is my answer.

In my opinion part of the problem at American Airlines is we have too many UNIONs representing too many groups.

I think it would be much better to have all American Airlines employees under one UNION with ONLY American Airlines employees instead of many international UNIONs.

I have always believed that and have always championed that on this site.

AMFA is OK but in my opinion it should be a distant choice over unifying employees voices and divesting employees of these international UNIONs.

I think we can all agree that having an international that does not answer to the employees and represents multiple employers has not worked out well overall. I understand AMFA is more democratic however in my opinion them being a multiple employer UNION is still a problem.

Please delete this it was a mistake Wrong Thread.
Please delete this it was a mistake Wrong Thread.
The thread was about starting a card drive.

Why not a card drive for an American Airlines employee only UNION?

Who the hell do you think you are to dictate my post is on the wrong thread?
The thread was about starting a card drive.

Why not a card drive for an American Airlines employee only UNION?

Who the hell do you think you are to dictate my post is on the wrong thread?

You see when I "REPLY" to your valid post where I am asking the Moderator delete my response.
Who the hell are you to be a idiot. I have enjoyed your dialog so please slow down or learn how this forum works. Did I ask the moderator to delete your post, NO! Just my respone to you, Do you understand? Once more. You have a valid post, it was I that responded by the REPLY function. This places your valid post inside a box

La Li Lu Le Lo said:
That is a good sensible question. Here is my answer.

In my opinion part of the problem at American Airlines is we have too many UNIONs representing too many groups.

I think it would be much better to have all American Airlines employees under one UNION with ONLY American Airlines employees instead of many international UNIONs.

I have always believed that and have always championed that on this site.

AMFA is OK but in my opinion it should be a distant choice over unifying employees voices and divesting employees of these international UNIONs.

I think we can all agree that having an international that does not answer to the employees and represents multiple employers has not worked out well overall. I understand AMFA is more democratic however in my opinion them being a multiple employer UNION is still a problem.
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Please delete this it was a mistake Wrong Thread.
Good question. I was in full support of AMP after membership was opened to other title groups (I believe they did this because targeting ONLY A&P's was failing).

I even attempted to get my coworkers (FSC's) to support it selling it as an internal "American Airlines Employee UNION". Nobody showed any interest. I believe it was because AMP targeted only Mechanics at first and they (FSC's) were distrustful of it.
They can still entertain AMP as well as the other groups that are required by NMB. Just keep the added groups out of the mechanics contract, get the other groups their very own contract but outside of the mechanics contract. That's how we did it with AMFA here.

If you want to even entertain this idea, stick with AMFA, not some organization out of someones bedroom.
Would encourage it myself, but only if they were to keep the "related groups" out of the mechanics contract. I would have to say that AMFA might be the fasted route. Maybe some of you could contact AMFA National ask for the National Director (he use to be an AA mechanic) and run it by him for support to bring you guys in.

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