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Time for Americans to pull together

So what else do you want to regulate? Automotive industry? Home building? Grocery stores? Give me a list. Not my fault labor and management cannot get along and make it work. SW seems to be making a pretty good go of it. Why should they not be allowed to do what they think is best? If they fail, OH well. Some one else will come along.

Just pointing out the obvious, sorry you cant see that.

Sounds to me like you are being hypocritical. Protect labor but do not protect those who need health care or assistance.

Huh? I never said anything about health care. Thats a whole-other subject...
What's obvious? That you disagree with deregulation of the airline industry because they are 'special'?

Health care and other forms of assistance were just two examples. Apparently only airline employees are worthy of government assistance and protection?
SW seems to be making a pretty good go of it. Why should they not be allowed to do what they think is best? If they fail, OH well. Some one else will come along.

This week's airline earnings look as if they came from Bizarro's world. Southwest and Continental both reported that their biggest cost — fuel — declined, yet losses mounted.

Southwest reported its first quarterly loss in 17 years because its long-heralded fuel-hedging strategy worked against it as crude prices fell. The Dallas-based carrier said it took $247 million in charges to adjust the value of fuel hedges, resulting in a $120 million loss.

Not so fast...
That is 1 quarter out of how long....? Seems like they have a pretty solid business plan. Should they fail to keep up with the times and continue to adjust they too will suffer the fate of the legacy airlines.

I still fail to see why the airlines deserve to have some sort of protection (regulation) from them selves when the automotive industry, grocery stores, mom and pop stores, and countless other industries are left to fend for them selves. That idea appears to be in direct conflict with the idea of capitalism that most here seem to think is the cats meow.

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