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Economic Recovery Spells Trouble for Republicans

Well then, in 2016 we may well see the GOP running on a "health care for those who can afford it...just like the good old days " platform, wouldn't it be a hoot for teh democrats to step up to the plate and say "Folks...Obama really screwed up on this health care thing, Thought we'd let the private sector prove that they could do it, and look what it got us. So if elected, we'll replace the current health care system with single payer. For everybody"
There has not been a budget to reconcile due to the inability to get one passed in the Senate. Why that happened is a debate in itself. Some blame blocking by the minority, some blame the majority for not giving enough ground to reach a compromise. Now they finally have a budget that is close enough to the House budget to be able to reconcile. I have actually talked to a high level staffer of a very conservative House member and he told me that they will pass the budget this year if they can only go to conference.

That scares the tea party Republican senate freshman who ran on the hate Obama and all things Democrat platform. If the House and Senate actually accomplish something, they cannot use that any longer. I truly believe that Cruz and Lee do not want any success stories coming out of a Democratic majority Senate. Rubio not so much; and Rand Paul is just out there.
Well then, in 2016 we may well see the GOP running on a "health care for those who can afford it...just like the good old days " platform, wouldn't it be a hoot for teh democrats to step up to the plate and say "Folks...Obama really screwed up on this health care thing, Thought we'd let the private sector prove that they could do it, and look what it got us. So if elected, we'll replace the current health care system with single payer. For everybody"

Ahh, comrade, you finally see the true end game we are committed to.
Single payor run by the government......cool.
Ahh, comrade, you finally see the true end game we are committed to.
Single payor run by the government......cool.
It would be less costly and more efficient that what the private sector insurance companies are doing.

For every "high cost preexisting condition" person they are being forced to cover, about 10,000 individuals who didn't have health insurance because they didn't feel they NEEDED health insurance are being mandated to purchase it. 10,000 premiums with no claims to offset one "preexisting condition" . And insurance companies apparently feel that they will be required to raise rates as much as 164% (according to your sources).
Unions want out of BaRackOcare !

"Union Head Calls Out Obama On False Obamacare Promises: Other Unions Drop Support, Want Repeal!"


"Panic: Democrats Fear Another Obamacare Backlash!"


With the MSM finally recognizing the BaRack administration for what it really is and Dems and Unions no longer behind BaRackOcare, scandals left and right, it's only a matter of time before the whole house of cards, come tumbling down !
So Southwind; is the 2014 Republican platform going to be "Repeal Obamacare?"
It would be less costly and more efficient that what the private sector insurance companies are doing.

For every "high cost preexisting condition" person they are being forced to cover, about 10,000 individuals who didn't have health insurance because they didn't feel they NEEDED health insurance are being mandated to purchase it. 10,000 premiums with no claims to offset one "preexisting condition" . And insurance companies apparently feel that they will be required to raise rates as much as 164% (according to your sources).

Why do you think the legislation was passed without any regulations in it?
The secretary shall.....
The fill in the blanks idea is to drive HC costs through the roof to put private ins out of business and make the populace beg for single payor....
Get used to paying triple what you are now....it will come and it will hurt for a long time.

And you drool at the chance gov't will run anything better than private industry....you are that stupid? More efficient....you do wear rose colored glasses.

So Southwind; is the 2014 Republican platform going to be "Repeal Obamacare?"

I doubt it, will be something like freaking out constituents demanding action.
Southwind...which would unions hate more, Obamacare or that law to abolish overtime pay and replace it with family friendly comp time? Would unions vote republican and their pro management/anti labor policies because they dislike Obamacare so much? LIfe ain't perfect, but I think most unions and union members are not likely to shove their heads up their asses and pull the lever for the GOP candidate - which would be a vote against their own best interests.
For anyone who wants to know what the republicans view of companies and employees is just come to Texas and check it out.
Southwind...which would unions hate more, Obamacare or that law to abolish overtime pay and replace it with family friendly comp time? Would unions vote republican and their pro management/anti labor policies because they dislike Obamacare so much? LIfe ain't perfect, but I think most unions and union members are not likely to shove their heads up their asses and pull the lever for the GOP candidate - which would be a vote against their own best interests.

All I'm gonna say is, git ready for the Sh!t to hit the fan, including the economy, when BaRackOcare is fully rammed down our throats !
For anyone who wants to know what the republicans view of companies and employees is just come to Texas and check it out.

"Job growth, sales tax collections and building permits all signal that the Texas economy continues to outpace the national economy. "


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