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Thoughts on selling drinks

What do you think about having to sell drinks on the airplane?

  • I'm so mad I'm going to call in sick August 1st.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm so mad I'm going to quit.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Me? Call in sick? Yeah right! I can't wait to see what happens on August 1st!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm over it. I really don't care.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like the idea because hopefully it will be less work for me and more time for my sudokus.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Frankly I am waiting for the union grievance from when someone is brought to the company's attention for not selling the drinks. Off hand I don't remember if the contract calls for this much "selling" of merchandise and I believe a good argument can be made that the company is unilaterally interpreting the contract beyond what is provided for in the contract or how the contract has previously been interpreted by the parties.

Ya what you said.oowww that sounds so legal. :up: :up: :up: In other words asking you to do more for less...lol How about just selling $5.00 drink vouchers.You get a big tagg with a number on it,if you have one drinks for free.They can ask at the ticket counter Sir will you be drinking today.Sort of like the $5.00 beer special but the show will be tamer.Hey dont be a meanie buy the kid a wienie :up: :up: :up: Actually beer and wine was always sold wasnt it.So there just uping the anti,but for water,lol thats
just not right.A couple broken apu's and revenue goes up.Hey theres a thought.... :up: :up: :up:

SATIRE ............. :down:
Ya what you said.oowww that sounds so legal. :up: :up: :up: In other words asking you to do more for less...lol How about just selling $5.00 drink vouchers.You get a big tagg with a number on it,if you have one drinks for free.They can ask at the ticket counter Sir will you be drinking today.Sort of like the $5.00 beer special but the show will be tamer.Hey dont be a meanie buy the kid a wienie :up: :up: :up: Actually beer and wine was always sold wasnt it.So there just uping the anti,but for water,lol thats
just not right.A couple broken apu's and revenue goes up.Hey theres a thought.... :up: :up: :up:

SATIRE ............. :down:
Next will be inflite vending machines and pay toilets, the FA will sell tokens to be used on both?
7 dollar beer?? there's a club near the airport in CLT the beer is colder, it is cheaper and btw there are several ladies with pretty much no clothes on dancing around

what a rip off this all is
I told you in my anouncement that correct change would greatly be appreciated...!!

Now I have to make the dreaded walk through the cabin....

"Change for a dollar??? " "Anyone have change?"...

Why announce that correct change would be appreciated.

Say that correct change is necessary, and let the passengers do the walk through the cabin looking for change.

Then, some enterprising pax can carry on a boatload of change and charge a usurious exchange fee (like the foreign currency exchanges in the airports and hotels.)
The sad thing about all this is that USAirways is losing some great flight attendants. I have friends leaving to go to Delta and Southwest day after day. They are the great flight attendants with personality that are offered positions with other companies. I left and went on 5 job interviews and ended up getting 5 job offers, none of them at airlines. US is not the same airline I was hired by 10 years ago, and a lot of people are beginning to realize the same. I felt like my job wasn't important, as the company would change our procedures without a blink of the eye. "Oh, we can have the F/A's sell sodas, they won't mind. Then we can send them on a 6 1/2 hour flight to SEA without any video entertainment, they won't mind that either. Oh, let's start charging for the first checked bag. The flight attendants are great at stowing all those carry on bags now. Let's give them a challenge." When I felt like I didn't matter anymore, I left. I know a lot of people planning on leaving before the holidays, as with 10-12 years you can't even hold Thanksgiving or Christmas off. This selling of sodas and no IFE just gave them the shove they needed to get out there and look for a new position.
It's funny how f/a's think they know what airlines should do and how the public will react. I have lived in CLT now for 4 years. 90 or so miles is GSO. Here we have passengers that will drive from CLT to GSO to save money and you all think passengers will seriously think about the overall small cost of something to drink and eat when most grab something in the airport anyway if the price is right? I think not. When Skybus was around, those same GSO passengers KNEW the more they got, the higher the overall price. Now that a "legacy" is doing it, the sky (no pun intended)is falling.

I just flew a trip and was amazed at how many people just took something because it was free...didn't act like they wanted it or needed it..just free. THEN, the darn stuff isn't even finished. More waste..just like food on redeyes and full cans on the shortest of flights.
Plus, word must be getting out as 1/4 of the passengers didn't want anything. Many also had money ready.

Listen, I don't want this anymore than the next person, but it is going to happen. The only ones biiatching are the FF and the company has shown them the door a looong time ago, so those comments no longer are valid. Employees are making FAR TOO MUCH about this. Bottom line, no change, no drink.
Just remember....all of you that are customers and the good people that make US fly....

We're All Stars In The (Tempe) Dope Show....
Heh, Mechanical Animals. Good album!

Well, the Crew Room Blitz starts a week from today, just four days before the rollout.

Nothing like waiting until the absolute last minute to let everyone know what the procedures will be.

This post is double ROT-13 encrypted to abate the snoops in Tempe.
Heh, Mechanical Animals. Good album!

Well, the Crew Room Blitz starts a week from today, just four days before the rollout.

Nothing like waiting until the absolute last minute to let everyone know what the procedures will be.

This post is double ROT-13 encrypted to abate the snoops in Tempe.

Tempe is probably still trying to figure out what the procedure is going to be.
I noticed today that the position of Inflight Auditor for the sales program is no longer listed on the US website.

Looks like they’re ready to start counting the $40M windfall coming their way!

This post is double ROT-13 encrypted to abate the snoops in Tempe.
The sad thing about all this is that USAirways is losing some great flight attendants. I have friends leaving to go to Delta and Southwest day after day. They are the great flight attendants with personality that are offered positions with other companies. I left and went on 5 job interviews and ended up getting 5 job offers, none of them at airlines. US is not the same airline I was hired by 10 years ago, and a lot of people are beginning to realize the same. I felt like my job wasn't important, as the company would change our procedures without a blink of the eye. "Oh, we can have the F/A's sell sodas, they won't mind. Then we can send them on a 6 1/2 hour flight to SEA without any video entertainment, they won't mind that either. Oh, let's start charging for the first checked bag. The flight attendants are great at stowing all those carry on bags now. Let's give them a challenge." When I felt like I didn't matter anymore, I left. I know a lot of people planning on leaving before the holidays, as with 10-12 years you can't even hold Thanksgiving or Christmas off. This selling of sodas and no IFE just gave them the shove they needed to get out there and look for a new position.

Ya know, this is going on pretty much everywhere in the USA and the world. Experience is over-rated. There I said it! Unfortunately, everybody is replaceable and I doubt the other airlines offer a rose garden to your liking.

With job cuts and cutting costs comes the reality...and I keep beating my head against the wall on this one...that work loads will increase. Personally I find it laughable that a small inconvenience such as charging for soda can create such a stir. People pretty much have their own IFEs with their computers, ipods, cds, dvds, etc., that makes them tolerable in the boring airport unlike in the past. I look at the luggage charge and soda charge as a future way to decrease weight. Less luggage as humans consider bringing what they need instead of what they own. Less soda as the sleepless US accountants figure out how many soda, juices and coffee are needed per flight.

Your industry sounds like yet another 24/7 industry where basically you have NO life. Holidays mean nothing when you owe your soul to the company store.

Welcome aboard...hope you enjoy the ride! :unsure:
You know I really, really dislike the idea of selling soft drinks

But I am going to fall back on that old business adage that "The patient (company) is sick and when something is sick it is not business as usual.

I am thoughtfully considering if this isn't the tipping point for me in this job and maybe it's time to go.

I am 50/50 on the company not having hard and fast procedures on it. We do tend to whine when they put rigid rules in place or whine when they don't.

But in the mean time I will try to make this work as well as I can for the passengers. I wish it could be well stocked a rolling bar with me making Appletinis with my Delta cocktail shaker and real Cherry cokes for the kiddies. I do feel it is a stretch but if selling somehow does work, I may get to do more customized things in the aisle. Offering the same old same old has become pretty boring and those paper umbrellas don't weigh much. :lol:

If it doesn't work the flight attendants certainly will let management know and something else will have to be done.

Just remenber one thing...passengers can smell fear.
How bout… “Drinks on Sellin’ Thoughtsâ€￾ ?
I still say we're charging for the wrong things. If we're going to p/o our passengers just to raise a little extra coin, let's make some coin. I say check all bags for free -- just impose an overweight fee for bags over 40 lbs. Give away soft drinks in coach. BUT sell CARRY ON BOARDING PASSES. Anyone can bring anything on that fits under a seat, BUT for anything larger -- like a rollaboard -- sell one carry-on boarding pass per customer for $50.00 or so. If a passenger shows up at the gate without a carry-on boarding pass, we gate check for free. Fewer carry-ons, faster boarding, better on-time performance, etc. Of course, you impliment policies that exempt your FF's, 1st Class (if in F/C day before departure or earlier), and FULL FARE coach customers. Since a lot of tickets are done via internet, passengers could purchase/print carry-on boarding passes from home, or do it at the airport at kiosks. Heck, for your top-tier FF's you could issue a "yearly boarding pass" in the form of a baggage name tag. Just a thought -- if you want to charge for something, charge for something that passengers can't replace at the Hudson News store in the airport for less money.
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