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This is what you can expect if you sign a card

Were we facing Bankruptcy in 1989 also?

June 5, 1989

TWU ratifies pact

Page: 6C
Estimated Printed Pages: 3

Article Text:
In a vote that surprised and disappointed its leadership, members of American Airlines'' Transport Workers Union have ratified a four-year contract worth $610 million in wages and benefits.
Throughout American''s system, affirmative votes were cast by 75.8 percent of the 22,000-member TWU membership, union leaders said.
In Tulsa, where 6,300 union members are employed at American''s Maintenance and Engineering Center at Tulsa International Airport, 66 percent of those voting cast ballots favoring ratification, said Ed Wilson, president of Local 514 of
the TWU.
American officials said they were pleased with the results of the vote, which was conducted nearly a month ago by the various union locals.
"We are delighted at the outcome of the TWU vote," said Charles Pasciuto, American''s vice president, employee relations.
"This contract includes many innovative provisions that will benefit both the company and its employees. This clears the way for us to continue building the airline by giving our customers the finest possible service on the industry''s youngest and best maintained fleet.
"It is a real win-win deal."
Wilson, who last month urged union members to reject the proposed contract in favor of a more generous proposal that would pay workers more than $900 million in wages and benefits, said he was surprised at the outcome.
"We made concessions while they (American) are making enormous profits," Wilson said. "I think it (the contract) is a big mistake on the part of both parties.
"We are going to give them $1.5 billion in wage concessions over the next four years. They are going to make so much money they''ll make General Motors look like pikers."
The new contract includes union concessions on work rules, wages, benefits and starting wage rates, Wilson said.
However, the contract did not include American''s initial proposal whereby employees would begin contributing toward their own health insurance, a key obstacle in early negotiations between the two sides.
That stumbling block was overcome with the company''s proposal of "flex benefits," under which the company will allocate to each employee a certain amount of money to be used toward benefits and the worker will be able to select the desired coverage.
The contract also accelerates the advancement of workers along American''s 14-step pay scale. Currently, it takes
workers 12 years to reach the top of the wage scale; workers sought to advance to the top in five years.
Under a compromise agreement, the two sides agreed that some workers could advance to the top of the scale in 10
years. The new scale will take effect in three years, Wilson said.
Much of the wage increases will go to workers at the top of American''s wage scale, TWU officials said.
Today, the industry average pay for senior TWU workers is about $20.50 per hour. American''s senior ground workers
will be paid $21.50 per hour under the new contract, Wilson said.
American, which is in the midst of an expansion program that calls for the airline to buy up to $2 billion worth
of new aircraft per year through the mid-1990s, sought to avoid a strike or wage concessions that would have come
at the expense of long-term growth, said American spokesman Al Becker.
"This contract allows us to continue our growth plan and through that we can continue to provide job opportunities and increasing job security.," Becker said.
Wilson said American negotiators told him that the new contract includes wages and benefits for 7,000 workers the company intends to hire during the next four years.
Instead of the new contract offering American TWU workers wages and benefits of more than $600 million, a more accurate figure would be about $390 million, not counting the money for new employees, Wilson said.
"We weren''t negotiating for those (new) people. We were negotiating for workers who are already with the company," Wilson said.
As far as the company''s assertion that the new contract assures workers job security, Wilson said, "The job security they gave us was for people who would not have been laid
off anyway in a growing industry."
Record Number: TUL36631


Threats cancel union meeting
By D. R. STEWART World Staff Writer

Threats of violence spurred by a dispute between two unions vying for representation of 8,000 American Airlines mechanics prompted the cancellation of an informational meeting Saturday at Owasso High School, union and school officials said.

Owasso School officials said they were forced to cancel the meeting Wednesday after receiving several phone calls from members of the Transport Workers Union of America, Local 514, which represents American Airlines mechanics. Local 514 is based at 11929 E. Pine St.

The high school principal, Rick Dossett, said the informational meeting, which was called by Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, a 40-year-old crafts union based in Minneapolis, aroused "concern" in Owasso among American Airlines employees.

"We let anybody use our facility, and there are a bunch of people at American Airlines who are upset about the AMFA meeting," Dossett said. "I told them they were going to have a meeting, and I was going to make sure the lights were on and the water was running.

"A fella from the (Transport Workers) union hall called about his concern that there would be about 300 people from his organization there, and he was not too sure that they wouldn't be hot."

Dossett said he told the TWU member that any person causing a disturbance at the school would be arrested.

The threat of violence at the school caused Owasso school officials to require AMFA to post a $1 million bond in lieu of potential damages. The bond was posted by the union Tuesday, but Owasso Superintendent Dale Johnson notified AMFA officers Wednesday that he was canceling the meeting, said AMFA National Director O.V. Delle-Femine.

Johnson could not be reached for comment.

"It shows you how frightened they are of little AMFA," Delle-Femine said. "They know the (TWU) members don't want them. Our members have dem onstrated that. It's a dogmatic, centralized dictatorship. All industrial unions are that way. They use strong-arm tactics, like they did to intimidate the (Owasso) school authorities."

TWU President Dennis Burchette said his union is not opposing any union organization effort.

"This is America," Burchette said. "We have a lot of members earning a good living at American Airlines . . . and they have another group wanting to come in with the potential to disrupt their livelihood. If someone was going to come in and disrupt your livelihood, wouldn't you be upset?"

Burchette said he has not made any statements to TWU members about the AMFA meeting. He said there is no way to keep its national membership of 30,000 members harmonious on any subject.

A mechanic at American Airlines who is a member of the TWU but did not wish to be identified said the Owasso meeting was the second in the past month that TWU members have attempted to scuttle. The previous meeting at the Brady Theater on March 27 was held but with low attendance after thousands of flyers were distributed notifying mechanics that the meeting was canceled, he said.

"We still had 200 people there who were interested in what AMFA had to say," the mechanic said. "There are a whole lot of aircraft mechanics who want AMFA to succeed. The TWU is not a very democratic union. A lot of union members feel they don't have much input into what's going on."

AMFA, which has been organizing in Tulsa for the past year, rescheduled the informational meeting for the Radisson Inn Airport, 2201 N. 77th East Ave., from noon to 2:30 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Delle-Femine said.

If 51 percent of TWU members sign cards certifying their interest in AMFA membership, an election will be called by the National Mediation Board to determine union representation.

D. R. Stewart can be reached at 581-8451.

The Constitution
AMFA is about power...
working with the company...
they have power over you.

The International Controls the members!
All labor unions, including AMFA, are required by the federal government to prepare constitutions setting forth the union''s organizational and financial structure as well as the various rules and regulations by which the union intends to govern its members. These "constitutions" are actually rulebooks, which become binding on all new members of any union. The AMFA constitution starts off with an oath of loyalty that reads as follows:
"I pledge on my honor to abide by the constitution of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association and the rules and Bylaws of Local ______ to discharge all my commitments, duties, and obligations to my union, fellow workers and employer faithfully; and to conduct myself at all times as becomes a member of this, a professional skilled association."
Read Dignity and Respect Link to see what this actually means to you!
The AMFA constitution contains approximately 56 pages of rules and regulations that are absolutely binding on you if you voluntarily join AMFA (or are involuntarily forced to join under a negotiated union shop clause). We think you should have the opportunity to carefully review this document to determine if these are the rules and regulations that you want to abide by.

View the Constitution

Note: Adobe Acrobat
Required to view documents

For example, Article XIII, Section 7 states: "Members shall discourage the working of overtime especially when fellow members are furloughed". How does the discouragement of working overtime benefit the employee? It doesn''t, but if employees are not working overtime, it may mean that a company would have to hire more employees, which would mean more dues for them. This helps the union, not you. When overtime is available, many employees willingly work it today—that could change under AMFA''s constitution. Look closely and see how many members actually believe this! The majority of the amfa members are out for themselves.
To see other examples of the rules and regulations that would be imposed on members, look under other areas of the board to see exactly what amfa means to you!
Who wrote this constitution? Not you. But you''re the ones who will have to obey every article, section and subsection...or face "Membership Trials." Local union members can file charges against their own members, try them, convict them and punish them with reprimands, fines, suspensions, expulsions, revocations of charters and more. Do you know amfa has brought charges against their own members while organizers condemn other unions?

In respect amfa changed their constitution recently and added several provisions that guarantee certain Individuals certain rights. Do you also know amfa is passing out the old constitution to deceive you into signing a card! Amfa will stop at nothing to get a card signed. That Includes lying!

Amfa is not only an Aviation Technician Union as they have preached in the past! They are now Representing Flight Attendants and are currently working to organizing Fleet Service Clerks.
Learn the Facts! Get informed before it is to late!

/HOME/ /AMFA HISTORY/ /Who Runs AMFA/ /OUTSOURCING/ /Lack of Dignity / /Bargaining/ /Representation/ /McCormick Group/ /Dues/ /Finances/ /Facts/ /Contact/ /Links/ /Constitution/ /Cleaners/ /Politics/ /TWU/ /TTD/ /AFL-CIO/

compliments of; www.the-mechanic.net

To sign a card for amfa is a vote to Eliminate your job at the Bases!

A search of whois database turned up this information on the mechanic.net

P.O. BOX 451


Administrative Contact::
HEATHER SISSON: domain-admin@onednr.com
P.O. BOX 451
Phone:: 918-695-5502
Notice that it is in Catoosa. I wonder if the twu membership at local 514 approved this expendature.
I notice that cio is always trying to discredit AMFA. Why dont you try and put forth the good points of the twu if you can find any. FI the twu is so great why did they fail miserably at trying to organize the Delta bag monkeys even after they got the second vote. I also notice that the website you like to quote is a copy of the mechanic.com, what took you soo long to copy it? Thats why unions like the twu and the iam are constantly loosing ground against better unions like AMFA.
This is what you can expect if you sign a Card!

OH! The cost of being amfa...
With the negotiations between Northwest Airlines and the little association that can''t headed for a dead-lock, amfa National Dictator O.V. Delle-Femine has said that he will decide the fate of his membership, and democracy be damned.
In a pair of letters dated February 3, 2001, Dictator Delle informed his membership that the Negotiating Committee (not the membership!) "extended the authority to the National (NEC) to determine which method of self-help (Chaos/Strike) to utilize and when to implement such action." (Click here and here for direct links to the amfa national web site)
This is the complete opposite to what amfa stated during its organizing drive at NWA. When the IAM tried to educate the amfaholics about Delle''s spineless, gonadless belief that strikes were ineffective, amfa responded by saying the membership would be allowed to decide between a strike or chaos if released into "self-help" by the National Mediation Board. Follow this link to read the Amfanuts.com prediction from June 22, 1999. Pay particular attention to the scan where Delle, in his own organizing propaganda, promises that amfa members would be allowed to decide for themselves what course of action is appropriate. It says:

"Our members will be acquainted with the different approaches that they can take and they will make the final decision. They will vote accordingly on what course of action they will want to take after the 30 day cooling off period. The choice is theirs to make. After all, who are we to dictate to our members?"
We couldn''t have asked a better question. Strike one for democracy
In the second Feb. 3 letter, Delle actually says that "The Association will not distribute the Company''s last or final offer for ratification." So members won''t even know what issues they are striking/involved in chaos over. Why won''t Delle let the members decide if Northwest''s last or final offer is worth accepting? Strike two for democracy.
And of course, when Delle allows you to vote, he makes it impossible.

"If we reach a T/A while on strike AMFA National will mail the accept/reject ballots and the T/A to all AMFA Locals. After a two-week review period (or less) the ratification vote will take place at Local meetings called for that purpose."
One quick look at amfa''s local structure shows how completely unacceptable this is. Delle, how is one of your members of who works in Houston, TX going to get to his assigned Local Lodge 5 in Detroit, MI 1,106 miles away for his ratification meeting. Or the poor amfa members in Honolulu, HI who have to travel to Seattle Washington (2,677 miles away!) for his Local Lodge 14 meeting? Remember, amfa will be on strike, and as such your members will have no pass benefits to travel between cities. What a great way to keep democracy out of your association - make it impossible to vote. Strike three for democracy. Amfa, ''yer out!!
Sadly, the only option left for Delle''s amfa membership is illustrated on the top of the page.
In case your were wondering how to contact the Department of Labor to complain about Delle''s abuse of power, that information can be found here.

Read carefully amfa changes how you should vote and dictates how a vote should be conducted. Is this another Lie Dave?

sign a card is to eliminate your job at the bases. Unlimited Farmout = amfa. Is this the track record to be proud of?

TWU SOLIDARITY IS THE KEY! Keep up the great job all you TWU Brothers and Sisters!
On 7/21/2003 7:39:54 PM Checking it Out wrote:

For example, Article XIII, Section 7 states: "Members shall discourage the working of overtime especially when fellow members are furloughed". How does the discouragement of working overtime benefit the employee? It doesn't, but if employees are not working overtime, it may mean that a company would have to hire more employees, which would mean more dues for them. This helps the union, not you. When overtime is available, many employees willingly work it today—that could change under AMFA's constitution. Look closely and see how many members actually believe this! The majority of the amfa members are out for themselves.

Boy, you are really losing it now.

One of the goals of the labor movement (along with increasing wages and benifits, not reducing them) is to shorten the workweek. Shortening the workweek, while raising pay, or lessening the amount of hours available for work without reducing income not only improves the lives of workers but also reduces unemployment by creating a demand for more workers. Unfortunately, among many of todays labor leaders, yourself apparently included, this concept has been abandoned in favor of theories that are espoused by the labor movements supposed arch enemy, the RTW committee: lower wages, longer workweeks to "create more jobs" (and higher profits).

The fact is that the idea of "overtime premiums" is that a penalty is exacted upon the employer by keeping a worker beyond the 40 hour week. When unions, such as the TWU fail to negotiate a wage that meets the members financial needs, or when members become consumed by insatiable materialism members often seek to work more than the standard 40 hours. The idea of turning down overtime in order to prevent an artificial surplus of labor that will then be used to put workers on the street is a true act of unionism. No union man would dispute this. Its effectiveness and applicability are really the only issues of debate.

The act of volunteering to work overtime while the employer is throwing your union brothers on the street is very similar to the act of scabbing. By working the overtime you are aiding the company and allowing it to maintain production while discarding workers.

"How does the discouragement of working overtime benefit the employee? It doesn't, but if employees are not working overtime, it may mean that a company would have to hire more employees, which would mean more dues for them. This helps the union, not you."

The discouragement of overtime helps to keep our union brothers working. Lets look at the recent TWU efforts.

The TWU negotiated away a week of vacation. For every 50 employees that lost a week, a surplus of one was created, allowing the company to lay off more workers without reducing production.
New TWU represented employees have perhsaps the lowest amount of paid vacation that any union member gets. One week. The standard, even for non-union companies is two weeks.

The TWU pushed back the date for system protection. So they told workers that in order to save their jobs they should give the company the right to eliminate them.

Basically the TWUs approach was to eliminate jobs and lower pay. Goals that mirror the company and the RTW Committee.

A unions should try to save jobs and raise pay, not say that they are trying to save jobs while making concessions that cost jobs while also cutting pay. This doublespeak that our union has used upon us is right out of the RTW Committee. Say a lie enough times and it become beleivable, that lower wages, less benifits and alloweing the company to lay off thousands of workers "creates" jobs. Yea, at the unemployment office.

Who wrote this constitution? Not you. But you're the ones who will have to obey every article, section and subsection...or face "Membership Trials." Local union members can file charges against their own members, try them, convict them and punish them with reprimands, fines, suspensions, expulsions, revocations of charters and more. Do you know amfa has brought charges against their own members while organizers condemn other unions?

Well from what I was told, the original Constitution was written by AA aircraft mechanics. It was written with the intent of correcting what they saw as the deficiencies of the TWU Constitution.

Amfa is not only an Aviation Technician Union as they have preached in the past! They are now Representing Flight Attendants and are currently working to organizing Fleet Service Clerks.

Well thats a new one, but hey, I like it! All airline workers in one union that is run by and for airline workers. Not where some sellout is appointed by a bus driver to impose terms that are favorable to the unions treasury at the expense of its workers. That uses our lives as "investment tools".A union where our interests as airline workers will not be traded off against funding for AMTRACK, Mass Transit or the Space program. A union that unites all airline workers regardless of the company they work for that would put wages ahead of the bottom line of any particular company. A union that is "specifically focused" just like the largest union in the AFL-CIO (SEIU) recommends, on THIS industry. A true "Industrial" union not the franchising structure that we have now where unions from other industries each take, and guard, their little piece of the action because under the RLA its a good source of steady dues!

Just imagine, "Industrywide Solidarity"! Instead of looking at our counterparts at UAL or USAIR as a competitor, we look at them as Brothers and Sisters! Imagine a real labor movement in the airline industry where the union works to get their workers the best pay that the industry can support instead of trying to underbid each other in a vain attempt to drive the other unions company out of business!

On 7/18/2003 7:07:50 PM Checking it Out wrote:

At NWA amfa representative in court testified they gave up 300,000,000 million in concessions this also would triger a reduced cost in dues. again this did not happen.

How much did they give up? $300,000,000,000,000?! Wow! Isnt that more than the GNP of the entire country? Those numbers are like something from the planetarium! "The closest star is X00,000,000,000,000 miles away or X light years".

Look. if you are going to lie, please dont assume that we are as dumb as you.

On 7/22/2003 7:51:38 PM Checking it Out wrote:

In a pair of letters dated February 3, 2001, Dictator Delle informed his membership that the Negotiating Committee (not the membership!) "extended the authority to the National (NEC) to determine which method of self-help (Chaos/Strike) to utilize and when to implement such action." (Click here and here for direct links to the amfa national web site)

Can the members vote out Delle? Can they vote out Little?

This is the complete opposite to what amfa stated during its organizing drive at NWA. When the IAM tried to educate the amfaholics about Delle's spineless, gonadless belief that strikes were ineffective, amfa responded by saying the membership would be allowed to decide between a strike or chaos if released into "self-help" by the National Mediation Board. Follow this link to read the Amfanuts.com prediction from June 22, 1999. Pay particular attention to the scan where Delle, in his own organizing propaganda, promises that amfa members would be allowed to decide for themselves what course of action is appropriate. It says:

"Our members will be acquainted with the different approaches that they can take and they will make the final decision. They will vote accordingly on what course of action they will want to take after the 30 day cooling off period. The choice is theirs to make. After all, who are we to dictate to our members?"
We couldn't have asked a better question. Strike one for democracy

Can the members vote out Delle? Can they vote out Little?

In the second Feb. 3 letter, Delle actually says that "The Association will not distribute the Company's last or final offer for ratification." So members won't even know what issues they are striking/involved in chaos over. Why won't Delle let the members decide if Northwest's last or final offer is worth accepting? Strike two for democracy.

Can the members vote out Delle? Can they vote out Little?

And of course, when Delle allows you to vote, he makes it impossible.

"If we reach a T/A while on strike AMFA National will mail the accept/reject ballots and the T/A to all AMFA Locals. After a two-week review period (or less) the ratification vote will take place at Local meetings called for that purpose."
One quick look at amfa's local structure shows how completely unacceptable this is. Delle, how is one of your members of who works in Houston, TX going to get to his assigned Local Lodge 5 in Detroit, MI 1,106 miles away for his ratification meeting. Or the poor amfa members in Honolulu, HI who have to travel to Seattle Washington (2,677 miles away!) for his Local Lodge 14 meeting? Remember, amfa will be on strike, and as such your members will have no pass benefits to travel between cities. What a great way to keep democracy out of your association - make it impossible to vote. Strike three for democracy.

Can the members vote out Delle? Can they vote out Little?
In case your were wondering how to contact the Department of Labor to complain about Delle's abuse of power, that information can be found here.

Read carefully amfa changes how you should vote and dictates how a vote should be conducted. Is this another Lie Dave?

sign a card is to eliminate your job at the bases. Unlimited Farmout = amfa. Is this the track record to be proud of?

What is the limit on farmout at AA? Are foreign AA employees counted as "farmed out" or in house? When they cancell the A-300 intereior checks and send them to England how is that counted? Well at least Union instructors got to do the training for the non certificated workers with no aviation experience over there to do our jobs. Oh I forgot, that does not matter because its only line work, like pushbacks, deicing etc, and it does not affect you and you are the majority!

TWU SOLIDARITY IS THE KEY! Keep up the great job all you TWU Brothers and Sisters!

What are they up to now, 7000 cards?

The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association is a craft oriented, independent aviation union. It is not an industrial union and represents only airline technicians and related employees in the craft or class in accordance with the National Mediation Board Rules and their dictates. AMFA is committed to elevating the professional standing of technicians and to achieving progressive improvements in the wages, benefits, and working conditions of the skilled craftsmen and women it represents.

AMFA was created in 1962 but did not represent any carrier until 1964 at Ozark Airlines. It later represented Pacific Airlines, Airlift International, Hughes Airwest, and Southern Airways. AMFA organized the non-union mechanics and related at United Express (ACA) and Mesaba Airlines (Northwest Airlink), and now AMFA represents Alaska and Northwest Airlines, America Trans Air, and Horizon technicians and related personnel. In thirty years AMFA has never accepted concessions, give-backs, two-tier pay scales, or "B" rate mechanics. One reason for this is that the local airline representatives, who are well-acquainted with their airline''s problems, are at the bargaining table with the national officers. AMFA also believes in having its members attend and observe contract negotiations. Although this is considered by many to be a novel idea, AMFA has been doing this in negotiations for years, and it has helped both sides to understand the problems and issues that must be resolved at the bargaining table.

To have all airline technicians and related employees under the AMFA "umbrella."

To raise the standards of and increase recognition of the technician and related class or craft for the protection of the profession. To afford protection for AMFA members before government agencies and expand the education of members'' rights and privileges before Congress whenever it pertains to the craft.

Contract Negotiations
AMFA hires professionals at the bargaining table to present and utilize their particular expertise. For example, in economic areas AMFA hires a financial expert; in the pension and welfare areas we hire a pension actuary. The contract language is reviewed by AMFA''s legal counsel before presenting it to the company. During the course of negotiations, AMFA''s legal counsel is present at the table or available by phone or fax, depending upon the need. Members can observe negotiations on their days off, which educates the membership and furthers understanding of what it takes to negotiate a contract.

When a contract is submitted to AMFA-represented technician and related members for a vote, the total package is presented. It is not merely a summary or highlights sheet.

AMFA dues are two times your base rate of pay, excluding differentials and premiums. For example, if your base pay is $20 per hour, your monthly dues are $40. Dues include representation by a lawyer for a member in arbitration and before the FAA. AMFA also has a $500 fine protection program to offset the cost of a fine.

AMFA has proven to be the only democratic organization for technical aviation professionals. Through local autonomy the members control all aspects of their union. AMFA is the most democratic union in the airline industry. All officers, from Shop Representative to the National Director, are elected by secret ballot and can be recalled by the Membership. Safety & Standards is an integral part of our constitution, covering all members, and is not relegated to a "committee." AMFA''s structure is illustrated by this Organizational Pyramid.

Technicians and related members vote on all major issues including contract ratification, letters of agreement, amendments to Local Bylaws, and the AMFA Constitution. They also have the authority to elect and recall all AMFA officers.

Local Officers and Representatives are elected by the Local Membership and can be recalled by the Membership. A petition signed by 25 percent of the members begins the recall procedure.

The National Office assists the Locals throughout the system. The National Executive Council hires professionals to provide CPA accounting, legal representation, labor relations advice, insurance/pension actuaries, and National administration. National officers oversee these professionals and report to the Membership. Candidates for national office need the endorsement of only one Local to have his or her name placed on the ballot. National officers are subject to the same recall procedures as Local officials
On 7/21/2003 9:43:43 PM The Dissident wrote:

I notice that cio is always trying to discredit AMFA. Why dont you try and put forth the good points of the twu if you can find any. FI the twu is so great why did they fail miserably at trying to organize the Delta bag monkeys even after they got the second vote. I also notice that the website you like to quote is a copy of the mechanic.com, what took you soo long to copy it? Thats why unions like the twu and the iam are constantly loosing ground against better unions like AMFA.

Simply put, the TWU''s newest approach is "yeah, we suck. But AMFA is WORSE!"
And the greatest oxymoron of all time has got to be "twu solidarity". What a F##KING JOKE! Even in tulsa, about 80% of the twu t-shirts on the floor are worn because they''re "free". Not because the guys love the twu. Well maybe in teo machine shops, but that really is it. CIO, your days are numbered. And if you didn''t think so too, you wouldn''t put so much effort into fighting us. You know that if there is ever an election, the TWU is GONE! Shakin'' in your boots, ain''t ya?
You should be.
On 7/18/2003 8:22:24 AM AAmech wrote:

TUL is a miserable has-been PIT of a city. If you've ever lived anywhere else you'd know what I mean!! I WANT MY HARDSHIP PREMIUM!!!

Then you should have voted NO!