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This is what you can expect if you sign a card

On 7/17/2003 8:21:34 PM Bob Owens wrote:

Thats a dilemma we face regardless of who represents us.

The solution lies in having people with a few working synapses taking over and leading with honesty and common sense. You cant tell me that out of 6000 people Randy is the best that can be found. I'd rather see Dennis, at least he had a lot more on the ball. Randy is wacked, especially with his trying to take away MRT as a swap for half pay Holidays. My first impression of Randy was that he was retarded. His stupid, unbelievably selfish move to eliminate the paltry premium that our guys, who lose years off their lives working nights in the worst of conditions, only confirms it. He is obviously being manixxxxted by others.

Bob, that is what happens when you have elections. I think that you are astute enough to realize that.

Exactely what scares me of the AMFA idea of having someone with "charisma" trying to get the vote of members who have never seen or heard candidate, vote for him for a position on the National Board. PR seldom equals profficiency for the job. Randy Mc was elected as spare tire, which hopefully will teach people to look at the VP candidates a little closer.
AMFA Airline Rep. Asks Management for Disciplinary Action Against a Member
August 14, 2003

Jerry Holiday, the Airline Rep. at Horizon Air for Local 17, has gone to management twice in the last 2 weeks to seek disciplinary action against someone in the bargaining unit.

The first allegations came on July 30th when Mr. Holiday told someone that the anti-AMFA sign that was displayed along with his company and airport I.D. offended him. This individual removed this item immediately as to not offend the Airline Rep. and because Horizon Air had just recently distributed a brochure about harassment in the workplace.

A few days latter the manager of the individual spoke with him about his anti-AMFA sign. The manager stated that he had to follow up since there were allegations of harassment. (This individual respects his manager and has no ill will towards him and understands why the manager had to follow up.)

Then on August 6th Jerry Holiday once again went to management about an article that was written and placed on this website. Because someone had printed off the article and left it in Jerry's work area. Of course Jerry once again claimed that he was being harassed and demanded that the company do something about it. Holiday also accused the same individual who had displayed the anti-AMFA sign of making the copies of the article and placing them in Jerry's work area because of his affiliation with the Watch Dogs.

I find it disheartening that the Airline Rep. who is suppose to represent and work for the bargaining unit is instead, it appears, is working for management in an effort to harass and retaliate against the people who work on this website.

Well it is good to know that our efforts have not been in vain. We said we would bring out the truth and hold AMFA accountable for their actions. Now that we have them on the hot seat again they are going to management to solve their problems. If Jerry and the rest of these AMFA kool-aid drinkers where honest and upfront with their activities they would not be so offended by this website and those affiliated with it.

If the officers of AMFA are unable to perform their duties in a level of professionalism and integrity that the membership demands then maybe they should resign.

The Watch Dogs
We are Watching!
And TWU Officers/Supporters RAT OUT AMFA supporters on a daily basis.

GT Bunch, Dennis Burchette, Mary and Kevin Gorremans, Kevin Hammack are just a few that have been recently been identified as RATS.

TWU cannot defend themselves, so they BEG management for help and assistance in stopping communication and card signing.

I even have a copy of the transcript from RATFEST '99 that is a clear example of TWU supporters ratting and begging AA mangement for assistance. Care to read the transcript again?

Must be a sad state, to find yourself unable to defend the union based on a history and actions, and instead, beg for management defense.
yEAH cio ask dennis burchett about rat fest 99 and Randy the wienerMcDonald about last week you guys are sore losers. I cant wait til the day you sorry bastards have to return to your tool boxs, we will be waiting for ya
It does not appear that these individuals want to return to their tool boxes. What are the possibilites that they cross titles and work with Fleet Service or stores?
AMFA Airline Rep. Asks Management for Disciplinary Action Against a Member
August 14, 2003
Jerry Holiday, the Airline Rep. at Horizon Air for Local 17, has gone to management twice in the last 2 weeks to seek disciplinary action against someone in the bargaining unit.
No not fishing. If you want the TWU so badly, is it your intent that if AMFA becomes the bargaining agent for the mechanic craft and class, that you will stay with the TWU?
Buck..to be honest with you..if AMFA would be my bargaining agent I will for the first time in my union career be a thorn in their side. I will take every move they make and put it under a microscope to look for a flaw and then cut and paste every flaw I do find. I will wait my 2 years and then proceed to attain card signatures for another AFL-CIO union. I will be everything I detest now.....that is if they don't put a 38% cap on AA's outsourcing and furlough me.
If AMFA were to become your bargaining agent you should ensure that they are operating per the membership and the constitution. You would have a constitutional right to remove officers and actually make changes to the way AMFA operates. It would seem that you have not taken the time to read the AMFA constitution? I would request that you do so. And please tell me why you advocate the AFL-CIO affiliation to the mechanic craft and class? They have done nothing to aid our cause or profession.
So you are blaming AMFA for the decision the TWU and Mr. Kasher made?
Buck said:
So you are blaming AMFA for the decision the TWU and Mr. Kasher made?

According to Steve, everythings AMFA's fault. If this guy would of signed his card in 99 we could of had AMFA at TWA and with your signed cards at the merger, we would of had enough for an election. AMFA would of most likely prevailed and a good chance Steve would of had his 35,28,25,15 years seniority minus of course the management years.
Yes I do not understand his generalization of AMFA, because they are not AFL-CIO. Steve could be a member of AMFA and still send his money to them. I will tell you right now, had AMFA been at TWA and the TWU at AA, TWU would have fought all the way to not give Steve his seniority. That is a fact! So by displaying loyalty to the TWU because they are affiliated with the AFL-CIO has placed him where he is today. 100% in MCI, 25% in some stations and 4/10/2001 at all others. I woudl not harp on the management years. In my opinion he has made a grievious error in judgement and is most likey regretting it to this day. But that is his business. I have seen quite a few take this course. Most of them attempt to come back to the union. Some make it in time to protect their seniority others do not.