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This Is The Stance All Unions Should Take

All of this lovely conversation aside, has anyone yet demonstrated a way for US employees to NOT give concessions and have the airline survive? In all seriousness, there are many things management can do to cut costs. And I know that many of these ideas have been suggested by employees. Now..

Show us the efficiencies that will make it happen (the 1.5 billion in cuts that they need) without eliminating employees or cutting their wages and/or benefits. Given today's price of oil and the revenue US is seeing right now (or lack thereof), just how can the airline survive??? EVERYONE is screaming that there are too many airlines flying in the USA today. What is going to make US be one that sticks around?

Two other off-topic comments:

geo1004 is a customer (and a high volume one at that) and I think Bush is a friggin' idiot and I'd rather see anyone in the oval office than that paste-eating moron. 😛
The unions offer cost cutting idea all the time its up to management to implement them.
Hey Yunz! I got an idea. Lets change the name of the airline to ConcessionAir and every year or so we can give the company more concessions to keep the airline afloat. After they blow that money we can give them more! And when they blow that we can give them more! Get real! Nothing this company has done the last few years has shown me that they are serious about staying in business. They just seem to be trying their hardest to run us into the ground. As a matter of fact I have been with this company for over 32 years and it is amazing that we are still in business today. If we would have run an airline instead of postering for union busting and dividing and conquering we probably would be as sucessful as Southwest. The last time I saw any good relations and trust with management was when Les Barnes was CEO of the company (Allegheny Airlines). There was a little for a while with Colodny but he eventually started the downfall of this airline by his obsession with the Teamsters Union on the property and concentrated his time and effort on ridding the company of the Union. Consequently the time effort and Tons and Tons of money finally accomplished his goal. Had equal effort,time and money been geared towards running an airline we would not be in the trouble we are in today. The end is near and you are a fool to think anything different no matter what transpires.
700UW said:
The company wants to eliminate 900+ utility
700UW I agree with you 99.9% of the time but there’s only one way your going to get the cleaners to vote yes. SEVERENCE!

Same goes with the mechanics, reservation agents, customer service agents, rampers, flight attendants and whatever other group I failed to mention.

The one group I intentionally didnt mention was the Pilots. They'll eat their young and whore themselves out to the company in a New York minute... what choice do they have?
Although IAM is militant at times, it is also a highly pragmatic and forward-thinking organization (which is more than can be said for other airline unions that are currently fighting bloody civil wars between the mainline and regional ranks). The IAM undoubtedly has hired/contracted accountants and analysts to run the numbers on US Airways and determine what needs to be done by the union. However, there is no need whatsoever for IAM to show its hand until the other unions have done so, so that the IAM can take the least amount of damage. 🙂
It is back to where we all were before the last bankruptcy. Trust management or trust a judge.

The devil you know lost the last one.

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