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This Is The Stance All Unions Should Take

mweiss said:
Wenn nur es so war.

But, hey, since I have so much to learn, why not teach me how US would still be flying today if the concessions weren't given before now? You know as well as the rest of us that the business plan wasn't going to change, and there's less than $1B in the bank...where would the money have come from, oh learned one?
Translation to your statement is: “If only it so wasâ€￾ Gee, now that makes sense.

Understand this learned one. I don’t have to debate you on any level, why? Because you just don’t count…G_O_O_D Bye
US management lied to the employees and violated the contracts we gave concessions twice and have they not utilized the concessions we gave them. They have not enacted $100 million in cost savings the IAM showed them.

Hate to say it, but this place is doomed to fail, because they lied, cheated and stolen from the employees and declared war upon them.

So all of you non-employees can waste your time posting but you are not living in our shoes. You have not had 20,000 of your employees shown the door, taken massive paycuts only to be lied too and see corporate executives ruin this company even further only to be rewarded when they leave.

You all need a reality check and should start worrying about your own lives and let the employees excercise our rights to decide our own fate.

Sorry burn me once, you are not gonna burn me twice, and it was the EMPLOYEES who gave $1.2 Billion per year and 20,000 jobs to keep this place in business, not management!
700UW said:
Hate to say it, but this place is doomed to fail, because they lied, cheated and stolen from the employees and declared war upon them.
Of course it is. It just would have failed sooner without the concessions, that's all. But you know that, even if your fellow mechanic doesn't know or refuses to acknowledge it.

You all need a reality check and should start worrying about your own lives and let the employees excercise our rights to decide our own fate.
Trust me, my life is in fine order now. But, more than that, I really don't much care how you vote...I just hope you do it with your eyes open. If you really want to shut the company down, then so be it. It's a shame, because I don't think there's a single airline that had greater potential in 1989 than USAir.

I just consider it my great fortune that I never chose to accumulate my miles in the DM program.
Let me ask you this,

The company wants to eliminate 900+ utility and all of reservations, how would you expect those workers to just say yes, let me vote yes and give my job away while others make millions off of them?

Why don't you go and campaign for the company and visit each one of them and their families and sit down at the table and say I am going to take your job away from you and give you nothing.
700UW said:
Why don't you go and campaign for the company and visit each one of them and their families and sit down at the table and say I am going to take your job away from you and give you nothing.
Similarly, why don't you go and campaign for the union and visit every employee...including those who would not get laid off were the vote to be "yes"...sit with their families at the table and say "I'm going to take your job away too because otherwise it's not fair to the other families."

All I'm saying is that there are two edges to the sword. Neither of them is pretty. My choice would have been to leave the sinking ship, but obviously you made a different choice. That's your prerogative, and my goal (contrary to your belief) has never been to change your mind. Rather, it's to suggest that there is another perspective worth investigating before checking the box on the ballot.
The union will and has visited every single station during the previous two rounds of concessions to let every member ask questions and get informed of what is going on.

And there is no trust from employee to management when they have tried to steal our work away from us, sorry the buck stops here!

How does the crow taste?
700UW said:
How does the crow taste?
Excuse me? What crow? It's not like union leadership is going to be any less biased than US management...they're just going to have a different bias. It's when one listens to both sides of the argument that one can come to an intelligent decision.
mweiss said:
Excuse me?

an intelligent decision.

Bargaining with the devil is a no win situation so one takes his chances and lets the chips, NOT CHIP, fall where they may, which will not be any less favorable outcome given the devil we know.
mweiss said:
Of course it is. It just would have failed sooner without the concessions, that's all. But you know that, even if your fellow mechanic doesn't know or refuses to acknowledge it.

Trust me, my life is in fine order now. But, more than that, I really don't much care how you vote...I just hope you do it with your eyes open. If you really want to shut the company down, then so be it. It's a shame, because I don't think there's a single airline that had greater potential in 1989 than USAir.

I just consider it my great fortune that I never chose to accumulate my miles in the DM program.
The point is someone made a assumption that since concessions was a certain amount of money and USAirways has so much money now that it means without that exact amount of concessions USAirways would not be here now.

Who is to say if employees only gave up 1/2 as much and USairways fixed the inefficiencies and revamped its operation that USairways wouldn't be in a better spot today? And Bonner invested a diffferent amount. Or maybe they wouldn't be here at all.

There are just to many different variables to know what would have happened if it didn't happen just as it did. To blatently say they would not be here well is reading tea leaves.

1989 was a long time ago. If so many people don't care how employees vote why are so many giving advice? Like gee are they all kids and need to have their hands held? Don't you think they have lived with this long enough to make rational decision? Especially without some outsider telling them to open their eyes?
usairways_vote_NO said:
Who is to say if employees only gave up 1/2 as much and USairways fixed the inefficiencies and revamped its operation that USairways wouldn't be in a better spot today?
Except they wouldn't have. And you know that. There was never any intention to fix those things.

If so many people don't care how employees vote why are so many giving advice?
Well, I hardly consider my contribution to be advice. That's probably a good thing, since if it were nobody would be taking it anyway! :lol:
mweiss said:
Except they wouldn't have. And you know that. There was never any intention to fix those things.
You are probably right but faced with certain extinction and a ungiving workforce you never know.

Maybe just like this round
usairways_vote_NO said:
You are probably right but faced with certain extinction and a ungiving workforce you never know.

Maybe just like this round
The sad part is that you'll never know until the wolf eats you that the boy was actually telling the truth.
mweiss said:
The sad part is that you'll never know until the wolf eats you that the boy was actually telling the truth.
Well if he eats me I will never know or care so its moot point.Well it depends where he begins munching and how fast I go but if he starts with my face I guarantee he won't want to finish
700UW said:
Let me ask you this,

The company wants to eliminate 900+ utility and all of reservations, how would you expect those workers to just say yes, let me vote yes and give my job away while others make millions off of them?

Why don't you go and campaign for the company and visit each one of them and their families and sit down at the table and say I am going to take your job away from you and give you nothing.
doesn't it seem as if they want to force a no vote??
what scheme do they have concocted to circumvent the unions ala lorenzo 2004??
defcon 5 baby....
It's not rocket science......I agree and have been saying the same thing all along.

UAIR WANTS another go at BK so they can *atone for their shortcommings in the first BK visit <_< .

*another word for hosing the employees more :down: :down:

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