mweiss said:
Well, guess what? I agree with geo, I can't stand Bush, I believe Rush is one of the most obnoxious jerks to walk the planet, and I happen to know exactly how geo's going to vote on concessions. 😉
Guess what, folks? He's one of your customers. Not a pilot. Not a ramper. Not a flight attendant. Not a mechanic.
And, instead of attacking the person, how about explaining how his math is wrong? Without those concessions, explain how US Airways would still be moving people from Point A to Point B.
Another non U employee spouting off on what’s best for us the employees and why we are insane not to follow the piper into the river.
It’s real easy to “think†one perceives things clearly when you don’t walk the walk like we the embattled employees do every day of our lives.
If we listened to such nonsense then why bother paying unions dues, just let management pillage the employees without restraint, a management that has no business in a business that obviously overwhelms them when the going gets tough.
It’s funny how many non-employees insist on putting their two cents in, when it comes to these issues I totally disagree with the likes of piney and others because I feel it’s simply NONE of a non employees damn business what we as employees decide to do, it’s OUR fate, and NOT theirs! I appreciate the fact they are passengers, but that is where it ends.
Then we have business gurus (n their mind anyway) telling us what, how, why lest we perish. Funny I don’t see the wizards who make a rare appearance when things are bad telling us why we MUST SUBMIT least we all die. Seems I am still ticking as well as my fellow U employees.
I think that the people who make this airline run, “ALL THE UNION MEMBERS†of U know what's best for THEMSELVES without the outside wisdom from passengers or business students or ANY non employee who believes they know what’s best for us the U employee, to them I say, bug off and just shut the hell up! Public forum or otherwise it’s NONE of your business what we decide, period!!