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This Is The Stance All Unions Should Take

geo1004 said:
Do some VERY simple math: The unions have given up over a billion in cuts. US currently has less than a billion in the bank. If those cuts were not implimented, where would US be now? Gone...poof into thin air with nothing left of "US Airways" but a bunch of whiners on the internet and a bunch of old 737-300 and -400s sitting in the hot sun out west.
How simplistic is that statement? Try using more then grammar school math.

I suggest when it goes "poof" you will be in that bunch whining along with USA320Pilot. Also remember you can use internet free at the library
cavalier said:
So let me guess:

You love Bush, you're a Ditto Head and you're voting YES--- AGAIN.
Well, guess what? I agree with geo, I can't stand Bush, I believe Rush is one of the most obnoxious jerks to walk the planet, and I happen to know exactly how geo's going to vote on concessions. 😉

Guess what, folks? He's one of your customers. Not a pilot. Not a ramper. Not a flight attendant. Not a mechanic.

And, instead of attacking the person, how about explaining how his math is wrong? Without those concessions, explain how US Airways would still be moving people from Point A to Point B.
mweiss said:
Guess what, folks? He's one of your customers. Not a pilot. Not a ramper. Not a flight attendant. Not a mechanic.

And, instead of attacking the person, how about explaining how his math is wrong? Without those concessions, explain how US Airways would still be moving people from Point A to Point B.
For the sake of disclosureI have never said I am employee or customer.

Would you like to disclose Mweiss? Now that you disclosed Geo1004.

You of all people with your penchant for analyzing should know that everything isn't just black and white. There are too many variables. No one knows what would have happened without the cuts and no one knows in real term what those cuts saved in actual costs
Negotiate? Negotiate a contract, only for it to be reopened and regotiated, and now a second time reopened for renegotiation - with all the agreed to language put to paper with disappearing ink!!
Sort of like senior management who with their plans and strategies disappear, exiting to greener pastures through Crystal City's revolving doors. Replacing them are the latest officers with their own new demands of further sacrifice.

And for those who claim all must sacrifice, I can only respond that not all sacrifices are created equally.
mweiss said:
Well, guess what? I agree with geo, I can't stand Bush, I believe Rush is one of the most obnoxious jerks to walk the planet, and I happen to know exactly how geo's going to vote on concessions. 😉

Guess what, folks? He's one of your customers. Not a pilot. Not a ramper. Not a flight attendant. Not a mechanic.

And, instead of attacking the person, how about explaining how his math is wrong? Without those concessions, explain how US Airways would still be moving people from Point A to Point B.
Another non U employee spouting off on what’s best for us the employees and why we are insane not to follow the piper into the river.

It’s real easy to “think†one perceives things clearly when you don’t walk the walk like we the embattled employees do every day of our lives.

If we listened to such nonsense then why bother paying unions dues, just let management pillage the employees without restraint, a management that has no business in a business that obviously overwhelms them when the going gets tough.

It’s funny how many non-employees insist on putting their two cents in, when it comes to these issues I totally disagree with the likes of piney and others because I feel it’s simply NONE of a non employees damn business what we as employees decide to do, it’s OUR fate, and NOT theirs! I appreciate the fact they are passengers, but that is where it ends.

Then we have business gurus (n their mind anyway) telling us what, how, why lest we perish. Funny I don’t see the wizards who make a rare appearance when things are bad telling us why we MUST SUBMIT least we all die. Seems I am still ticking as well as my fellow U employees.

I think that the people who make this airline run, “ALL THE UNION MEMBERS†of U know what's best for THEMSELVES without the outside wisdom from passengers or business students or ANY non employee who believes they know what’s best for us the U employee, to them I say, bug off and just shut the hell up! Public forum or otherwise it’s NONE of your business what we decide, period!!
cavalier said:
Another non U employee spouting off on what’s best for us the employees and why we are insane not to follow the piper into the river.
Translation: "I know you're right, and I can't argue against it. But I'm still mad as hell at management because they suck, so I'll attack anyone who has a valid point."

It’s real easy to “think†one perceives things clearly when you don’t walk the walk like we the embattled employees do every day of our lives.
Translation: "And since I am a mechanic, understanding basic math isn't in my job description. It makes complaining much easier."

It’s funny how many non-employees insist on putting their two cents in, when it comes to these issues I totally disagree with the likes of piney and others because I feel it’s simply NONE of a non employees damn business what we as employees decide to do, it’s OUR fate, and NOT theirs! I appreciate the fact they are passengers, but that is where it ends.
Translation: "I can't understand why it is that every time I post my opinion on a public bulletin board, people who shouldn't have posting rights keep posting! Can't they just give me their money and walk away???"

I think that the people who make this airline run, “ALL THE UNION MEMBERS†of U know what's best for THEMSELVES without the outside wisdom from passengers or business students or ANY non employee who believes they know what’s best for us the U employee, to them I say, bug off and just shut the hell up! Public forum or otherwise it’s NONE of your business what we decide, period!!
Translation: "The airline would do just fine if the only people on the payroll were pilots, FAs, rampers, agents, and especially mechanics. Oh, yeah, and if customers just handed us their wallets and kept their mouths shut."

Now you are a mind reader?

Unbelievable, why are all non-employees so concerned with what the EMPLOYEES do?
mweiss said:
Translate this, it’s legit and truthful, oh learned one.

Sie sind auf sich gesteckt, der glaubt, daß Ihr Denkvermögen die Welt in Brand setzen wird, wenn in Realität Sie viel haben, Sohn zu lernen.
Theirs is put on itself which believes that your reasoning power sets on fire the world if in reality you have a lot to learn son
Wenn nur es so war.

But, hey, since I have so much to learn, why not teach me how US would still be flying today if the concessions weren't given before now? You know as well as the rest of us that the business plan wasn't going to change, and there's less than $1B in the bank...where would the money have come from, oh learned one?

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