This Is The Stance All Unions Should Take

Sep 9, 2002
IAM says: "We're not negotiating any contract changes with US Airways, period,'' Joe Tiberi, a spokesman for the International Association of Machinists, said yesterday. He said the union would be willing to discuss ways the company could save money through improved efficiencies.

Though this surely isn't the only problem USAirways faces it should be be a starting point for any costs savings. Inefficiencies cost money and they should have been addressed years ago. It should be looked at in every facet of the airlines operation including non-union.

Fix inefficiencies before of giving any concessions. Force the company to put up or shut up. The company has operated like this for way too long so lack of time now is no excuse. They need to stop throwing money away.

Another thing is to abide by the contracts they have and work on getting employees trust and morale back. The back-stabbing has got to stop.
yes but they have absolutely zero interest in IAM cost cutting/savings.
most of IAM savings comes from in house maintenance which U is loath to deal with and wants out of in their latest futile attempt at concessions.
usairways_vote_NO said:
Another thing is to abide by the contracts they have and work on getting employees trust and morale back. The back-stabbing has got to stop.
:down: I hate to be pessemistic but I don't think company could ever get morale or trust back. it's to far gone. Just waiting to get laid off. hope I don't get screwed out of severance. :down:
IAM is the last union you would want to hold as an example..
Even though I agree that Usairways need to fix what inefficient in its system taking the position that you will not enter talks unless sounds like a deal-breaker to me
Maybe all unions should meet with management and negoitiate the waste away with any pay-cuts that comes in...

Choice either you make your destiny or let the BK court deliver your fate
I've got to think we'll get a fairer shake with judge. Remember last time we wern't allowed to negotiate because there wasn't "enough time" Furthermore when we did vote it down we were told we were confused and had a re-vote forced upon us! :angry:
Why would you negotiate with a management who can't adhere to the very contracts they have all ready renegotiated twice?
How many "deals" does it take before enough is enough. How many "deals" does it take before the company execs actually start taking concrete action to reform the company. Why must they always wait for the next "deal?"
There is zero trust and people are treated extremely bad. Most just want it to be over and will not vote to give anything no matter how small.

-No matter what you think Ike this is true.
Winglet said:
Why must they always wait for the next "deal?"
My opinion: Because we have no real leadership.

This company has been running on pure momentum for the last decade. We still have the good old boy management structure in place with only the very top management being replaced every other year and not addressing this deadly issue but instead leaving the same old bald tires in place, even praising them and showering them with bonus.

You have the likes of Glass who only exasperates this cancerous culture with his punitive policies and his hardliner management style .

We have become a house divided and what little momentum U did have is being sucked away by the LCC’s invasion.

The money people in charge either don’t see this reality or simple don’t care.

It’s a proven fact a company will not prosper with such a culture of tyranny in place.

What is amazing is the fact that U is still standing and that alone says how strong U once was and how strong it could have become if only U had the right people to lead in place, but sadly that has never happened.

Lakefield is just a name change, a facade to cover the flaws that have not been addressed with all the unions seeing this reality except ALPA who obviously feels desperate enough to even sit down with this management and their cancerous tendril culture.

I still believe as I said on another thread; firing Glass would be like picking a scab while the rest of the infection is still underneath festering. Keeping this entire good old boy tyrannical style management in place with praises and bonuses will be our demise, and until or if it ever changes I will not even entertain listening to what this management has to say and why I back the IAM’s stance 5000%, it only makes sense given the insanity present at U.
At least in BK the company must adhere to the judges ruling. And you know what?
The BK judge also must abide by the BK codes and all the particulars therein. So it would be hard for any UAIR sponsored Tom-Foolery to take place as it has on company property <_< .

But make NO mistake......we are HOSED regardless :blink:
usairways_vote_NO said:
IAM says: "We're not negotiating any contract changes with US Airways, period,'' Joe Tiberi, a spokesman for the International Association of Machinists, said yesterday. He said the union would be willing to discuss ways the company could save money through improved efficiencies.

Though this surely isn't the only problem USAirways faces it should be be a starting point for any costs savings. Inefficiencies cost money and they should have been addressed years ago. It should be looked at in every facet of the airlines operation including non-union.

Fix inefficiencies before of giving any concessions. Force the company to put up or shut up. The company has operated like this for way too long so lack of time now is no excuse. They need to stop throwing money away.

Another thing is to abide by the contracts they have and work on getting employees trust and morale back. The back-stabbing has got to stop.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We've heard that before!!!!!! If the IAM had a set, I would still have a job or US Airways would be out of business. Full pay to the last day. If they want money or jobs, tell 'em to look elsewhere. The concession stand is CLOSED! :angry:
Isn't it the fiduciary obligation of any Union, to negotiate on behalf of the menbership, for the benefit of it's members...? Or is it better to have a BK Court force wages/rules upon us {those who choose to stay}

I'm sure there will be ludicrous requests by the company, but making counter offers may be a wise move. How would the judge look at good faith negotiations, as opposed to no negotiations...?

Sure, BK II is drawing near, isn't it time for a battle plan...?
Hold on now cannot say the company does not honor the contracts it agree's to. I can think of four right of the top of my head that the company honored without the blink of an eye........Wolf & Gangwal and Siegel & Cohen. So I cannot understand why the majority of the posters on these boards do not trust the company..... :p :lol:
700UW said:
Why would you negotiate with a management who can't adhere to the very contracts they have all ready renegotiated twice?
Do you refer the contracts that management renegotiated so the company would cut costs and not fold? Oh... nevermind... I just answered my question.

Do some VERY simple math: The unions have given up over a billion in cuts. US currently has less than a billion in the bank. If those cuts were not implimented, where would US be now? Gone...poof into thin air with nothing left of "US Airways" but a bunch of whiners on the internet and a bunch of old 737-300 and -400s sitting in the hot sun out west.
geo1004 said:
Do you refer the contracts that management renegotiated so the company would cut costs and not fold? Oh... nevermind... I just answered my question.

Do some VERY simple math: The unions have given up over a billion in cuts. US currently has less than a billion in the bank. If those cuts were not implimented, where would US be now? Gone...poof into thin air with nothing left of "US Airways" but a bunch of whiners on the internet and a bunch of old 737-300 and -400s sitting in the hot sun out west.
So let me guess:

You love Bush, you're a Ditto Head and you're voting YES--- AGAIN.