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How Low Will The Media Go?

MarkMyWords said:
So the media has resorted to quoting John McCorkle!!!! :shock:

Is this how people become aviation experts?

Regardless of whether John's view is right or wrong, for a media outlet to quote his "news letter" in any way, shape or form is ridiculous!

Is it any more ridiculous than USAviation or the CLT Observer quoting our "famous" ALPA Rep? A person that gives famous personalities rides on his jump seat?
Future company press release:

Jun 1, 2005.

US Airways CEO Bruce Lakefield announced today new agreements by labor unions to finance the company's exit from it's third bankruptsy. Led by the pilot's union ALPA and the initiative of a well-informed and motivated pilot, Lakefield said that union employees have agreed to get second jobs outside of their US Airways employement and channel their earnings directly to the company. Further employees voluntarily took a 75% pay cut on top of previous concessions. Due to the value and difficulty in filling critical management positions, no compensation adjustments were being considered in the management ranks.

"I am deeply moved by the loyalty and spirit of my employees" Lakefield said with misty eyes. Seth, the goodwill ambassador for US Airways, when asked about the concessions said, "Oh wow, dude . . . . . what's a concession?"
USA320Pilot said:
Last week I spoke to Bruce Lakefield about Sallijo Freeman and Legal Research's filing in bankruptcy court to potentially provide US Airways its exit financing or to takeover the carrier. Lakefield said the company does not view the filing as legitimate.

John McCorkle, a 15-year US Airways flight attendant who writes an online newsletter, said in his Tuesday issue that he doesn't put much stock in the filing.

"If some group wants to come forward and identify itself and prove that it has the money to acquire the carrier, then it may become interesting," he wrote. "Let's just ride it out and see if anything of substance materializes


Looks kinda like they are saying the same thing. McCorkle is a little brash, but at least he calls it like it is and does not sugar coat the situation and blow it off with political answers like USA320/Hawk/Use your head.
didn't Bronner or Lakefield say quite a while back at the start of negotions, that employee conessions would provide the basis for exit financing?
John McCorkle makes it his business to know, and he is usually right!
Wouldn't you say the same thing about A320, what is the difference between them in tewrms of what they do, except for the fact that you dislike A320 and what he has to say...?
Impossible to say the same about A320 The only facts that matter to him are the ones that support a pre-determined conclusion.

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