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Are you serious?

You need Reservations and Customer Service Agent, planes dont board themselves.
700UW said:
Are you serious?

You need Reservations and Customer Service Agent, planes dont board themselves.

I believe that planes could board themselves.... a bus and a train does.
Bus and train passengers dont have to go thru security, bus and trains dont have wieght and balance issues or kids in emergency exits.

What you say would be a free for all for another 9/11 attack.
Maybe the train comparison isn't too bad.....

Let's see, a perenial money loser existing on the government dole. Pretty high wages for those that work there.

Yup, that sounds like a plan with success written all over it.

BoeingBoy said:

Thanks. Now that I've seen it, I think you posted something similiar before. Me bad for not remembering better.


Oh, I worked with the issue for 7 years. I was employed by the state employment service in Texas. I knew that you probably understood what was going on, but some people might have taken the post and made it gospel that if you strike or your strike caused the demise of the company, you don't qualify for unemployment.

It's a pet peeve of mine when people start spreading disinformation about unemployment insurance--particularly when it is based on galley gossip, or something that my roomie's next door neighbor's second cousin's dog groomer told the woman in the next chair at the beauty shop.

As a 19th century humorist said, "It ain't the things we know that get us in trouble. It's the thing we know that ain't so."
"but some people might have taken the post and made it gospel that if you strike or your strike caused the demise of the company, you don't qualify for unemployment"

I'm doubly bad then, cause that's not I meant to say. I assumed that if the company liquidated, you would get unemployment regardless of the reason the company folded. Obviously a very poor choice of wording on my part.

Apologies to everyone...


me bad again. I edited so the quote would make sense.
mrfish3726 said:
You guys hold your ground! Better to be out looking for a new job, than to be continually crapped on day after day. Your union is only looking to the future, since USAIR management has no intention of bargaining in good faith. I just hope if your contracts are abrogated that the judge is left with no choice but to let you seek self-help. The election will be over with and hopefully the new president won't get involved. If it is Bush that gets reelected you can rest assured that he will intercede in any strike action. It will only prolong USAIR'S death if he does though.

Mr fish I suspect you are absolutely correct. Hold your ground folks.
I believe that planes could board themselves.... a bus and a train does.

Well PeoplExpress was close to this. I used to work next to them in Orlando and it was a zoo. A couple agents showed up about 2 hours before a flight. Checked in the first X amount of people who showed up and gave them a pass for the flight. The rest in line were SOL. The agents closed up and called the cops as they left. The FAs "ticketed" everyone on the plane. Still needed someone to meet the plane and take the passes to get on, but that was about it. And you thought WN was a cattle car process! :shock:
A person on strike will receive after the 15th day - $200 a week and after the 29th day - $300 a week from the CWA relief fund....... Don't really think it is an if but a when? because the guys at the top that were noted in the financial statement I read are never going to negotiate in good faith. They are going to grab as much dough as they can and I am sure Jerry will be joing one of his old buds....maybe
Gate Gourmet.....

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