
Oct 10, 2002
The topic says it all.

They take their employees for granted, they do nothing for us to create an incentive.

Sorry guys, since the 5% WAR DEFERRAL is still deducted from my check I DO NO X-TRA HOURS.
What for/ ALOT FOR the company and nada for I.

Wake up employees,,as bad as you need the xtra hours don''t give in to their threats.

All this will come together one day..

I''m sorry to say how many of us will be left?

I thank God for this message board to vent as I cannot do it at work.

I spend as little time there.

Mgr does nothing to accomodate the employees-example: on a reduced sked (holidays), post a memo for VTO, or we''ll try to adjust your sked!
Zingers. It''s all for them....

PPF was USAir''s motto..remember that? Putting People First?

PMF___Putting me First. is now my saying.

we stand alone in this barrage..

Baggage deals, 15 in the office, no staffing to forward them out.

Gate area, disgusting..Dirty, unorganized.

No jetways retro fitted for the RJ''s.Psgrs are soaked like drowned rats. No Umbrella''s either..

My thoughts are elsewhere looking into the near future at my next career.

No airline industry for me. I want my holidays off and spent with my family.
They will REAP what they''ve SOWN!
On 6/11/2003 6:24:15 PM golden1 wrote:

The topic says it all.


YES it does. Dave and his heavy hammer will bounce back into his face after so many swings.​
Hey Golden1

I share you frustration. PHL baggage handling is so bad, its hard to even find words. PHL had 1437 bag deals charged to them yesterday. So how does management respond, sends Station Managers from small stations to fill-in for new Shift Manager to be hired. This would be terrible funny if it wasn''t the company I work for. It must be those folks in Philly are playing hooky, can''t be that management made a mistake and laid off too many workers (we all know our management nevers makes a mistake).

And just to add insult to injury, I got a response for the employee suggestion people (I know, I know...I must have a Don Quixote complex). I offered a rather specific suggestion on how to obtain accurate baggage handling data. It seems management is happy with not knowing what is really happening, SABRE''s BMAS statistics is all they need and want. Not knowing what flights are not connecting with what flights, or which airlines are not getting interline bags to us, or even if connecting times are enough is okay with them.
Well, let me be the first:

If you HATE your job so mmuch, find that you despise most everything about it, have to come onto the internet to vent, why not consider a career move????????????????

James Huberty got fed up with his job too..
geeez GOLDEN, from what I have seen, you're lucky you haven't succumbed to the
IF U DONT LIKE IT LEAVE BASHERS CLUB...........................................yet!!!

It's a blast !
There is not a single thing wrong with venting on the internet. I would much rather have someone express thier feelings here , as opposed to going off on someone at work.(Co-workers or Customers)

Sure the list of things wrong within our companies culture is seemingly endless....but exposing the problems is a place to start when seeking resolve or attempts at corrective action. Eyes are on this website from time to time.

More people need to use thier energy at maximizing the openings that the employee suggestion program has given us. This may not be the end all answer..but it''s a starting point.

Sure many will say that it falls on deaf ears or blinded eyes....but let each persons suggestions be at least evaluated...and then if it''s over-looked? Seek a more direct dialogue with your supervisor. Keep in mind the approach has much to do with how it''s recieved in kind.

To those whom find nothing good at all with this company...or are frankly just over the attempts to make things as right as possible....Maybe Itrade is right? It just may be time to move along to other things.

I have taken just as much grief as the next person in this saga....but I still manage to find some good in it as well. No it''s not just about a paycheck for me....when it gets down to just that.....Color me Gone!!
On 6/12/2003 1:15:31 AM PineyBob wrote:


Well Said! I have always enjoyed your posts. These are troubled times for our favorite industry. Whether you pay to ride in the seat as I do or work to make sure that seat gets to where it''s suppossed to. I appreciate all of your good service and passion.

AOG-N-IT Replies...Thanks Bob , I appreciate your views as well.

But there comes a time when you have to have that "Hard" conversation with yourself about "What''s right for me?" There is no disgrace in throwing in the towel anymore then there is great honor in sticking it out! All of us must do what we feel is right in our hearts. PITBull, bless her heart is fighting like a crazed animal for her union and herself. Whether you agree or not you have to admire her courage. Some are going to college to find a way out. Others have circumstances that prevent them from leaving. I have pondered leaving my job for one where I don''t fly. Flying is just not fun anymore. For me right now I like what I do and putting up with the vagaries of air travel is not that bad.

AOG-N-IT Replies....Bob , I had exactly that conversation with myself when I was "Shang-Hi''ed" into a Union that I wanted no part of two years ago. I had that same conversation again when I was given choices to remain employed by USAirways in PIT...but by leaving my home in CLT to do so.

I have opted to not throw in the towel as you stated....and it''s again not about a simple paycheck , for me , It''s all about the planes and nothing more. I never lay eyes on a single passenger , un-less I''m commuting back and forth? That has become rare out of shear frustration too. None the less....I have made my choices and I''m prepared to live with them "Come Hell or High Water?"

Somebody famous said it best "to thine own self be true" Words to live by in troubled times and perhaps all the time.

AOG-N-IT Replies....Being true to myself....and my goals in life are exactly why I remain here. The options are there for me to change , should I choose or be forced to change? So goes life!!....but having options allows me my own sense of freedom.

Funny thing, a couple of weeks ago when Daves Mom/Dad/Brother flew into our station, I must have recieved no less then TEN phone calls advising me they were inbound. What a Crock of S..T! Dave, your greatest ASSEST is your EMPLOYEES, treat them that way.
On 6/11/2003 11:02:02 PM ITRADE wrote:

Well, let me be the first:

If you HATE your job so mmuch, find that you despise most everything about it, have to come onto the internet to vent, why not consider a career move????????????????

It''s a two way street. If you don''t like reading the bitching, don''t read it.​
Management may not appreciate you as much as you would like, but most of your passengers do appreciate your efforts.

When I talk to my clients during tax season, I have found that no matter what industry they are in, all employers are trying to have their employees do more work with fewer employees. It is not just in the airline business, the supermarket business, AT&T, etc.

Hopefully, each day one or more of your passengers can say something that will make you glad you came to work.
On 6/12/2003 7:54:18 AM rvolkcpa wrote:

Management may not appreciate you as much as you would like, but most of your passengers do appreciate your efforts.

When I talk to my clients during tax season, I have found that no matter what industry they are in, all employers are trying to have their employees do more work with fewer employees. It is not just in the airline business, the supermarket business, AT&T, etc.

Hopefully, each day one or more of your passengers can say something that will make you glad you came to work.

More work with less employees can be done and would not be a big problem with many of us...but throw some hefty pay and benefit cuts into that mix, and you have a big problem. We have lost up to 1/4 of our workforce in some stations, and the flight schedule is close to what it was pre 9/11. Now take close to 50% of our pay along with the useless 5% war cut and it puts morale in the toilet. You will have to look long and hard to find anyone willing to go that extra mile anymore. It is a true shame that it has come down to this, but management is blind to this fact. By the time they realize, it will be too late.

Why Golden 1 should and will not leave....BECAUSE HE IS THE COMPANY.

Let me say this again for the umpteenth time:

Not only are we the employees of this fine company, BUT WE ARE THE STAKE HOLDERS, STOCK HOLDERS, AND BOARD MEMBERS....get it yet?

Management is but ONLY a small part of the whole....AND THEY ARE JUST VISITING!
On 6/12/2003 11:33:54 AM PITbull wrote:


Why Golden 1 should and will not leave....BECAUSE HE IS THE COMPANY.

Let me say this again for the umpteenth time:

Not only are we the employees of this fine company, BUT WE ARE THE STAKE HOLDERS, STOCK HOLDERS, AND BOARD MEMBERS....get it yet?

Management is but ONLY a small part of the whole....AND THEY ARE JUST VISITING!


Thanks for the political mantra, but your points are wholly irrelevant.

If you don''t like your job, why go through the agony of being miserable day in and day out. Its not that difficult of an issue.

BTW, "Not only are we the employees of this fine company, BUT WE ARE THE STAKE HOLDERS, STOCK HOLDERS, AND BOARD MEMBERS....get it yet?" is not quite true. There is currently no stock to hold as all equity has been wiped out. This may be different in the future.

BTW, BTW, have you figured out Greg Taylor yet? You''re supposedly the expert.
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ITRADE- so you think you have ALL THE ANSWERS?

Let's switch career's.
1- rewind almost 20 yrs-
2- what's at stake here..Something called retirement.
3- By your handle , into the stock market?

Career change for me,you betcha...have been working on it since the first on this year.

Things are falling apart, and they appear not to be improving.

So my dear, unless you choose only to keep your rose colored glasses on, --PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR--

You have NO CONCEPT of what the employees deal with day in and day out.

Understaffed at the ATO, agt alone checking in grp of 27,while DP'S and F/C' psgrs complaining loudly that the lines are not moving swiftly enough.

Mgr says he tries to get more agents. Corporate's response?NO!

Bu koo pay cut...-7.00 per hour..

Past furloughed employees called to return.their response? No employees..

and thanks to those on this board WHO UNDERSTAND Internal Affairs..

So to the flying public, you only see 1(one) side.

We see both..

I did find out where Greg Taylor thanx to you.

However, my points are only irrelevant in your eyes, you are..very slowly... catching on though ...I AM THE EXPERT! lol...

The stock will be distributed sometime in July.