USFlyer said:
Please explain to me why WN has a near flawless safety record then.
Wait until they don't and it's inevitable, risk of air travel, the nature of the beast, and then how will you slant that question?
If anyone believes you get top notch quality people that will perform flawless work, all in the name of saving a few bucks and further lining the executives pockets in the process via third party low wage shops, you're deluding yourself.
Vendoring to the lowest common denominator results in the lowest possible results. I helped my brother-in-law start his business and my job was vendoring work for him, the results are never what in house brings, ask any business that relies on quality and speed to make their business a success. It's proven fact.
Attention Dave:
If you want to show that you’re any kind of leader you’d best address the mechanics on this issue, and soon. First I doubt further heavy handed tactics put forth by your new and young foreman will do any good and in fact will backfire and slowing production down to a trickle, call it a work safe program. The statement was made that this would not costs jobs, then how about addressing this issue on how that’s possible. You have the mechanics, the people who keep your fleet in the air all feeling raped, lied to, shot in the head and left to die, not a good state for people to be in that maintain your fleet keeping it safe and in the air. Some words are needed soon because I believe otherwise your daily losses will only increase with silence. Is this a threat, absolutely not, but it’s human nature and count on it to respond accordingly.