Dont call me Shirley said:
High Iron said:
--Gee, did you hear about the first Airbus that came out of that place?[/b]
Please explain to me why WN has a near flawless safety record then.
So, planes just have to NOT auger in to prove your point?
Then again, maybe they choose their contractors more wisely?
Then again, what ABOUT 700? [/QUOTE]
I guess it all comes down to the choice of the vendor and the oversight. A while ago someone mentioned that WN imposes "draconian" supervioson of their MTC vendors. Does anyone know if US had someone stationed in Alabama to oversee/inspect the work on A/C 700?
Also, does anyone know how much experience the Alabama folks had on Airbii before turning wrenches on A/C 700. I'd venture to to say that WN's vendors have more experience which might very well lead to higher quality work?
:unsure: [/quote]
U did have a Maintenance "Management" person present in Mobile....a former TPA based foreman whom had overseen our Airbus work prior to TPA's closure. He has been PIT based since that time.
ST Mobile Aerospace should not have any excuses regarding thier levels of expierience...and they are still working Airbus narrow bodies at this time. Air Jamaica is a regular customer that I know of...and UA has used them as well , more often with results that mirrors what we got with 700UW. This is not's fact based on conversations with UA workers in a position to know.
UA's people have stated to me...that "Diversions" after departing Mobile to return to the active fleet is not un-common. The same was said about the other 2 3rd party facilities whom they've contracted with as well
Today is a big win for management on paper...and I'm sure a select few on this board are thrilled with themselves...but how many times has a short term win for U set us up for more problems ?
Did recieving $1.2 Billion in concessions change anything ? Did lowering the ranks from 45,000 to 28,000 change our circumstance in an end all positive way?
Did clipping the pilots pension fund off-set a failing business plan....and has it expedited the presentation of plan C ?
Let's remember this fact...This case is set to go to this world nothing is certain...and what may look like a run of the table today , could easily shake out differently in the end.