Theft from Luggage

Trash the company,that will help ,not.They do a good enough job of it.If you want attention do as were doing now,fight the fight at the ballot box.Its working,slow but its working.
Trash the company,that will help ,not.They do a good enough job of it.If you want attention do as were doing now,fight the fight at the ballot box.Its working,slow but its working.

ohhh yeah !!! that's right mmmm fight it at the ballot box , that will show them!!!! ah HA take that! i've voted no!!! now your going to get it!!! ah hahahah!!! yeah the results of our vote will show them , wait till they SEE the majority of no votes !!!! they will tremble with fear!! and if they don't cave in , we will vote AGAIN!!!! AH HA!!!! take that !!! we will do you in with our votes!!! our votes will bend you to our will!!!! fear the outcome of our election!!!!! and the next one!!! and the one after that!!!!!

Drink hateraide mmmm mmm good :angry: !
No kev I don’t hate myself , I hate us airways , and I intend to share that hatred . I don’t give a rats ass what society thinks of me , all I care about is that we get ours , nothing else matters , the ends justify the means , get me ?

No, I don't "get you." If you don't care what society thinks, then why are you trying to put on a public relations campaign...against yourself, no less. You're either feeling really really sorry for yourself or you're completely narcisistic (sp?).

I understand your disgust for US. But to project that fury onto the traveling public is A) very immature, B) completely misplaced and C) a total waste of your time/effort (unless you think you might enjoy a stint in the Maricopa county jail.)

You know I used to think like you , that if I worked hard and I was a decent chap , that this company might reward me for my hard unfailing commitment to customer service and all around good job performance , in a perfect world that’s the way things should work .

Let me make something very clear here; I have *zero* expectation of NW rewarding me simply because I'm a good guy. I do the right thing whenever possible because that's part of being an adult.

But this world is NOT perfect which means if we want to get ahead we will have to play dirty .

You need to learn the rules so you can bend/circumvent them property. The best way to "play dirty" is to beat the company at their own game. Pulling stunts like baggage theft or purposely losing luggage only reenforces their perception of you as a liability.

Winning this war is going to take more than determination and anger , it’s going to take rage and hate………

That hate's gonna eat you alive.
No, I don't "get you." I understand your disgust for US. But to project that fury onto the traveling public is A) very immature and B) completely misplaced and C) a total waste of your time/effort (unless you think you might enjoy a stint in the Maricopa county jail.

Let me make something very clear here; I have *zero* expectation of NW rewarding me simply because I'm a good guy. I do the right thing whenever possible because that's part of being an adult.

You need to learn the rules so you can bend/circumvent them property. The best way to "play dirty" is to beat the company at their own game. Pulling stunts like baggage theft or purposely loosing luggage only reenforces their perception of you as a liability.

That hate's gonna eat you alive.

Oh but that's where your wrong , the public is GOING TO PAY , because they are for lack of a better word just a commodity , dollars and cents my friend , that’s ALL they are . I didn’t start along that line of thinking on my own you know , I got it from the sandcastle . Thank you oh great management team for enlightening me on how things TRULY work , read here BOTTOM LINE!! … Hit them where it hurts and the ONLY thing that hurts this company is the all mighty $$$$$$$$$$ .

Btw , I do NOT recommend anything illegal such as actual theft or any other illegal activities so I’m never going to end up in the county jail nor will any of my other co workers . Remember with my above thread on theft I didn’t say we SHOULD steal , I said we should project the image that we are an airline FULL of thieves . What ever it takes to drop our image to the depths of ENRON .

As to your second point , you suck it up , you soldier on ! And I respect that , truly I do , you’re a man’s man , but you don’t work at us airways and your not a west fleet worker , the time is now past to do the right thing because it is right . As I said , we don’t live in a perfect world , sometimes we have to do things that we don’t like to achieve our ends which are just .

As for pulling stunts , I couldn’t agree with you more

Oops ! Did I forget to leave my tug running when I left work for the day? Oh no just think about how much gas that’s going to cost the poor company!

Oh no! did I accidentally throw a PHL bag in with the HNL ? Oh no!!! that’s going to cost the company good will and money to get it back to the passenger !!! Oops!

Awww I’m sorry , I’d work faster but my back (entire body ) hurts , it’s not my fault if the flight went out late ! Don’t you see I’m working as fast as I can??

Bring in the flight!?!? Without a VEST??? Are you insane!!! That’s against company policy!! That plane is just going to have to sit there until I or someone else can get vests over here!! Remember work by the book!!

As for hate

Until you burn with hate , until you wake up one day pissed and work your entire double mad , mad at the fact that this company is taking advantage of you , abusing you , disrespecting you , you won’t be able to mount an effective defense against it . There is only one thing that can defeat apathy , and that’s rage ., embrace your rage . :angry:
Now you are closer to the right track but there is no way you can justify stealing from people that have done nothing to you. Granted they continue to fly us because of the low prices but that is the nature of people, you can't tell me you don't shop prices. We all do. Keep up the fight, just fight the right battle.
I dont get you either. I chose to make a career in the airline industry and do not regret that decision. I work by the book on the ramp but am still going to do my job. Its not just anybody that can do our jobs and do them well. What the company does not get is if they treated us fairly and with the respect we deserve this airline would thrive. The cost of doing so would have a snowball effect. Passengers would be happier and more apt to fly us by choise not because they have to do so. This in turn would increase revenue for the airline, better on time performance and less lost luggage. Seems like a no brainer but as long a Dougie keeps getting his he is unable to see the bigger picture
Freedom.... Slowing down and working safely is one thing but I cannot condone stealing. Neither should anybody else accept it as a way to make a point.
Updated story from the Inquirer:

Philly Road Warrior | Readers weigh in on missing luggage
By Tom Belden
Inquirer Staff Writer
Last week's column about US Airways Philadelphia passengers reporting thefts from their checked baggage touched a nerve.

About three dozen of you sent e-mails or called with reactions to the article, about three times more than the average. Ten comments were posted on the Road Warrior blog for all to read....
Updated story from the Inquirer:
Philly Road Warrior | Readers weigh in on missing luggage
By Tom Belden
Inquirer Staff Writer
Last week's column about US Airways Philadelphia passengers reporting thefts from their checked baggage touched a nerve.

About three dozen of you sent e-mails or called with reactions to the article, about three times more than the average. Ten comments were posted on the Road Warrior blog for all to read....

Link seems to be dead. Any chance someone can post it here?
Hey, its ok, the UNION will protect them

Criminals and crooks, unions and gangbanging Philly rampers.
Every union employee in Passenger Service and Fleet Service starts out non-union for a specific time frame. Probationary employees are employees at will. Management is free to protect them
Link seems to be dead. Any chance someone can post it here?

Philly Road Warrior | Readers weigh in on missing luggage
By Tom Belden
Inquirer Staff Writer
Last week's column about US Airways Philadelphia passengers reporting thefts from their checked baggage touched a nerve.

About three dozen of you sent e-mails or called with reactions to the article, about three times more than the average. Ten comments were posted on the Road Warrior blog for all to read.

Several of you pointed out something we had not made clear. Passengers can still lock their checked bags, using locks approved by the Transportation Security Administration that allow screeners to open them using a master key or combination. Digging down on the Web site, you can find a page with illustrations of logos to look for on approved locks (here's a short address that will take you directly to the right page: They are widely available, and state on the packaging that they are TSA-authorized. We found a set of four small locks for $10 at a national chain drugstore.

Two of you wrote that you had never had a problem with US Airways in Philadelphia, and appreciated its safety record and service. Two travelers reported problems with baggage service on British Airways, which has had major problems recently at its London Heathrow Airport hub. As always happens when we write about PHL, a few readers took the opportunity to bash politicians and city employees, a popular Philly pastime, or US Airways service in general.

But about three-quarters of those commenting related tales of losing personal property from bags checked with US Airways. As we said last week, two other groups of people - TSA screeners and courier services that airlines use to deliver wayward bags to passengers - also have access to checked luggage.

US Airways' response to the column can be summarized this way: The company does not believe it has a serious problem with pilfering of bags at the airport. The airline says that, of the 40,000 or so reports of lost or damaged bags it receives annually in Philadelphia, 4 percent in 2006 involved allegations of theft, and that the figure is 3.2 percent this year. The company also says many of the customers' claims of lost property are inflated or fraudulent.

"We may have a few bad apples working on the ramp," US Airways spokesman Philip Gee said. While employees have been fired for alleged theft, "it doesn't appear to be a chronic problem," he said.

US Airways said that, if we investigated all airlines serving Philadelphia, as well as other carriers' performance at their hubs, we would probably find similar rates of pilfering. Airlines do not normally break out figures on alleged theft from the total reports of lost or damaged bags. We asked three other major carriers to do so, and they declined. The Air Transport Association, the airlines' trade group, also has no numbers, so there is no way for us to determine the truth of US Airways' assertion about its Philadelphia operation.

Another figure probably impossible to determine is how many airline customers who believe their bags were rifled and property taken do not think it worth the time or effort to file a claim. Several of you who responded said you were in that category, especially if you did not realize something was missing until returning home. That's another reason it is difficult to determine if this is a serious problem.

All we can say for sure is that an untold number of you - especially the victims of theft - believe it is.
We don't have to pull any stunts here in Boston. The company has taken care of that for us. We have no staff, no equipment, no leadership. We constantly take cargo and passenger service delays. On busy days our antiquated baggage system breaks down. Our rusted out jetways are always going out of service, in fact, one of them collapsed last year. We have almost lost two rampers this year, one is still in the hospital in a coma.

Guess what, management doesn't care.