Theft from Luggage


You seem to have done it right all yourself.

Union has nothing to do with the hiring process or any of the other things you posted.
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(As for the fine liquor that noted in the article, true, the TSA liquid ban forces you to check it.)

That's why I just wait until I fly and ask the stewardess for a to go bag--and if she is a "Lazy, unhelpful, arrogant, tool", I just pretend to drink the mini's and slip them into my carry on for consumption in my hotel room.
The Moron should have never checked his laptop!

Come on that's bullcrap! No excuse for any ramper to go through a passenger's bag. Believe me, if he went through that guy's bag he's going through a lot of others that don't have any valuables in them -- that should creep a lot of people out. Think of some gangbangers dirty paws on your old lady's lacy panties. Point blank, stealing and going through luggage is just nasty; US Airways needs to fire these low-life scumbags.

Just like a pilot too cheap to buy a newspaper or magazine and rifle through the cabin and taking newspapers, books and magazines, seen a few red faced Pilots over the years have to give a few back to the passengers, lol!

And it could have been the TSA, a ramper or a private contractor, just dont single out one of three possible employees who could have taken it, the another thing, I have flown for out CBA Negotiations and NOT ONE TIME did I ever check my bag with my laptop, did he really have one?

At east we had former FBI Agents running Corporate Security, doesnt have to be a unionized company many companies now have total corporate security departments.

I have been involved in some cases dealing with Corporate Security, some good, some bad.
you know lately i've been rather down , pessimistic , but sitting in a corner crying never solved anything , perhaps we should begin gearing up to fight this company , and i don't mean with lawyers or IAM leaders .

Opportunities like this when they present themselves should be snatched . You know what’s funny , here in PHX when we went out on numerous occasions to protest the company and it’s treatment of our work force we received no media coverage . I do remember thou watching on tv the pilots and flight attendants picket, but lets face it , society just doesn’t care about us hard working ,honest ,baggage handlers … So maybe it’s time we stopped being honest and hard working , if the media wants stories of baggage handlers who steal ,lie and embezzle maybe we should give them more of what they want .

I think from now on when we protest our company we should no longer bother to do it in uniform , instead let’s wear street clothes , and instead of having signs that say “treat us fair†perhaps we should make ourselves out to look like airline customers who are fed up with theft of their belongings at us airways and have signs that say “stop luggage theft “ . If we can’t be heard the right way , then maybe it’s time to start trying it the wrong way .

Imagine if we could vastly alter the flying publics perception of our airline to where passengers are so afraid to check bags that they end up having to tassle with Flight attendants on full flights because they don’t want to give up their luggage .

I’m going to wait patiently until sept 5th , and then once we find out the official results of this election I will either stand down or stand up …

Once again , I don’t advocate stealing , but I’m certainly not beyond the idea that we should paint our work force to be ripe with theft . If 7,700 baggage handlers go and tell ten people this same story in their own words just imagine the damage to our image .

We in the west have been mistreated for far too long!!!! it's time we figure out creative ways to strike back :angry:
you know lately i've been rather down , pessimistic , but sitting in a corner crying never solved anything , perhaps we should begin gearing up to fight this company , and i don't mean with lawyers or IAM leaders . :angry:

MOD NOTE: AGAIN, do NOT quote entire posts when replying, ESPECIALLY when your reply is immediately following or close to the original post.

and this solves what? You have totally lost me here....
Another great point. TSA isn't exactly the Boy Scouts. Neither are the PHL Police for that matter. Contractors aren't paying either.

Corporate Security? If they aren't watching Suzey Blowhole for a mini slipped into her apron THEY SHOULD BE monitoring the Thieves of Tempe as they siphon more off the corporate accounts to afford their lavish lifestyles.
Well, hiring for rampers is basically taking anyone with a strong back and a blood pressure.

As for unions, yeah, I think they are not good anymore. They exist to shield the lazy and fatten the pockets of the union bosses. They use goons and thugs and violence to get their way.

I have no use for them, I don't need to have a collective group do the thinking for me and taking my dough.

If you like it, so be it, but we both are entitled to opinions.

Put some cameras out there.

Arrest those that steal.

Thank God there are no unions at my company, and there will be no reason for there to be unions there in the future.
and this solves what? You have totally lost me here....
let me spell it out for you , we R U I N our own image ... we trash our selves .I’m sure that for anyone who’s ever had something stolen from them it’s a traumatic event , it alters the way some people live for the rest of their life .If we could make the general public come to believe that there is a high likelyhood of items being stolen out of their luggage when checked we will have scored a serious PR blow against this company .
In theory we could bring up events that happened 5 or even 10 years ago involving theft from luggage and each time we tell the story we could conveniently forget to mention the time frame .. At every opportunity we should attempt to rationalize the actions of those who have been caught stealing .By making ourselves look bad we make our company look bad . This is a form of fighting the company ..

just a thought .
let me spell it out for you , we R U I N our own image ... we trash our selves .

You must really hate yourself. Seriously, get some help.

...Most of society already thinks of us as simians who'll steal anything not nailed down; you should be fighting to end that stereotype, not building it up.
You must really hate yourself. Seriously, get some help.

...Most of society already thinks of us as simians who'll steal anything not nailed down; you should be fighting to end that stereotype, not building it up.

No kev I don’t hate myself , I hate us airways , and I intend to share that hatred . I don’t give a rats ass what society thinks of me , all I care about is that we get ours , nothing else matters , the ends justify the means , get me ?

You know I used to think like you , that if I worked hard and I was a decent chap , that this company might reward me for my hard unfailing commitment to customer service and all around good job performance , in a perfect world that’s the way things should work .

But this world is NOT perfect which means if we want to get ahead we will have to play dirty . I don’t like it, but then I don’t like living in poverty either , so I’ll do what I must . We should begin to focus our efforts on giving us airways the biggest public black eye that we can legally pull off , something on the scale of The missed bags incident during Christmas time back in 2005 would do nicely 2005 . The worse our public image the harder it will be for this corporation to secure political support for any future merger .

Winning this war is going to take more than determination and anger , it’s going to take rage and hate………