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If we use the lefts typical insane response as an analogy, anyone would be allowed into your home at free will. If they decided to overstay their visit then just let them stay in, feed them, give them money, medical, the whole shebang.

And then if one of them rapes or murders the your family, blame it on the you for being a racist.

Goes to show how batshlt crazy the left has become.

Whats even more batshit crazy is assuming that if you don't support a wall, then you MUST support letting everyone in. Five billion dollars used to better enforce the laws we have and to staff border guards will give you far more "bang for the buck" and be far more effective that some cockamamie wall
Actually, sometimes I leave the back door unlocked. But let's talk about the wall. If there are 1.000 miles without any wall...none...even after the blowhard in chief gets his $5 billion to build that 250 wall...we really safe?

To bring it back to "slowing them down" as it relates to my or your house....If I built a wall on the north side of my property, but left the other 3 sides open, it might "slow them down", but with that much open space left, I don't think I'd consider my house much safer.

What an insane response
Whats even more batshit crazy is assuming that if you don't support a wall, then you MUST support letting everyone in. Five billion dollars used to better enforce the laws we have and to staff border guards will give you far more "bang for the buck" and be far more effective that some cockamamie wall

So you are some border security expert?

Maybe you should go fly to Israel, meet with their border security and let them know the wall they built, that is working.....isn't going to work. 😕
So you are some border security expert?

Maybe you should go fly to Israel, meet with their border security and let them know the wall they built, that is working.....isn't going to work. 😕

I didn't realize that YOU were a border security expert. Since you're the pro...did they just build a wall with thousands of miles of open spaces? Wait a second...that wall in Israel is only 400 miles long. I read about a wall in Turkey too. It has guard towers every 5 miles. How far apart will the guard towers be on OUR wall? They also have patrols between those towers. I'm assuming we'll have them too.

And just a quick question...if we are worried about border security...how come there are no plans for a wall along our northern border?
I didn't realize that YOU were a border security expert. Since you're the pro...did they just build a wall with thousands of miles of open spaces? Wait a second...that wall in Israel is only 400 miles long. I read about a wall in Turkey too. It has guard towers every 5 miles. How far apart will the guard towers be on OUR wall? They also have patrols between those towers. I'm assuming we'll have them too.

And just a quick question...if we are worried about border security...how come there are no plans for a wall along our northern border?

You often say stupid things.

Over the past 30 years have there been millions of Canucks coming over illegally from the north like Mexico does from the south?

Are there caravans of Canucks trying to overload the borders?

Stop saying stupid things.
How many of them Mooslims got here via Mexico and how will a wall along the Mexican border (well, a partial wall) prevent them from coming here in the future? By and large, Central Americans, who are preparing to invade our country, are Catholic, not Muslim. So I'm not sure why you posted a rant about Muslims in the middle east in a thread about a wall in Mexico.
You really are a fool of fools.

By and large, Central Americans, who are preparing to invade our country
Ever wonder about the timing of these caravans?

Of course you don't.
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Five billion dollars used to better enforce the laws we have
How many leftist "sanctuary cities" have publicly stated they will refuse to cooperate with ICE?

Go preach to them about enforcing existing laws.
And just a quick question...if we are worried about border security...how come there are no plans for a wall along our northern border?
A wall on the northern border? Why? The United States would never allow mass immigration from Canada. Canadians are union people. They demand living wages and pensions. And here they would demand medical coverage paid by the employers. If they had a caravan trying to cross the border they would be stopped in their tracks. You would see the full power of the law brought to bear against them. And the media/Hollywood wouldn't care.
Build a fence along the south side of your property line and tell me how much it slows the bad guys down.

If i had millions of unknown people trying to cross my property line I would to the utmost to secure.

You would let them in, feed them, house them and let them rape/rob/murder your family.
If i had millions of unknown people trying to cross my property line I would to the utmost to secure.

You would let them in, feed them, house them and let them rape/rob/murder your family.

Thnk about this for a minute...you are defending Trump for wanting a wall to "protect us". And even if Democrats saw the error of their ways and gave him every single penny he was asking for to keep America "safe"...there would still be over a THOUSAND MILES with NO WALL OR FENCE. Do you really not see how we are not ANY safer?

And again...could you point to any of my posts where I said "let them all in"? I've been posting on this site since the days it was called "USAviation", which was before 2002. But if you were able to go back to my very first post, you would not find one single post of mine that said "let them all in". You WILL find posts where I say a wall won't work, or that a wall is a waste of money, but that is NOT the same thing as saying "let them all in". It's saying that there are better uses for our 'protection" dollar.

So again...if there were millions of unknown people trying to cross your property line, would you feel safe if your "utmost" was to build a wall on one side of your property? Because that in essence is what this is all about. A 250 mile long wall when 1500 miles are needed is NOT keeping us safe. If that's your "utmost", you need to try harder.
Thnk about this for a minute...you are defending Trump for wanting a wall to "protect us". And even if Democrats saw the error of their ways and gave him every single penny he was asking for to keep America "safe"...there would still be over a THOUSAND MILES with NO WALL OR FENCE. Do you really not see how we are not ANY safer?

And again...could you point to any of my posts where I said "let them all in"? I've been posting on this site since the days it was called "USAviation", which was before 2002. But if you were able to go back to my very first post, you would not find one single post of mine that said "let them all in". You WILL find posts where I say a wall won't work, or that a wall is a waste of money, but that is NOT the same thing as saying "let them all in". It's saying that there are better uses for our 'protection" dollar.

So again...if there were millions of unknown people trying to cross your property line, would you feel safe if your "utmost" was to build a wall on one side of your property? Because that in essence is what this is all about. A 250 mile long wall when 1500 miles are needed is NOT keeping us safe. If that's your "utmost", you need to try harder.

Nice word salad...again.

You are obviously in lock step with the "open borders" group despite the obvious and apparent failures of that ideology around the world.
And you are also are among the deranged left who oppose everything and anything Trump promotes because of your sheer hatred for the man since he won the election. What ever they say, you line up right behind it, no matter how detrimental it is for the security and safety of our great nation.

Stop following the heard and think for yourself.

*edit: Furthermore you also have a very low consideration for our veterans, on what they would or wouldn't do. For that you're just an a rate A-hole.
Nice word salad...again.

You are obviously in lock step with the "open borders" group despite the obvious and apparent failures of that ideology around the world.
And you are also are among the deranged left who oppose everything and anything Trump promotes because of your sheer hatred for the man since he won the election. What ever they say, you line up right behind it, no matter how detrimental it is for the security and safety of our great nation.

Stop following the heard and think for yourself.

*edit: Furthermore you also have a very low consideration for our veterans, on what they would or wouldn't do. For that you're just an a rate A-hole.
Reading comprehension test..."there are better uses for our protection dollar than building a wall" is NOT the same thing as "let them all in". If anything YOU are the supporter of "open borders" because you refuse to acknowledge that even AFTER "the wall", there will still be over a thousand miles without a wall. Meaning that the borders are still "open". And you seem okay with that.

My dislike of Trump goes much farther back that when he was elected president. It goes all the way back to the late 70's and early 80's. Sorry about that.

And I'm not sure where in the hell the inspiration to say something about my consideration of veteran came from. Note who started this thread http://www.airlineforums.com/threads/memorial-day.61234/

And it being an a-hole means looking at the facts, then I guess I am. But just for the record...those who are losing an argument are the first to resort to name calling. Thanks for conceding.
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Reading comprehension test..."there are better uses for our protection dollar than building a wall" is NOT the same thing as "let them all in". If anything YOU are the supporter of "open borders" because you refuse to acknowledge that even AFTER "the wall", there will still be over a thousand miles without a wall. Meaning that the borders are still "open". And you seem okay with that.

My dislike of Trump goes much farther back that when he was elected president. It goes all the way back to the late 70's and early 80's. Sorry about that.

And I'm not sure where in the hell the inspiration to say something about my consideration of veteran came from. Note who started this thread http://www.airlineforums.com/threads/memorial-day.61234/

And it being an a-hole means looking at the facts, then I guess I am. But just for the record...those who are losing an argument are the first to resort to name calling. Thanks for conceding.

I responded to your bigotry already http://www.airlineforums.com/threads/the-wall.61867/page-11#post-1318218

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