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Where you been K.C.? This is 2019! When's the last time you had your house re-roofed? Or checked your local construction contractor? If nothing else, they are taking the entry level jobs our kids used to get started with. One reason we have a crop of spoiled brats that can't take their eyes off their cycle-phones long enough to take a pee yet alone learn what takes to earn a decent living!........Besides our vets deserve better, and you Demorats could give a damn less!
I didn't know I had PTSD until I didn't.
I did and so did you.
JMHO&PO it has become a crutch, an excuse for failure.
The WWII Vets had PTSD but somehow learned to just live with it.
I give to Wounded Warriors, Soldier Angels, VFW, etc...
Don't blame the DemoRats when the RepubliRats are just as bad, if not worse.
Where you been K.C.? This is 2019! When's the last time you had your house re-roofed? Or checked your local construction contractor? If nothing else, they are taking the entry level jobs our kids used to get started with. One reason we have a crop of spoiled brats that can't take their eyes off their cycle-phones long enough to take a pee yet alone learn what takes to earn a decent living!........Besides our vets deserve better, and you Demorats could give a damn less!

Do you think they are paying the Mexican's putting a roof on a house in mid August top dollar? Construction around KC is pretty much a bunch of long haired white guys with MAGA stickers on their trucks...not a whole lot of illegals. And you do realize that a lot of those kids on their phones and not learning what it takes to earn a decent living come from Republican families too, don't you?

You're right.. our vets deserve better. Since 1980 Republicans held the presidency and both houses of Congress longer than democrats. Republicans have had a majority in both houses of congress AND presidency from 2000 thru 2007/ They also controlled both houses of Congress from 2015 thru 2019. So do you think THEY care about our vets?
I didn't know I had PTSD until I didn't.
I did and so did you.
JMHO&PO it has become a crutch, an excuse for failure.
The WWII Vets had PTSD but somehow learned to just live with it.
I give to Wounded Warriors, Soldier Angels, VFW, etc...
Don't blame the DemoRats when the RepubliRats are just as bad, if not worse.
As usual, you are missing the point here. What I'm saying is that the flood of illegals is not just a debate about a "wall" but by ignoring the reality of them as a burden on our economic, and social, community has to be factored in on the cost of border security. Those resources expended on them once here, could be used elsewhere. On our homeless vets for one!........ But than again, I somehow don't expect you to comprehend that!
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Do you think they are paying the Mexican's putting a roof on a house in mid August top dollar? Construction around KC is pretty much a bunch of long haired white guys with MAGA stickers on their trucks...not a whole lot of illegals. And you do realize that a lot of those kids on their phones and not learning what it takes to earn a decent living come from Republican families too, don't you?

You're right.. our vets deserve better. Since 1980 Republicans held the presidency and both houses of Congress longer than democrats. Republicans have had a majority in both houses of congress AND presidency from 2000 thru 2007/ They also controlled both houses of Congress from 2015 thru 2019. So do you think THEY care about our vets?
"Construction around KC is pretty much a bunch of long haired white guys with MAGA stickers on their trucks...not a whole lot of illegals."........ I seriously doubt that!
"Construction around KC is pretty much a bunch of long haired white guys with MAGA stickers on their trucks...not a whole lot of illegals."........ I seriously doubt that!

I live here and watched them build house after house after house. The final "clean up" crew might have spoken Spanish...but not the guys building the houses. Now..I'll grant you...roofing companies use a lot of hispanic labor. I had the roof on my old house replaced a few years ago (when illegal immigration apparently wasn't an issue), and I'll grant you...most of the crew was hispanic. But they replaced my roof when it was 102 degrees outside. I'm not sure the homeless vet in your meme would have really WANTED that job. That job was done in the 90's, when Newter Gingrich had his "contract with America"...when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress....why weren't they concerned enough about homeless vets back then (when they were younger and able) to get them working on roofs?
I live here and watched them build house after house after house. The final "clean up" crew might have spoken Spanish...but not the guys building the houses. Now..I'll grant you...roofing companies use a lot of hispanic labor. I had the roof on my old house replaced a few years ago (when illegal immigration apparently wasn't an issue), and I'll grant you...most of the crew was hispanic. But they replaced my roof when it was 102 degrees outside. I'm not sure the homeless vet in your meme would have really WANTED that job. That job was done in the 90's, when Newter Gingrich had his "contract with America"...when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress....why weren't they concerned enough about homeless vets back then (when they were younger and able) to get them working on roofs?

I lived in Southern California from the the time I graduated HS. I gained employment at various home construction sites. Money was great, everyone was making union scale pay, life was peachy. I eventually left that field after finishing college. I did however stay in touch with coworkers over the years and still do.

One thing that transpired was every laborer/construction worker was slowly getting replaced by illegals, one by one. All under the nose and with the nod of said unions, state and local officials. For everyone they laid off, they would hire 3-4 illegals paying them less then minimum wage and no benefits. And these were some of the major home builders.

Fact is the housing boom of the mid 2000’s was primarily built on the backs of illegal alien workers. They weren’t even hiding it anymore. If a roundup happen, they would simply replace them with the steady supply of illegal workers, pay the fine and carry on.

You assertion that a “homeless vet” wouldn’t want to do that job is insulting. Theres a phrase for that. It’s called “soft bigotry of low expectations.”

I knew many construction workers who were 20 years plus in the field making great money and got replaced by illegals.
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( And now, Back to our originally scheduled program) ; " The W A L L " !
Tell me AGAIN, RE - PLUGS. How much $$ has the M O R O N, got so far for his (Great) Wall ??

Prediction time.

1. There WILL NOT be another Shutdown !
2. The M O R O N will NOT go the National Emeg. Route !
3. The M O R O N will NOT get $5B !
4. The M O R O N WILL TAKE a "few" extra Crumbs ($$$'s) that NANCY will ALLOW !

Ah, Life is Good in Democrat Land !!!
Well we’ve all been waiting with baited breathe for your predictions there Nostradamus considering how accurate they are. I thought the moron on the political scene was proposing the green deal.
As for the wall,I wasn’t that big on your President using military funds to build it,but it might not be too bad watching people like you heads explode.
( And now, Back to our originally scheduled program) ; " The W A L L " !
Tell me AGAIN, RE - PLUGS. How much $$ has the M O R O N, got so far for his (Great) Wall ??

Prediction time.

1. There WILL NOT be another Shutdown !
2. The M O R O N will NOT go the National Emeg. Route !
3. The M O R O N will NOT get $5B !
4. The M O R O N WILL TAKE a "few" extra Crumbs ($$$'s) that NANCY will ALLOW !

Ah, Life is Good in Democrat Land !!!
( And now, Back to our originally scheduled program) ; " The W A L L " !
Tell me AGAIN, RE - PLUGS. How much $$ has the M O R O N, got so far for his (Great) Wall ??

Prediction time.

1. There WILL NOT be another Shutdown !
2. The M O R O N will NOT go the National Emeg. Route !
3. The M O R O N will NOT get $5B !
4. The M O R O N WILL TAKE a "few" extra Crumbs ($$$'s) that NANCY will ALLOW !

Ah, Life is Good in Democrat Land !!!

Still waiting on Hillary's fireworks.
Still waiting on Hillary's fireworks.

Nice try, at a weak 'diversion'. 😕🙁
So NOW, I dedicate 'THIS', to YOU, ol' buddy.

The M O R O N has now gone 0-3 against Nancy.
1. The shutdown
2. The SOTU address date
3. NO $5B. for his 'Great WALL of Mexico'.

In baseball, that's a STRIKEOUT, OR, you went hitless in the BIG GAME !
( hmmm. did I fail to mention Chief Justice John Roberts siding with the Liberal Justices on the Louisiana abortion vote) (just as I predicted that J R was capable of doing, same as the Obamacare constitutionality vote) ??


T-Rump FLUNKY Whittaker, goes immediately to the M O R O N S hotel, from his 'hearing seat', to report back and try to secure some ' Preparation H ' !!!!
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