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This is why we need the wall, Per Gallup

Five Million Migrants from Latin America Plan to Relocate to US in Next 12 Months – One-Fifth of El Salvador Already Lives Here

According to Gallup five million third world migrants from Latin America to the United States in the next 12 months.

Here's a good question about caravans: How many more are coming?

Gallup asked the whole population of Latin America. There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Roughly 450 million adults live in the region. Gallup asked them, "Would you like to move to another country permanently if you could?"

A whopping 27% said "yes."

So this means roughly 120 million would like to migrate somewhere.

The next question Gallup asked was, "Where would you like to move?"

Of those who want to leave their Latin American country permanently, 35% said they want to go to the United States.

The Gallup analytics estimate is that 42 million want to come to the U.S.
This is why we need the wall, Per Gallup

Five Million Migrants from Latin America Plan to Relocate to US in Next 12 Months – One-Fifth of El Salvador Already Lives Here

According to Gallup five million third world migrants from Latin America to the United States in the next 12 months.

Here's a good question about caravans: How many more are coming?

Gallup asked the whole population of Latin America. There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Roughly 450 million adults live in the region. Gallup asked them, "Would you like to move to another country permanently if you could?"

A whopping 27% said "yes."

So this means roughly 120 million would like to migrate somewhere.

The next question Gallup asked was, "Where would you like to move?"

Of those who want to leave their Latin American country permanently, 35% said they want to go to the United States.

The Gallup analytics estimate is that 42 million want to come to the U.S.

Then we'd better keep quiet about the thousand miles of unwalled border that would remain after the wall built to protect us is built. You know...that $5 billion that closed the government because our dear leader wants to protect us...and was willing to shut the government down until he could insure that he'd get the necessary $5 billion to keep us safe.
Then we'd better keep quiet about the thousand miles of unwalled border that would remain after the wall built to protect us is built. You know...that $5 billion that closed the government because our dear leader wants to protect us...and was willing to shut the government down until he could insure that he'd get the necessary $5 billion to keep us safe.

Such a drama queen. Government never really shuts down. At all. And there was no apocalypse as a result.
Such a drama queen. Government never really shuts down. At all. And there was no apocalypse as a result.

Great...no drama...Let's get back to facts...How do we keep these zillions of central American rapists and murders that want to come here from finding out that there's still a thousand mile wide hole that they can get thru? And how come our dear leader never mentions that when he talks about keeping America safe?
"zillions of central American rapists and murders"

Something only a drama queen would say.
Just another day in the Middle East.


A six-year-old boy has reportedly been beheaded in Saudi Arabia after his attackers discovered he was a different sect of Islam to them.

Remember when Obama allowed 38,901 Muslims into our country in 2016?

Everywhere Muslims go they turn the host country into a third world s**thole. They bring murder, rape, assault, and try to intimidate and subjugate the local population. They did it to France. They did it to Germany. They did it to the UK. They did it to Sweden.

When is enough enough?
Maybe when evangelical born again Christians will recognize that Catholics and Mormans also Christians because they also believe in the guy the movement was named after.

Nice world salad. A lot of ingredients, very little if any substance.
Maybe when evangelical born again Christians will recognize that Catholics and Mormans also Christians because they also believe in the guy the movement was named after.
Go share your viewpoint with the victims of the so called Muslim "migrants". I am sure they would like to hear your pompous ass when their wives and daughters are being raped, assaulted, and murdered while they lose whole sections of their cities to Muslim no go zones.

Go share your viewpoint with the victims of the so called Muslim "migrants". I am sure they would like to hear your pompous ass when their wives and daughters are being raped, assaulted, and murdered while they lose whole sections of their cities to Muslim no go zones.


How many of them Mooslims got here via Mexico and how will a wall along the Mexican border (well, a partial wall) prevent them from coming here in the future? By and large, Central Americans, who are preparing to invade our country, are Catholic, not Muslim. So I'm not sure why you posted a rant about Muslims in the middle east in a thread about a wall in Mexico.
Then we'd better keep quiet about the thousand miles of unwalled border that would remain after the wall built to protect us is built. You know...that $5 billion that closed the government because our dear leader wants to protect us...and was willing to shut the government down until he could insure that he'd get the necessary $5 billion to keep us safe.

So tell me KC when you leave your home do you lock your doors? I mean after all an intruder could just knock your windows out anyway, or you lock them as a deterrent or at least slow them down if if they want in?
So tell me KC when you leave your home do you lock your doors? I mean after all an intruder could just knock your windows out anyway, or you lock them as a deterrent or at least slow them down if if they want in?

If we use the lefts typical insane response as an analogy, anyone would be allowed into your home at free will. If they decided to overstay their visit then just let them stay, feed them, give them money, medical needs, child care, the whole shebang.

And then if one of them rapes or murders one of your family members, blame it on the you for being a racist.

Goes to show how batshlt crazy the left has become.
So tell me KC when you leave your home do you lock your doors? I mean after all an intruder could just knock your windows out anyway, or you lock them as a deterrent or at least slow them down if if they want in?

Actually, sometimes I leave the back door unlocked. But let's talk about the wall. If there are 1.000 miles without any wall...none...even after the blowhard in chief gets his $5 billion to build that 250 wall...we really safe?

To bring it back to "slowing them down" as it relates to my or your house....If I built a wall on the north side of my property, but left the other 3 sides open, it might "slow them down", but with that much open space left, I don't think I'd consider my house much safer.

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