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YOu honestly saw bigotry in "Spanish speaking"? The right has a word they usually save for liberals but it might fit you pretty well. It starts with "snow".

Your comment of not being sure about a homeless vet wanting to work because its hot. Pretty sure our vets endured much harsher environments.

That's just showed your soft bigotry of low expectations. Something you lefturds love to do.
Your comment of not being sure about a homeless vet wanting to work because its hot. Pretty sure our vets endured much harsher environments.

That's just showed your soft bigotry of low expectations. Something you lefturds love to do.

A vet from Vietnam..like the one pictured in the meme, is in their mid to late 60's. Do you think someone..ANYONE at that age would jump at the chance to take a low paying roofer's job?

A second instance of name calling. I REALLY must be winning this argument.
A vet from Vietnam..like the one pictured in the meme, is in their mid to late 60's. Do you think someone..ANYONE at that age would jump at the chance to take a low paying roofer's job?

A second instance of name calling. I REALLY must be winning this argument.

Your mindset is of the typical deranged incoherent liberal.

BTW do you really think people "WIN" arguments on the interwebs? 😕
Your mindset is of the typical deranged incoherent liberal.

BTW do you really think people "WIN" arguments on the interwebs? 😕

You're right...very few ever win. Some just comport themselves better than others.
So then we both won.

See how that works?

Here's the thing...If you were standing right in front of me, I would have no problem saying anything to your face that I wrote. Could you stand directly in front of me instead of behind some anonymous "handle" on an internet message board and call me an a-hole or a libturd?
Here's the thing...If you were standing right in front of me, I would have no problem saying anything to your face that I wrote. Could you stand directly in front of me instead of behind some anonymous "handle" on an internet message board and call me an a-hole or a libturd?

Absolutely with a big smile on my face.
I look forward to the day where I can meet his smiling face. We'll see then.

You would most likely do what you do here. Go run to someone and tell them Im being a big meanie towards you.

Because words cause you distress...or something.

Even after the supposed "end of days" Government Shutdown!


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