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The Twu Luvs Cars!

Bob Owens

Sep 9, 2002
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It seems that the TWU loves their new cars.
From the LM-2,

2000 $192867
2001 $58,852 (Year of Convention)
2002 $345063
2003 $207084
Total $803,865

But they dont take god care of them
Automoblies sold
2002 $14000
2003 $6563

Now I dont know about you people out there but I cant afford a new car. My newest vehicle is a 1995 Chevy.

$803, 865 in just four years on cars. Ok, they sold $20,000 worth of cars. How many cars does the TWU buy, insure, fuel and maintain? And who gets them?

Here is just one fine example of your TWU dues dollars at work.
Sounds like you are doing better than me! I have two 1992 models, one with 174,000 miles and another with 120,000 miles.

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
Sounds like you are doing better than me! I have two 1992 models, one with 174,000 miles and another with 120,000 miles.

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
That is because your union sucks and needs to be replaced.

I hear that on your paycut, you can afford a YUGO!

What about the massive expenditures on automobiles by the TWU? Do you have a comment on that?

Thanks for showing everyone why we need AMFA. Here you are driving two old clunkers and yet you support the EVIL TWU? Hey I got an idea why don't you call the TWU INTERNATIONAL and see if they will give you one of those cars they bought with over $800,000 of our dues money!

Thanks for showing everyone why we need AMFA. Here you are driving two old clunkers and yet you support the EVIL TWU? Hey I got an idea why don't you call the TWU INTERNATIONAL and see if they will give you one of those cars they bought with over $800,000 of our dues money!
Princess, My vehicles may have alot of miles on them but they are in excellent mechanical condition. That is due to proper maintenance to ensure they will last for the long haul, such as the TWU has done to ensure that your employment will outlast the adverse impacts that unfortunately come our way. My car's are like the TWU. They may have alot of miles on them, but they are both "AMERICAN MADE" and they are built to last....!!!!!!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
Buck said:
Fully American made?
You know Buck, You are kind of like a "pekergnat" tonight. Do I need to get out the bug repellent..? You are really begining to annoy me..!!!!!!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
You know Buck, You are kind of like a "pekergnat" tonight. Do I need to get out the bug repellent..? You are really begining to annoy me..!!!!!!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

Another highly skilled name calling session. The drive might end with that one!
Seems to me the money is well spent!

Amfa MAG makes over 800,000 thousand a year with no accountability!
Is'nt that 3.2 million over 4 years to one person? If you can please show us his LM2 report? Kevin McCormick.

Are you willing to spend 600,000 thousand a year to this organization that does not have a clue how to represent (Amfa) or 150,000+/- thousand with a car?(TWU).

This is a no brainer to me!
$800,000 per year covers the complete administrative package.

Add up the TWU lease on Broadway, Furniture, Cars, Secretary Salaries, Postage, Printing, and the Complete Staff pay/benefits, including all of Sonny Hall's relatives and then compare.

A Fair analysis and comparison will show a much more efficient operation than the TWU and you know it.

Plus AMFA's administration is under contract and it can be terminated for poor performance. Tell us where that kind of ACCOUNTABILITY is with Sonny Hall's overpaid, over staffed, relatives?

Your claim of NO ACCUNTABILITY against MAG is the biggest lie you have perpetuated to date CIO.
Truth is still the truth, Please provide the LM2 for the administration functions? I believe you will find out with 18,000 members and 1.3 million for these functions is a little excessive!

You will also findout no accountability was set up for a reason! To hide expenses! I would not be surprised to see money funneled to organizers and Delle thru MAG!!!!!!!! Even the money you receive!!!!!
Checking it Out said:
Truth is still the truth, Please provide the LM2 for the administration functions? I believe you will find out with 18,000 members and 1.3 million for these functions is a little excessive!

You will also findout no accountability was set up for a reason! To hide expenses! I would not be surprised to see money funneled to organizers and Delle thru MAG!!!!!!!! Even the money you receive!!!!!
There is huge difference between your lies and the truth.

Documented proof does not stop you from telling the same ol'e lies.

Why we should bother to show you the truth, it doesn't stop you from telling more lies? There are plenty of open minded folks to still get on our side. You are nothing but a waste of time and effort.
Checking it Out said:
Seems to me the money is well spent!

Amfa MAG makes over 800,000 thousand a year with no accountability!
Is'nt that 3.2 million over 4 years to one person? If you can please show us his LM2 report? Kevin McCormick.

Are you willing to spend 600,000 thousand a year to this organization that does not have a clue how to represent (Amfa) or 150,000+/- thousand with a car?(TWU).

This is a no brainer to me!

Everything is obviously a "No brainer" with you.

While we are on the issue of LM-2s , can you explain why Bobby Gless, who has made several agreements with the company for the TWU is not listed as an employee on the LM-2 for last year?