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I can honestly say, I believe in the TWU! I took an oath to Support US 100% and Question their ability to represent with out my judgement being clouded! CAN YOU?

When someone lacks the heart to fulfill their oath they took to represent the Membership of the TWU, like you have! You need to rethink your commentment to that Organization! Your Jugement is clouded and I believe You have failed!

Go back and read your own comments and see if you have put a negative twist on everything you have said? In order to achive a great UNION YOU have to believe! This you are lacking!

Have you ever stopped to think? If your local would work with the INTERNATIONAL you could achieve more? I do not remember the last time Your local has done this? Negativity breeds Negativity? You are the ones choosing to be out Out Out in left field all the time!

On 5/18/2003 11:27:11 AM Bob Owens wrote:

On 5/18/2003 9:49:56 AM Rational Thought wrote:

Bob, the problem you face is not really one caused by anything other than the market.  You can find the boogie man anywhere you want, but at the end of the day revenue has to exceed costs.  You can pretend that rule doesn't apply.  Unfortunately for AA, it does.  Want your pay and benefits back...work harder, faster and more productively.  Allow AA to operate the same number of flights with less assets and less people.  When the profits return, you can get your pay back.  Lowering productivity only makes you a Luddite.

Why is it that within weeks of gaining concessions the airlines can all of a sudden raise fares? The airline controls revenues.

Your suggestion that if I work harder, faster and more productively I can expect more pay is a lie. It contradicts what you say about the market and past history. What determines our pay, productivity or the market? Over the last twenty years mechanics productivity has increased, allowing AA to operate more flights with less mechanics but pay has gone down. Instead of being rewarded workers have been punished.


"The airline controls revenues".....Thats funny. Then, exactly why are they so low now? Ever heard of "markets"???

Of course you can operate an airline with less mechanics per plane....technological advances have allowed less maintenance per hour flown.

Just about every business needs to think of ways to do "more with less". Its called productivity and its how our economy grows!

Dude, I suggest an Economics 101 course at your local community college.
On 5/20/2003 9:26:01 AM Checking it Out wrote:


I can honestly say, I believe in the TWU! I took an oath to Support US 100% and Question their ability to represent with out my judgement being clouded!

So even you question their ability to represent us. What exactly do you believe in the TWU? Its existance or competance at living up to Mike Quills legacy?


Can I what? Drink cool aid when Jim (Jones) Little tells me to. Jim feels that I should take a $20,000/year cut in pay and be happy while he collects $147000 a year (plus expenses) from my dues. Maybe if I was in an appointed position like him and lived in Dallas on $147,000, I would not mind the cut. Is Jim going to take a pay cut?

If you want to blindly follow the lead of people who say "do as I say and not as I do", then go right ahead. Are you one of those six figure earning appointed officials? Are you taking a paycut?

When someone lacks the heart to fulfill their oath they took to represent the Membership of the TWU, like you have!

I am representing my members. I will continue to represent them as long as they wish.

You never answered my question, would you step down if the members requested it?

You need to rethink your commentment to that Organization!

You just dont get it do you? My commitment is to my coworkers in Local 562. My commitment is to my fellow workers who have survive on the wages that the $147000/year man just helped lower.

Your Jugement is clouded and I believe You have failed!

You also believe in Jim Little.

Go back and read your own comments and see if you have put a negative twist on everything you have said? In order to achive a great UNION YOU have to believe! This you are lacking!

What makes a union great? Giving up wages, benifits and workrules to the point that it sets us back 50 years without even a whisper of a fight? Allowing the company to dictate how much they want you to give up and then without question meeting that number? Lieing to your members?

I believe in Unionism, I just dont see it in Jim Little.

Have you ever stopped to think? If your local would work with the INTERNATIONAL you could achieve more?

Achieve what, an appointed six figure position with the International?

I do not remember the last time Your local has done this?

How would you know?

Negativity breeds Negativity?

You are right, negative pay rates breed negativity.

You are the ones choosing to be out Out Out in left field all the time!

I guess we should just join along with you and tell our members how great our Union is as they seek second or third jobs because of the great things you have done for them at AA.


Solidarity based upon what? Mutual benifit or majority rules?

So far I've addressed your statements, accusations and questions. Why dont you do the same? Or is it the 514 way to interrogate and not debate?​
On 5/20/2003 11:26:40 AM Segue wrote:

"The airline controls revenues".....Thats funny. Then, exactly why are they so low now? Ever heard of "markets"???

Because they choose not to raise them now. The planes are full, if they are full they can raise the fares.

Of course you can operate an airline with less mechanics per plane....technological advances have allowed less maintenance per hour flown.

Just about every business needs to think of ways to do "more with less". Its called productivity and its how our economy grows!

Dude, I suggest an Economics 101 course at your local community college.


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