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The TWU and IAM are stealing your Union Dues

Thank you I know, look what they did to our local president, they put him in the international to keep him quiet. Does that make sense one minute your fighting the international the next minute your one of them.
And the dues keep flowing in.
the Association had to make sure that we were not members of it, since it is not a dues collecting organization.
This is true if the Ass. collected the dues and then moved the money to the TWU and IAM it would have lost control of the ASS. because of governance requirements from the department of Labor.
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My aim on doing this is to initiate a representative election, so we can have a say who and how we are represented. I believe if neither unions can cash in on our union dues they may let us vote.
I'm holding back on some more items that I haven't posted that can cost this two organization real money if they don’t let us vote. I have not posted this items in order not to stop negotiations.
Their are two options that can be done right now.

1: Class action lawsuit to reclaim our union dues.

2: Contact American Airlines and inform them that our union dues is been misappropriated.

If you truly believe this, then stop paying. Even if you were right, I'm not sure how that helps you. Even a bad attorney is better than no attorney. I for one, will not slit my own throat.
I'm holding back on some more items that I haven't posted that can cost this two organization real money if they don’t let us vote. I have not posted this items in order not to stop negotiations.
In the past the company would have the twu’s back and collude with their pet union to protect it. Your timing could work in our favor on this if there is something there. I wouldn’t worry about impacting negotiations at this stage of the game. Rock on brother if you think what you have is valid.

Buck, you forgot the very famous Q#5 "Will we be able to vote on this asso.?"
Answer given---Yes
Actual truth of the matter---No and they knew it the whole time, it was the scam of the year to keep these two industrial unions still alive within aviation mechanics.
I'm holding back on some more items that I haven't posted that can cost this two organization real money if they don’t let us vote. I have not posted this items in order not to stop negotiations.

In the past the company would have the twu’s back and collude with their pet union to protect it. Your timing could work in our favor on this if there is something there. I wouldn’t worry about impacting negotiations at this stage of the game. Rock on brother if you think what you have is valid.

chellow, I must agree with scorp. here. If you really do have something then press forward. These nego's are going nowhere unless this Judge sends fines and orders back to the table. If this Judge does not I see a few more years. Maybe rethink holding back, but i do understand you wouldn't want it to hold up nego's. At this point and time that a tough decision to make, But could it be well worth it???
I would love to see you guys a representational vote between whomever. As long as this asso. gets put on the chopping block and discarded I will support anyone on the other choice of the ballot. Good luck to you. Hope it all turns out well for you all...
chellow, I must agree with scorp. here. If you really do have something then press forward. These nego's are going nowhere unless this Judge sends fines and orders back to the table. If this Judge does not I see a few more years. Maybe rethink holding back, but i do understand you wouldn't want it to hold up nego's. At this point and time that a tough decision to make, But could it be well worth it???
I would love to see you guys a representational vote between whomever. As long as this asso. gets put on the chopping block and discarded I will support anyone on the other choice of the ballot. Good luck to you. Hope it all turns out well for you all...
One step at a time. We have to wait until the judge makes a decision soon or if he drags it on. We have another date set with the NMB. Unfortunately the NMB is calling it a STATUS UPDATE meeting. Whatever that entails is beyond me since all these meetings are behind closed doors and the information coming out after such meetings can never be taken as 100% accurate.
chellow, I must agree with scorp. here. If you really do have something then press forward. These nego's are going nowhere unless this Judge sends fines and orders back to the table. If this Judge does not I see a few more years. Maybe rethink holding back, but i do understand you wouldn't want it to hold up nego's. At this point and time that a tough decision to make, But could it be well worth it???
I would love to see you guys a representational vote between whomever. As long as this asso. gets put on the chopping block and discarded I will support anyone on the other choice of the ballot. Good luck to you. Hope it all turns out well for you all...

I guess it doesn't hurt, some of the members here have alluded to it.

If you read the Association constitution we are not members of the Association.

Article 2 of constitution states that the Association membership "consist of the international presidents of the TWU and IAM and their "designees"" . We are not members of the Association. This is in violation of Railroad Labor act 45 U.S.C. § 152 11th (a) "all employees shall become members of the labor organization representing their craft or class"

Some may say, well the Association is the IAM and TWU. This may be partly true but we are not members of the IAM or the TWU, we must hold membership to the Association only according to 45 U.S.C. § 152 11th (a), both the IAM and TWU have been decertified at 42 NMB No. 20, file No. CR-7131 it states "TWU/IAM Association as the certified representative and the TWU's and IAM individual certifications are terminated." "The Board finds that the TWU/IAM Mechanics Association is the certified representative of the Mechanics and Related Employees craft or class at the New American and that certification hereinafter will be referred to as the certification in NMB Case No. R-7422. TWU’s certification in NMB Case No. R-6872 and IAM’s Certification in NMB Case No. R-4593 are extinguished." As far as the NMB and Railroad Labor act the IAM and TWU are no longer on the ramp.

Again the reasoning for this is for the IAM and TWU to maintain governance and your Union dues, if we were to become members of the Association, it would have to file with the department of Labor as a Labor organization. As a Labor organization the Association would be free and independent of the IAM and TWU.

Now were does the money jeopardy come in to the IAM and TWU? We are looking at a possible class action lawsuit against this two unions on interfering in representation and negotiations.

You have to ask how much money each one of us have lost, due to this abortion of a Association, I'm looking at over $500 million dollars.


Buck, you forgot the very famous Q#5 "Will we be able to vote on this asso.?"
Answer given---Yes
Actual truth of the matter---No and they knew it the whole time, it was the scam of the year to keep these two industrial unions still alive within aviation mechanics.

The data on the Association website would be good "evidence" if one was to fight assessments from potential union dues increases, but no one will.