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The SCAB of the week returns!

Your "you all need prozac" comment rates 3rd grade as well operaations. In fact, AA management probably has a meds truck that makes weekly stops at Centerport and DFW to keep deskjockeys like you from tweaking off the charts. :huh:

Your just over here to stir the pot with your anti-worker, anti-union comments. Do you know anyone that works for Scab Air or the former NWA? What is you intrest here operaations?
Not Anti Worker. And not completley Anti Union. I am anti hate and do not like the way some (professional) people on this board treat their own co workers.

Yes I do know quite a few people that workl for and that are laid off from NWA. I believe NWA is being very unfair and is completley wrong in what it is doing.

I just do not agree with how some Union people treat people. The Threats. The harrasment. The name calling. It get nothing accomplished
Not Anti Worker. And not completley Anti Union. I am anti hate and do not like the way some (professional) people on this board treat their own co workers.

Yes I do know quite a few people that workl for and that are laid off from NWA. I believe NWA is being very unfair and is completley wrong in what it is doing.

I just do not agree with how some Union people treat people. The Threats. The harrasment. The name calling. It get nothing accomplished
Well it goes both ways. Poor helpless scabbers aren't all angels either. Nor some certain managers.
Well it goes both ways. Poor helpless scabbers aren't all angels either. Nor some certain managers.
that is such a vulgar term.(scabbers)

yes some people i assume are bad. but what about the ones that need the job and rather work than feed off the government.

things need to be fixed. If I knew how to fix them i would never need to work another day in my life again. But I do know this. Name Calling and trash talking is not the way to fix this problem
mmmmm....about a mili second!

Whats your stake in this fight anyway? you don't like the term SCAB, well to friggin bad when you cross a picket line thats what you are.

what about the ones that need the job and rather work than feed off the government.
Give me a break, there are jobs available without having to cross a picket line. Of course you have to get off your lazy arse and knock on some doors.

those who feed off the government choose not to work!
Name calling, baiting, doing it in person... both sides do the same thing.

The term "Scab" is in all dictionaries including the online one:

Main Entry: 1scab
Pronunciation: 'skab
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Swedish skabbr scab; akin to Old English sceabb scab, Latin scabere to scratch -- more at SHAVE
1 : scabies of domestic animals
2 : a crust of hardened blood and serum over a wound
3 a : a contemptible person b (1) : a worker who refuses to join a labor union (2) : a union member who refuses to strike or returns to work before a strike has ended (3) : a worker who accepts employment or replaces a union worker during a strike (4) : one who works for less than union wages or on nonunion terms4 : any of various bacterial or fungus diseases of plants characterized by crustaceous spots; also : one of the spots
Not Anti Worker. And not completley Anti Union. I am anti hate and do not like the way some (professional) people on this board treat their own co workers.

I just do not agree with how some Union people treat people. The Threats. The harrasment. The name calling. It get nothing accomplished
A SCAB is not my co worker, a company bootlicker is not my co worker, they are the enemy.

I like the way you inserted the term 'Union' in that statement, shows your real side lackey. Take your rose colored glasses off for a minute and you might just see whats happening to the working class in this country.

Anti hate?....really, well guess what einstien the world is full of it, so much so that some folks would take delight in removing your head with a dull knife. I dont count myself as one of those, however I probably would'nt fetch you a glass of ice water if you were vacationing in hades.
ops, you come on here and sound like you are a union hater with the way you post. But in reality, as jenny put it, the SCAB is in the DICTIONARY. As far as Im concerned, I wouldnt work any of the scabs who by the way are doing shoddy work in the maintaince department, if you can even call them that. A union is a must have for the airline industry. Just ask any of us at US or anyone at NWA, or any one of them.
Not Anti Worker. And not completley Anti Union. I am anti hate and do not like the way some (professional) people on this board treat their own co workers.

Yes I do know quite a few people that workl for and that are laid off from NWA. I believe NWA is being very unfair and is completley wrong in what it is doing.

I just do not agree with how some Union people treat people. The Threats. The harrasment. The name calling. It get nothing accomplished
How about how management treats people? Remember, unions were formed because of draconian, ruthless, and greedy management. If your anti hate then you need to look at your own management ranks for some of the worst examples. These people seem to delite in the suffering and hardships they impose on workers. They caused most of these problems, and then they expect workers to shake hands and forgive them while they stuff their pockets. Sorry, but screw that. I don't forget, and neither do many of my friends.

If you don't like the terms scab, or management bootlicker than you'll have to get over it. They are here to stay.
a perfect xmas present for someone special.


can you imagine your kids wanting to buy this? Freaking gross.
Oh by gosh by golly is it Monday already??
Time for a new "SCAB OF THE WEEK"
This is another puzzlement of nature folks...this weeks SCAB is BOB BEELER!!
Bob worked the afternoon shift in zone 2 DTW and was a mediocre mechanic. Well intrenched in his lickem' and stickem' ways. Nice guy and doing well off property. Bob and his wife owned a "successful" (his words, not mine) real estate business in the DTW area. In fact his money from nwa was spending money. So why does a "successful" real estate agent not engage in this career instead of caving in to SCAB and cross the picket line????
Who knows. :huh: I do know that if BOB had stayed on the picket line and persued his second career in real estate that he would have been the "go to guy" of his fellow strikers and probably would have quite a decent commission off of his union brothers and they would have THANKED him for it.So congrats to BOB BEELER...This weeks choice for :down: SCAB OF THE WEEK!! :down:
Oh by gosh by golly is it Monday already??
Time for a new "SCAB OF THE WEEK"
This is another puzzlement of nature folks...this weeks SCAB is BOB BEELER!!
Bob worked the afternoon shift in zone 2 DTW and was a mediocre mechanic. Well intrenched in his lickem' and stickem' ways. Nice guy and doing well off property. Bob and his wife owned a "successful" (his words, not mine) real estate business in the DTW area. In fact his money from nwa was spending money. So why does a "successful" real estate agent not engage in this career instead of caving in to SCAB and cross the picket line??

Sounds like another Bull Feces artist like his SCAB brother PTO, THE GREAT PROPERTY INVESTMENT GURU!.. :lol:
Sounds like another Bull Feces artist like his SCAB brother PTO, THE GREAT PROPERTY INVESTMENT GURU!.. :lol:

Bull feces...thats about it. Beeler would talk about what a great business he had going and "wasn't worried" about what nwa did or didn't do. Sadly the truth has now been revealed for BOB BEELER. Another guy who couldn't find another job on the outside or wouldn't try. No confidence in his "Skill Set".