As a 30 year employee of AA I'am safe to say that our aircraft maintenance dept. is not
perfect, nobody's is. But as we morph into the "New American Airlines" whose business
plan includes outsourcing many of the jobs we used to do in house, I feel the real costs
or total costs are not being reported on the bottom line.
Not all but many of the parts we receive need to be sent back to the vender for rework,
sure it is up to that vender to pay for the rework (at least I hope it is) but it is up to AA to
pay for the downtime of that part (by leasing parts, engines, etc etc).
My reasoning for this topic is a way for us to inform each other of the problems they see
and maybe even get the attention of AA that maybe one managers spending decrease
costs another manager to increase his costs or having missed gates or cancelled flights.
Here is an example, today in dock 2D at TULE a B737 sits because the vender who painted
it (old LAA aircraft) left the paint stripper on too long and damaged the aluminum skin. It is
possible the aircraft will need to be scrapped, sure the venders insurance will cover the damage.
But will the cost of the downtime be added to the cost of outsourcing that job? What is the
cost of a 737 sitting on the ground per day?