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If what you say about Bob Owens is true (I will assume it is since I personally do not know the man) maybe he should be our NEW UNION president.
The problem with AMP is it's preexisting therefore not accountable to AMR employees specifically. I think we should consider a UNION of ONLY AMR employees. I am for a multi membership type UNION not just the mechanics. I understand why you as a mechanic might prefer this, however, it would be more strategic to control all the parts of the airline business we can. These multiple contracts are part of our problem.
I understand many Mechanics feel this would result in a robbing Peter to pay Paul scenario. I believe contract language can solve this problem. For instance we could do an across the board minimum percentage (as in we demand a 5 percent minimum cost of living raise per contract for instance), any percentage over that would reflect supply and demand (which would work to your favor more than FSC's because we do not require a license). Another way we could do it is a multiplier (Any job requiring a license makes 2X what unskilled labor makes example FSC 21.16 A&P 42.32 ). Another way to attack the problem is license premiums.
It would be difficult at best to flourish controlling only one part of the business. It would also make you more prone to being farmed out.
Bob may be the perfect choice to lead us in a NEW UNION. We need experienced people after all.
We need to get rid of these international clowns.
Another thing we should look at is title experience. I know someone that STARTED at AMR with an A&P as Title 3. He has less than one year Title 1 now after 11 years with the company. Unfortunately after a few years of "being stuck" it is very difficult to move anywhere and start your time all over. We should keep things as is for the old guard but any new guard should all have only ONE seniority date.
Could you clarify AMP's preexisting status.
On your example of a 2x mulltiplier, if the mechanics wage goes up due to supply and demand and there are to many FSC's, will the FSC get a raise to maintain the multiplier?