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Amfa And Outsourcing

I hear NWA is looking for someone to do their APU's..any truth to this CIO?
I hear AA is outsourcing ALL component re-work on cf6-80c2A5 engines while the TWU watches member after member surplused out of the back shop work areas in the G.E. Engine shop and over 700 members are on the street in Tulsa. Is this true Seguro?
Just received a ADF antenna tonight at work. The paperwork was from AAR. What else is being farmed out now.
Buck said:
Just received a ADF antenna tonight at work. The paperwork was from AAR. What else is being farmed out now.
They didn't take it off one of the Reno Air planes did they? Do we generate enough ADF antennas to justify repair facilities? I don't recall ever changing any on an MD 80, 727s and DC10s maybe.
Informer and Buck what are you doing to check on these items you have pointing out? Part of survival is working to take care of the problem! Why not collect all the data and give it to the chairman of the R/O committee for Tulsa! It is easy to find fault anywhere, here is your oppurtunity to have 15 minutes of fame! Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

As I understand NWA has made it clear everything is up for bid! NWA has contacted AA to solicite bids on many items. I believe the APU maybe one of these items. Word has it that NWA will be out of the heavy maintenance work in short order.

Thanks for your time and have a Great Day!!!!!
j7915 said:
They didn't take it off one of the Reno Air planes did they? Do we generate enough ADF antennas to justify repair facilities? I don't recall ever changing any on an MD 80, 727s and DC10s maybe.
all I know is where it came from according to the work receipt.

we may not generate enough ADF antennas, although we probably generate enough antennas to do them in house.

What other work has our open ended scope clause allowed to be farmed out, either to another facility or in house to the concessionary pay scale of the OSM?

We check the condition of the ADF at every heavy check and we still do it at full concessionary pay. Maybe the TWU could either move that check to third party or have OSM's do it?
Checking it Out said:
Informer and Buck what are you doing to check on these items you have pointing out? Part of survival is working to take care of the problem! Why not collect all the data and give it to the chairman of the R/O committee for Tulsa! It is easy to find fault anywhere, here is your opportunity to have 15 minutes of fame! Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

As I understand NWA has made it clear everything is up for bid! NWA has contacted AA to solicite bids on many items. I believe the APU maybe one of these items. Word has it that NWA will be out of the heavy maintenance work in short order.

Thanks for your time and have a Great Day!!!!!
why would I want to assist the TWU with anything? They have destroyed our profession. If I were to participate in an RO function I would want it at top pay in the industry. Not multiple pay scales that divide the rank and file. Why would I want to assist the TWU in correcting its procedures that have created the largest concessionary contract in it's history, next to the B-scale.

You are correct, it is easy to find fault with the TWU, it has been down the tubes for twenty years.

I guarantee you that both of us are part of the solution. As soon as your type of unionism replaced.

As for NWA's work, you would condone doing the work of another union at a lower cost?

I believe that this falls in the definition of a scab?
Checking it Out said:
Informer and Buck what are you doing to check on these items you have pointing out? Part of survival is working to take care of the problem! Why not collect all the data and give it to the chairman of the R/O committee for Tulsa! It is easy to find fault anywhere, here is your oppurtunity to have 15 minutes of fame! Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

As I understand NWA has made it clear everything is up for bid! NWA has contacted AA to solicite bids on many items. I believe the APU maybe one of these items. Word has it that NWA will be out of the heavy maintenance work in short order.

Thanks for your time and have a Great Day!!!!!
Informer and Buck,

Now I see how it is now 'YOUR FAULT'!!!

Don't you just love it?


Main Entry: trans·fer·ence
Pronunciation: tran(t)s-'f&r-&n(t)s, 'tran(t)s-(")
Function: noun
1 : an act, process, or instance of transferring : CONVEYANCE, TRANSFER
2 : the redirection of feelings and desires and especially of those unconsciously retained from childhood toward a new object (as a psychoanalyst conducting therapy)
- trans·fer·en·tial /"tran(t)s-f&-'ren(t)-sh&l/ adjective

Take Care,
:spam: UAL_TECH
Buck said:
all I know is where it came from according to the work receipt.

we may not generate enough ADF antennas, although we probably generate enough antennas to do them in house.

What other work has our open ended scope clause allowed to be farmed out, either to another facility or in house to the concessionary pay scale of the OSM?

We check the condition of the ADF at every heavy check and we still do it at full concessionary pay. Maybe the TWU could either move that check to third party or have OSM's do it?
I can tell you from my experience working the line for over 17 years that I have changed quite a few ADF antennas. 757,767,MD11 and a bunch of TCAS antennas as well. Try sending an aircraft out on a International trip with no ADF system fully operational. It won't fly. The ADF is a critical part of our daily operation, it's nice to have them available in house instead of borrowing them with the limited supply system wide.
I agree, anyone who is unwilling or is intentionally looking the other way to allow outsourcing is doing a dis-service for all the members! Buck maybe you are better off going to a third party vendor to work! Here was your opportunity to shine and all you did was put your head in the sand!
I agree with you CIO. I think "OL" Buck should take a job with a third party employer. He seems to forget or has never experienced what working in a sweat shop enviroment is like. Maybe his dream would come true to be represented under AMFA, Which rumor has it they are trying to organize third party maintenence providers. Only AMFA would let there work go out the door and then try to organize those third party contractors that are doing the work they gave away. AMFA needs to learn to take care of business under their own roof first. They are destroying the barganing power of the mechanics trade across this industry.

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where barganing means YOU GO....!
I believe it is the TWU who will not produce the outsourcing numbers that have been asked for. A third party vendor, what do think the TWU at AA is becoming. You advocate the lowering of the companies cost through concessions and allow the company to compete. Yes the company may bring work back in, as long as the TWU allows for the companies cost to decrease. If you believe that AMFA is attempting to organize the mechanic and related at third party facilities for the work alone, you will never understand the concept of craft unionism. But I guess since you have made the whole issue about me, nothing else is important.
Buck are you stupid or what? Don't you understand that what AMFA is subjecting us to with their level of outsourcing is competing for work at a lowered labor cost! We are having to compete with 3rd party maintenance providers that now exist accross the pond. Possibley using child labor thanks to AMFA! How does this benifit you, and the value you place upon your abilities? Corporations are allways seeking ways to save money on labor, and this includes American Airlines! You are allways quick to criticize the TWU for the OSM classification. But aren't these employees entitled to the same benifits that us senior mechanics are entitled to? Don't they have the security of being unionized employees, medical insurance, dental,paid vacations, paid sick leave, military leave, retirement, stock incentives, the list goes on. If these same employees where employed at one of these 3rd party maintenance providers would they have any of these benifits? I think NOT...! With what AMFA is doing to this industry I don't think they are worthy of calling themselves an association or any form of the word in respect to being UNION...! They have had so many spin-off's lateley from their mechanics only association maybe they should try something new and call themselves ( AMFCOE) Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Clan of Elitists....!

AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where barganing means YOU GO....!
Buck their just doing what they do best. If they cant answer a question than they change the direction of the issue. If this doesnt work their trump card is to acuse the person of being an AMFA supporter. Alot of cards were signed during this drive because of twu's use of this tactic.