Buck are you stupid or what? Don't you understand that what AMFA is subjecting us to with their level of outsourcing is competing for work at a lowered labor cost! We are having to compete with 3rd party maintenance providers that now exist accross the pond. Possibley using child labor thanks to AMFA! How does this benifit you, and the value you place upon your abilities? Corporations are allways seeking ways to save money on labor, and this includes American Airlines! You are allways quick to criticize the TWU for the OSM classification. But aren't these employees entitled to the same benifits that us senior mechanics are entitled to? Don't they have the security of being unionized employees, medical insurance, dental,paid vacations, paid sick leave, military leave, retirement, stock incentives, the list goes on. If these same employees where employed at one of these 3rd party maintenance providers would they have any of these benifits? I think NOT...! With what AMFA is doing to this industry I don't think they are worthy of calling themselves an association or any form of the word in respect to being UNION...! They have had so many spin-off's lateley from their mechanics only association maybe they should try something new and call themselves ( AMFCOE) Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Clan of Elitists....!
AMFA: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where barganing means YOU GO....!