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Cultures actually clash in US Airways-America West merger

Well, sometimes you have to attack an absurd situation with absurdity to get the point across.

700 doesn't think my posts are relevant, especially since they hit too close to home for him. He has the job of defending the undefendable and being a sock puppet, he needs to grow a thick skin and expect that everyone is gonna roll their eyes at his defense of thuggery and violence.
I have not defended the 22, none of us knows exactly what happens, and if you actually took the time to read I have stated I do not condone what allegedly was done.
Why don't you actually post something that is relevant?


If you're new to this forum, disregard the IAM apologists here. Not all IAM members are misled goons like most of the posters on here.

The courts will determine the disposition of this matter, regardless of the IAM rhetoric, and there isn't any opinion or conjecture on here that will change the decision of the court, so lets let sleeping dogs lie.

Good day.

Remember that reporters aren't always in control of what they write. Editors can and do assign stories to be written, even when the reporter knows that it's not really news.

Fitz is a good guy.

Dan Fitz is so much capable of a reporter than this junk.
Has there been any further confrontations in Philadelphia, or have the two groups made peace?
Gee you wouldn't be biased now?

The IAM, in a court filing, claims the TWU organizers tried to force IAM-represented US Airways employees from the Marriott Hotel meeting room and then "physically assaulted" them. The IAM claims its members fought back in self-defense.
damn according to you the IAM is perfect and can do no wrong
Please show me in any of my posts where I have said that?
Dan Fitz is so much capable of a reporter than this junk.

Talk about grabbing old, low hanging fruit! Sheesh 🙄

There are so many OTHER things that could have been written that would have made the article soooo much more interesting and informative. Things like

The IT Integration and the two competing philosophyies that were present within the two IT organizations. When successfully completed the company is looking at 100 Million in annual cost savings and no one is losing a job that actually draws a paycheck from US. THAT IS NEWS!

The uniform Committee and how giving employees an actual voice in what they wear to work instead of the "Old" US Airways "Top Down" management style. THAT IS NEWS!

YES, there was a fight amongst rival unions and now you see why I have been all up & down the IAM over it. As a result of the IAM's action in PHL you've made organized labor in general, IAM & US Airways look bad at a time when none of the entities involved need ANY negative puiblicity. Those actions give lazy reporters on slow news days something to write about and you just don't look good. Doesn't REALLY mattter who did what. It happened and the story is going to have a long shelf life.


There has always been a "labor" uniform committee consisiting of elected members way before this new management. These elected representatives receive flight pay loss from the union budget as well as company paid flight pay loss for documenting input from its employees.
Sweetie I'm Lost!

Not idea ONE what you're talking about. All I was inti was the flights coming in>


LOL..ok, Bob.

What I took from your post is that Fitz should be writing about more relevant stories....like employees being able to have input in what uniforms they wear.

My point...U employees always have been able to have input in that area, so...that would not be news-worthy for the Gazette.