The new fAAmily is feuding already!

As my aunt in Alabama would have said..."Consider my pearls clutched." Rancor between APFA and AFA? Surely not. Tell me it isn't so.
Does anyone have the latest numbers of the relative size of US FA's vs AAs and if they are large enough to trigger a representational election?
is it legally permitted to keep an average weight for one work group vs. another or an absolute weight for any individual?
Laura Glading just released this video.
"AFA and its internal politics-- which are very complicated…" has to be in the running for understatement of the century.
WorldTraveler said:
is it legally permitted to keep an average weight for one work group vs. another or an absolute weight for any individual?
Are you really that dense?...
AdAstraPerAspera said:
Does anyone have the latest numbers of the relative size of US FA's vs AAs and if they are large enough to trigger a representational election?
The triggers on relative size only come into play if you're mixing a union & non-union workgroup.

In those cases, if 50%+1 of the employees show interest (it used to be 35%), NMB will launch an investigation which may or may not result in an election.

Since 50%+ of the workgroup is represented by one union, there's little question on if there will be an investigation.

Whether or not there's an election is another story. That gets decided by NMB on a case by case basis.

Seems to me that some of US's unions are about to find out the hard way just what the merger means...

AdAstraPerAspera said:
Does anyone have the latest numbers of the relative size of US FA's vs AAs and if they are large enough to trigger a representational election?
Per the DOT AA had 15,338 and US 7,072 at year end 2012. Not sure what the trigger is but if US was under the limit the trigger they have the right to get election authorization cards signed by APFA members for the CWA/AFA.
If I could predict the future, I would say that APFA will do to AFA, what USAPA did to ALPA.
Please keep on going....   this will be interesting to watch...  I am gonna have to order a popcorn refill.
ContUNITEus said:
If I could predict the future, I would say that APFA will do to AFA, what USAPA did to ALPA.
Please keep on going....   this will be interesting to watch...  I am gonna have to order a popcorn refill.
Good at making predictions are you? I predict with a completed merger that USgetsDISCONTINUED, USAPA goes to the dump where it belongs.
American and ALPA continue.
AA is the new majority.
You'll get a taste of being in the minority.
Don't choke on your popcorn. :lol:
What the AA pilots did to the TWA pilots and what the USair pilots are doing to the america west pilots, Not to mention what the AA FA's did to the TWA FA's, and how long the USair FA's and america west FA's took to reach an agreement. Makes for a long merger process where some group is going to really step on the other group to advance themselves. This might be the worst merger as far as labor goes, as far as I can tell, the ground crew's seniority is already decided. 
Duke787 said:
 This might be the worst merger as far as labor goes, as far as I can tell, the ground crew's seniority is already decided. 
It will be interesting to see how all this resolves and where the "$1 billion in synergies by 2015" Doug Parker & Co. have promised come from.
The AA pilots, f/a's, various unions, etc. were idiots if they believed (which they do actually as they are on record stating as such) that adding low-yielding US Airways mixed with AA will = "blockbuster yields/profits". Sure "blockbuster yields/profits" might happen but if I had to make an educated guess, it won't be even remotely close as promised.
AA will be in financial trouble in a few years - especially if the United States and global economy in general goes from "bad to worse" (which IMHO it will).
That's my prediction. Feel free to disagree. :)
I think you are spot on. I kept asking where the money is coming from to pay all these promises he has made to the AA unions (and pay the same amounts to the US union folk. I don't see them standing by quietly while AA counterparts are given things that they are not being given as well). Everyone keeps talking about the elusive "synergies." I doubt this myself. We should see fairly quickly how the synergies kick up the profits needed to pay the bills.
jimntx said:
I think you are spot on. I kept asking where the money is coming from to pay all these promises he has made to the AA unions (and pay the same amounts to the US union folk. I don't see them standing by quietly while AA counterparts are given things that they are not being given as well). Everyone keeps talking about the elusive "synergies." I doubt this myself. We should see fairly quickly how the synergies kick up the profits needed to pay the bills.
Um, what's being given? My VCs back? My holidays back?....
At least the F/A's have balls to say no to the Alliance.   Smartest thing they did is stop the merger of the two unions which is exactly what the mechanics need to do.  Have an election and let the members decide.  Not a forced alliance vote like the mechanics will have.  Good for the F/A's that took a stand at said no to combining...
Say no to an alliance?
Show us where they were negotiating an alliance.
News to the whole board about the APFA and AFA merging, because the AFA all ready is merged with the CWA.
Dont let the facts get in your way.

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