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The Most Sickening Obama Ad.............To Date !

What could some one who repeated kindergarten find in Harvard graduate schooll transcripts he would understand?
It never ends...


Next thing you know, Romney will be the cause of global warming.

Popular =/= credible.

Yeah, 'cause no one who smoked dope when they were young ever went on to enjoy any success... 🙄

Based on what I have read thus far and looking at your avatar, you either have a little more growing up to do or need to put down the bong. 🙄
Now the Obama peeps are trying to blame Romney for this woman's death!

They will stoop to any level, to keep peoples mind's off Barrack's failed policies and the unemployment rate in the U.S.

Again, this, along with most of Barrack's other attack ad's have been proven false!

"Top Obama campaign officials have refused to disavow a controversial and misleading TV ad by the pro-Obama super PAC, Priorities USA Action, that suggests Mitt Romney had a role in a woman’s death."

"Various fact-checkers has since pointed out that Soptic’s wife did not die until 2006, five years after GST Steel closed, and that she had health insurance coverage through her own employer for part of that time. It’s also unclear whether having insurance coverage through GST Steel would have meant better prevention or detection of the cancer that ultimately killed her."


If Barrack, his posse and the rest of you Marxist want to hold Romney acoountable for this womans sad fate, then I believe Barrack and Eric Holder should be held accountable for the murder of Brian Terry !

It gets even better SW.

In a January 10, 2012 interview with Amy Goodman of "Democracy Now!" the anti-Romney steel plant employee revealed he was offered a buyout when Bain decided to close the plant. Joe Soptic, the employee, has been in the news as of late due to an ad he made for the Obama-backed Super PAC Priorities USA. In the ad, Mr. Soptic says his wife died of cancer because he was laid off and no longer had health insurance.

However, not mentioned in the ad is that his wife found out she had cancer nearly five years after his departure from the plant. She died 22 days after her diagnosis. Transcript below.

AMY GOODMAN: Joining us now from Kansas City is Joe Soptic, former steelworker at Worldwide Grinding Systems, who has lost his job after a declared bankruptcy under Bain’s control. He’s speaking to us from Kansas City’s PBS station KCPT. Joe, explain what happened.

JOE SOPTIC: Well, I guess the first thing I noticed after the company was bought out by GST, they became very union-non-friendly. I mean, they started looking for ways to eliminate jobs. In my case, in my department, they actually offered to buy our jobs out from underneath us. They cut back on safety equipment. You know, the working environment just wasn’t as good as it should be.

Next question: Did he take it?

I like how the interview stops suddenly at 0:48

Poor Miit, the country sees him as a soulless profiteer.

Doesn't he have any rich friends to stand up for him?
Soptic will be found out to be a paid political hack next.

Soulless Mitt, all that money he's made over the years. That will never happen to Obama for sure, he hasn't a clue how its done.

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