I heard about the ad on one of the more popular radio show's.
Wonder how many of Romney's ads are out right lies?
My favorite Obama ad is the one where the man himself states "everyone must pay their fair share"
To which I would ask "what are you doing about those who don't pay anything?"
Wonder how many of Romney's ads are out right lies?
Err............guess you didn't think that any articles were written about the ad ! And actually I heard about the ad on one of the more popular radio show's.......................Neal Boortz !
I really don't think BO wants another term. His campaign just seems a little too weak. I think he likes the perks but not the work. Typical stoner.
Popular =/= credible.
Yeah, 'cause no one who smoked dope when they were young ever went on to enjoy any success... 🙄
Every election cycle we hear the same BS. Everybody is up in arms about the mud slinging. Yet every year the mud slinging is worse than before. With the amount of money put into elections, do you not think there are pollsters, head shrinks and the like who are paid to figuer out what ads work and which ones don't? These ads are made because as much as people say they hate them (when the other guy does it) they love them when their guy does it and because they work.
Trying to get him to release his tax returns.