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If the founders were not progressive/liberal they would have been pro establishment Loyalists and Tories.

That means loyal to the monarchy, content to remain British subjects in a British colony, and members of The Church of England.

They obviously were not.

The ideas and principles of The Enlightenment, the concept of a republic of any sort, and the idea of true religious freedom were not just liberal and progressive, but radically so, and revolutionary.

They required bloody revolutions to attain and put into practice.

The founders were the liberals, progressives, and free-thinkers of their time.

Not, I agree, to be confused with the 2013 foxnewsertainment/rush/beck/hannity definition of liberal, or ya'all's "libtard"

Two different things.

They would also never ever be confused with today's conservative, and especially not the modern GOP version of conservatism.

Libertarians, maybe, but they were also pragmatic and realized that any solution ultimately had to be both practical, and doable.

The Libertarians could learn from the founders' ability to compromise

Progressives are anti-liberty big government types.......exactly the opposite of the founding fathers.
If the founders were not progressive/liberal they would have been pro establishment Loyalists and Tories.

That means loyal to the monarchy, content to remain British subjects in a British colony, and members of The Church of England.

They obviously were not.

The ideas and principles of The Enlightenment, the concept of a republic of any sort, and the idea of true religious freedom were not just liberal and progressive, but radically so, and revolutionary.

They required bloody revolutions to attain and put into practice.

The founders were the liberals, progressives, and free-thinkers of their time.

Not, I agree, to be confused with the 2013 foxnewsertainment/rush/beck/hannity definition of liberal, or ya'all's "libtard"

Two different things.

They would also never ever be confused with today's conservative, and especially not the modern GOP version of conservatism.

Libertarians, maybe, but they were also pragmatic and realized that any solution ultimately had to be both practical, and doable.

The Libertarians could learn from the founders' ability to compromise
Don't try to compare the "liberal" (libtard) of today with liberal concepts of the founding fathers. Not even a comparison. They were liberal in the thought that our political and human rights came from a higher power than big government such as Kind George III. They were conservative in the biblical morality sense. Liberal in the government restructure (no tyrants) that government power only comes from the informed consent of those governed. They saw a required connection between God and Liberty. Big, Big, and huge difference.

The Obama type liberal of today is Socialist (failed in Europe) Communist (failed in Europe) or Marxist (failed in Europe). Redistribution of wealth, free abortions, government takeover of healthcare, suppression of the individual rights and creativity, gun control, double digit increases in welfare, trashing of the constitution (Obama's end run around congress to impose his will with Executive Orders), social engineering, control of the media, race baiting, huge tax increases and even larger national deficit, failed foreign policy, demonization and reduction of the millitary .....and on and on.

Is this the "Free Thinking" of libtards in action?

No thanks.
Don't try to compare the "liberal" (libtard) of today with liberal concepts of the founding fathers. Not even a comparison. They were liberal in the thought that our political and human rights came from a higher power than big government such as Kind George III. They were conservative in the biblical morality sense. Liberal in the government restructure (no tyrants) that government power only comes from the informed consent of those governed. They saw a required connection between God and Liberty. Big, Big, and huge difference.

The Obama type liberal of today is Socialist (failed in Europe) Communist (failed in Europe) or Marxist (failed in Europe). Redistribution of wealth, free abortions, government takeover of healthcare, suppression of the individual rights and creativity, gun control, double digit increases in welfare, trashing of the constitution (Obama's end run around congress to impose his will with Executive Orders), social engineering, control of the media, race baiting, huge tax increases and even larger national deficit, failed foreign policy, demonization and reduction of the millitary .....and on and on.

Is this the "Free Thinking" of libtards in action?

No thanks.

They were deists not theists. Big big big difference.

Obama is no more of a socialist/communist/Marxist than republicans are capitalists. Democrats only want government regulation/intervention that is different from the regulation/intervention that the republicans want.

Republicans distribute wealth upward, democrats downward. Republicans like to limit personal rights based on their religious (theist) beliefs that they seek to force on the rest of society. How many EO's were done by Bush verses Obama?

Your chit stinks just as bad as everyone else's.
The Just Ain't Right can't get any deeper than dog pictures and whining about short posts when their scissors and glue get taken away.
"The founders were the liberals, progressives, and free-thinkers of their time.

Not, I agree, to be confused with the 2013 foxnewsertainment/rush/beck/hannity definition of liberal, or ya'all's "libtard"

Two different things.

They would also never ever be confused with today's conservative, and especially not the modern GOP version of conservatism.

Libertarians, maybe, but they were also pragmatic and realized that any solution ultimately had to be both practical, and doable.

The Libertarians could learn from the founders' ability to compromise "
They also knew the difference between believing in a Creator, of God, and being a Christian, or following any particular religion or professing any particular creed.
Republicans distribute wealth upward, democrats downward.

That's how Chuckie Rangel, Pelosi, Reid and all got their wealth......by distributing it downward???
They also knew the difference between believing in a Creator, of God, and being a Christian, or following any particular religion or professing any particular creed.

I think there is a ertain comfort for the "believers" to believe that the founders were peope with beliefs similar to them as opposed to distinctly different beliefs. Believing the former makes it easier to force their beliefs on the rest of society.
Speaking if republicans and their fight for capitalism. May be someone should talk to Elon Musk. He has been banned by the TX legislature to sell his car. State has to protect those franchises don't you know. Does not sound like capitalism or free enterprise to me.
The government deciding that a man can sell his product only through franchises?


Talk about picking winners and losers

And in that bastion of right wing "conservative" values and rugged independence, The Republic of Texass, no less!

Where is the outrage?

Maybe if they encouraged critical thinking in their schools, folks would see what is AFU about this, or at least ask some questions.
Ms Tree, on 22 August 2013 - 12:55 PM, said:

"Republicans distribute wealth upward, democrats downward."

That's how Chuckie Rangel, Pelosi, Reid and all got their wealth......by distributing it downward???

The Ms thinks money grows on a Tree.

If that is the case, time to start harvesting the fruits of Tree's labor.

How about it Dell? Grab a ladder. He/she won't mind sharing.

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