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The Million Muslim March

Catholics - Evangelical/Protestant "Whack-jobs - Muslims - Jews ...etc. etc.

Just ANOTHER reason I love NORWAY (The Happiest, Healthiest LEAST Religious country in the world) !
Need a one way Buddy pass?

No guilt. Just not in denial of history.
Calling BS on this one. With all the guilt you have, how do you live with yourself?

He got up to 80,000 by having the same fifty guys walk around the block 1,600 times.
Dismissive wanking action !
Last I heard no one did.

How can you have an objective opinion then of something you haven't experienced. You remind me of all the preachers protesting Harry Potter, The Exorcist and so on.....none saw the movie.

So much for Dog being an objective poster.
Nearly every statement you made is incorrect, or at least partially incorrect.

"Like it or nor, our country was founded on Judeo Christian principles. It's on our money..."

Yes, there are phrases like"in God We Trust" on our money, and various inscriptions on some of our buildings. That is true.

You assume that the God mentioned is your God, or at least the Christian Judeo God. Notice it does not say Jesus, nor Yahweh. Those phrases were also not authored by the founders, who were self proclaimed deists, Quakers, FreeMasons, and a few Christians, but appeared years and decades and generations and centuries later, usually during some period of religious revival or some equivalent to the "red scare" of the 1950's, which prompted "under God" being added to the Pledge of Allegiance. Note that even they were smart enough not to specify which, or who's, god.

Thus your premise is wrong, even though it does contain a nugget of truth. A nugget that is irrelevant to the question.

The religious idea, and ideal, that this country was founded on is fairly accurately described as one where the government recognizes, and even defends, every individual's right to worship and believe as they choose--and otherwise stays the hell out of the religious arena. Including not favoring or supporting, or being unusually influenced by any religion, church, religious group, or particular creed or belief system.

Ditto for the rest of your statements, aside from the ones that are actually opinions. On those of course, you are entitled, and we shall see, but you are not entitled to express them as facts or truth, and expect your declarations not to be challenged.

Perhaps you should do a little reading.

And thinking for yourself, if your state GOP and your religion allow people to do such a dangerous thing.

You get over it
Do you read? Ever read the Declaration of Independence? If I'm so wrong about the American Judeo-Christian beginnings, what about this? Thomas Jefferson wrote: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness..." I suppose the "Creator" is some guy playing with silly puddy in your mind.
The founding fathers did separate church from state, but wisely did not separate God from state. In their mind, God was the source that gave them liberty. It's in our laws, our founding documents, and inscribed on our National Monuments. l know you want to change that with your liberal mind set, but that's American history. This isn't about "My" personal beliefs, or "My God", it's about what religious beliefs they had, which was by far....Judeo-Christain. There was then and still is today, a relationship between God and Liberty, he is the force behind it. God-less Liberals will discount this, but that's they way it is. Here is more for you; " President George Washington said this when proclaiming our National Thanksgiving Holiday: "It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God ......" John Adams wrote this: "We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

There's much more, but that works for now.

Some of our founding fathers were not Orthodox Christians, but they put faith into nearly every aspect of our Amercian Culture. Far before your laughable statement that this all started with Red Scare of the 1950s. WTF is right.
Americans are free to practice the religion of there choice, however if Muslim or for that matter any other religion thinks they are going to remove our Judeo-Christian culture and install their Koran, they got another thing coming.

You can't change it IFLY2....try as you might.

You need to really....get over it.

Why do you suppose theymuse the word God, and never Use Jesus, Christ, Lord, Savior, or any other Christian terms.

Lots of people who aren't Christians have gods, or believe in God.

You need to do a little reading

Start with what Thomas Jefferson had to say about Christianity.

"Quotation: "I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology."

Wrong again... There were a very few avowed Christians among the founders. John Jay being the only ONE that most anyone has ever heard of. All he other famous guys were self proclaimed deists, quakers, freemasons, etc.

Of course, if you want to accuse them of being christians, you may, and they of course are notmhere to refute your claim.

Thier words, however, are.

The country was founded by people who were raised and lived in and amongst a predominately western judeo christian environment, even though only about 17% of colonials ever bothered to actually join a church. No argument there.

The nation, as in its government, status as a republic, and specifically the construction of the Constitutution were not created as, or with the intent of being a "Christian Nation". Virginia had a state church, the Church of England. The United States was founded on the ideals of The Enlightenment, including the idea of unalienable rights, and individual freedom. That included the individual freedom to believe and worship as one did or saw fit. Or--equally importantly-- not at all.

A largely christian, or at least god-believing culture, yeah, sure.

A "christian nation"? Not even close. Not even the first grade version of US history suggests that.

The evangelicals would like for it to be true, and like for you and I to believe it, and might even actually believe it themselves. It suits thier purposes and fits thier story.

They are wrong.


Or, be a sheep and send the self-appointed shepherds your money, and your brain.
The red scare and the "under god" was an example. One example. A recent one. I never said it all started there.

Maybe a weekend test prep course with an emphasis on reading for comprehension is in order?

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