I have no idea how you came to that conclusion from what I posted. I have been sharing my 'wealth' with corporate America for close to 30 years now.
The founding fathers still believed in the Judeo-Christian values, regardless if the believed in Jesus Christ or not. Abraham Lincoln was on the fence of being a practicing christian. He did say this about the bible; "In regard to this great book, I have but to say, it is the best gift God has given to men. All the good Savior gave to the world was communicated through this book. But for it we could not know right from wrong." He also spoke these words at the Gettysburg Address: "that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."They were deists not theists. Big big big difference.
Obama is no more of a socialist/communist/Marxist than republicans are capitalists. Democrats only want government regulation/intervention that is different from the regulation/intervention that the republicans want.
Republicans distribute wealth upward, democrats downward. Republicans like to limit personal rights based on their religious (theist) beliefs that they seek to force on the rest of society. How many EO's were done by Bush verses Obama?
Your chit stinks just as bad as everyone else's.
The only obscenely rich are Republican, all others that are simply wealthy are Libtard Democrats. See the difference?Ms Tree, on 22 August 2013 - 12:55 PM, said:
"Republicans distribute wealth upward, democrats downward."
The Ms thinks money grows on a Tree.
If that is the case, time to start harvesting the fruits of Tree's labor.
How about it Dell? Grab a ladder. He/she won't mind sharing.
How many EO's is the difference Obama vs Bush? I'm pretty sure Obama is winning the EO race.
I fully agree. I NObama can't get his way using the constitutional methods, then he just does the EO, then goes on another lavish vacation to celebrate.Its not the quantity between the two, its the intent on circumventing the Congressional process and Constitution when he can't get his way. I don't believe Bush made a habit of this.
I believe they refer to this as a dictatorship.
And Bush's intent was...?
Circumventing the congressional process and the constitution when he couldn't get his way, perhaps?
You start.... It was your argument...
And your implied contention that it was ok for Bush, but not for Obama...
You 'splain it
I honestly don't see how that bit of reasoning can work
I don't believe Bush made a habit of this.
The only obscenely rich are Republican, all others that are simply wealthy are Libtard Democrats. See the difference?
Let the Tree of wealth sharing begin. Working sucks.
Corporate America.... Companies like Exxon?
I don't think you buy gas at the food bank.
Sorry for the formatting
Saying something doesn't make it true
(i don't believe Bush made a habit of this...)
I don't know just how you want to define "habit", but it appears he had more of a havit of using EO s than Barrack... So far...
President Total Orders Order Number
Franklin D. Roosevelt 3,522 6071 - 9537
Harry S. Truman 907 9538 - 10431
Dwight D. Eisenhower 484 10432 - 10913
John F. Kennedy 214 10914 - 11127
Lyndon B. Johnson 325 11128 - 11451
Richard Nixon 346 11452 - 11797
Gerald R. Ford 169 11798 - 11966
Jimmy Carter 320 11967 - 12286
Ronald Reagan 381 12287 - 12667
George Bush 166 12668 - 12833
William J. Clinton 364 12834 - 13197
George W. Bush 291 13198 - 13488
Barack Obama 157 13489 - 13645...