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The Million Muslim March

Why? Surely people wouldn't have a problem with a Million Man White march..........right?
I mean we've had the black march..........no problems !
About to have the muslim march...........no problems (Except the day they're doing it on)
And I'm sure, any other race or religion could have a march and not hear a peep from the libtards or MSM.........right?

If you don't understand why a march of 1 million white people would be an issue there is nothing I can say that you would understand.
"Pulling Doggie tails"..........."Tucking it up there TIGHT" ?

I gotta' ask, Hackman. Are you an old QUEEN ? ?
Yeah Archie, I like the band Queen, too bad about Freddie. Must have been that deviant lifestyle. I grew up in the 70s-80s, so not too old yet like yourself.

About the tails, I was referring to Doggie's tail tuck between the legs. Now, don't get all excited and join up with the Leather Pride BDSM Parade in San Freaksisco.

Lean Backward, and slap the Meathead.
And try finding a milllion muslims marching in the DPRK. That's a fact.

What's the title of the thread? Pay attention.

You said that Iran was a republic just because it is in their name. Democratic is in the DPRK name and they are not democratic in the least. The only point I was making was that just because someone calls them self a republic or democratic does not make it so.
You said that Iran was a republic just because it is in their name. Democratic is in the DPRK name and they are not democratic in the least. The only point I was making was that just because someone calls them self a republic or democratic does not make it so.

Like the republic of Texas?

When was the Catholic church founded?

Do you know?

Do you seriously want to compare the historical activities of the "Catholic" church with those of the Muslims, or any other group of people in history?

The preservation vs. destruction of knowledge?

Denial of science?

Murder, genocide?

Scandal, abuse of power?

Money and power over spirituality?

Outright lies to its followers, re the foundations of its "beliefs"?

When was the Catholic Church founded?

BTW, nothing in Obamacare is going to force Catholic hospitals out of business. They aren't going to be forced to provide any care or procedures that are contrary to the old white guys running the places' plans to preserve their control. The Catholic hospitals are businesses, not charities. They do not run on volunteer labor, rather they hire employees. As such, they will and damn well should comply with the various laws and regulations that all businesses are required to comply with. Starting with sanitary regs in the cafeterias, up to and including labor laws, OSHA regulations, min wage and child labor laws, required financial reporting, hazardous materials disposal, etc., etc. All of the laws that all similar businesses are required to comply with.

Better we should all vote for those politicians who respect the individual's right to worship as the individual chooses, and recognizes that the government has no business granting special favors, or giving special consideration to any business based on any sort of "religious" affiliation.

Talk about religious fanatics wanting to take over government!

Kettle... Meet pot

Believe and worship what you want, but keep Your religion out of Our government.

That is the "religious" part of the ideas this country was actually founded on.
So many questions, some even asked twice.

Do you know?

I would surmise the church was founded by Jesus Christ, after his crucifixion by the Romans.

I'm talking about current events here for the most part, not what happened hundreds of years ago.

Radical muslims are the ones that are trying to take over the world, killing Christians and burning churchs, flying aircraft into buildings, jihad, calling for "Israel to be wiped off the map", stoning women, and other horrible events. That's happening now, today. Understand?

NObamacare is going to force a lot more than just Catholic hospitals out of business, it's going to bankrupt the country. Businesses are already starting to reduce hours and layoff employees because of NObamacare.

Like it or not, our country was founded on Judeo Christian values, its on our money, its on our historic buildings.

Libtards aren't going to change it.

Get over it.
Yeah, have at it...

And don't forget the signs explaining how the white male has been discriminated against, oppressed by The Man, ridiculed and ignored by society, and denied basic rights by our legislatures and courts.

Should be interesting.

(FWIW, I am about as middle class white suburban hetero married with children ex-military GOP voting until the Dumbya' disaster male as it gets...)

THANK GOR....Ifly2,....T H A N K......G O D for INTELLIGENT people like you, who made your 'switch', and especially....WHEN you did it !!!!!!!!!!

See, YOU HAVE the ability to choose between the LESSER of Two EVILS (hence Obama) as opposed to sooo many others who would try to put the likes of Sara Palin, or Paul Ryan.....a heartbeat away from the Nuclear Button.

Again I say sir,.............."THANK GOD" !!!!!!!!!!!!
Nearly every statement you made is incorrect, or at least partially incorrect.

"Like it or nor, our country was founded on Judeo Christian principles. It's on our money..."

Yes, there are phrases like"in God We Trust" on our money, and various inscriptions on some of our buildings. That is true.

You assume that the God mentioned is your God, or at least the Christian Judeo God. Notice it does not say Jesus, nor Yahweh. Those phrases were also not authored by the founders, who were self proclaimed deists, Quakers, FreeMasons, and a few Christians, but appeared years and decades and generations and centuries later, usually during some period of religious revival or some equivalent to the "red scare" of the 1950's, which prompted "under God" being added to the Pledge of Allegiance. Note that even they were smart enough not to specify which, or who's, god.

Thus your premise is wrong, even though it does contain a nugget of truth. A nugget that is irrelevant to the question.

The religious idea, and ideal, that this country was founded on is fairly accurately described as one where the government recognizes, and even defends, every individual's right to worship and believe as they choose--and otherwise stays the hell out of the religious arena. Including not favoring or supporting, or being unusually influenced by any religion, church, religious group, or particular creed or belief system.

Ditto for the rest of your statements, aside from the ones that are actually opinions. On those of course, you are entitled, and we shall see, but you are not entitled to express them as facts or truth, and expect your declarations not to be challenged.

Perhaps you should do a little reading.

And thinking for yourself, if your state GOP and your religion allow people to do such a dangerous thing.

You get over it
Btw, any bets on whether the radical muslims or the radical christians have been responsible for more church burnings in the U.S. in recent times. Say this century, or even since OBL declared jihad against the U.S.?

A little research never hurt anybody

Gettin your boot out of your mouth can be a touch more painful
Btw, any bets on whether the radical muslims or the radical christians have been responsible for more church burnings in the U.S. in recent times. Say this century, or even since OBL declared jihad against the U.S.?

A little research never hurt anybody

Gettin your boot out of your mouth can be a touch more painful

That's kind of a bait and switch Dude......Hackman was/is referring to Christian churches in areas under Islamic domination and you know it.

And why did the Pilgrims leave England?
One was to escape religious persecution by the government, so to say our country wasn't founded upon Judeo-Christian principles is merde.
Yeah, have at it...

And don't forget the signs explaining how the white male has been discriminated against, oppressed by The Man, ridiculed and ignored by society, and denied basic rights by our legislatures and courts.

Should be interesting.

(FWIW, I am about as middle class white suburban hetero married with children ex-military GOP voting until the Dumbya' disaster male as it gets...)

Sounds like Barry-O and yourself, share the same malady!
Livin' in the past !

I'm sure a black politician has never been involved in a scandal !

When was the Catholic church founded?

Do you know?

Do you seriously want to compare the historical activities of the "Catholic" church with those of the Muslims, or any other group of people in history?

The preservation vs. destruction of knowledge?

Denial of science?

Murder, genocide?

Scandal, abuse of power?

Money and power over spirituality?

Outright lies to its followers, re the foundations of its "beliefs"?

When was the Catholic Church founded?

BTW, nothing in Obamacare is going to force Catholic hospitals out of business. They aren't going to be forced to provide any care or procedures that are contrary to the old white guys running the places' plans to preserve their control. The Catholic hospitals are businesses, not charities. They do not run on volunteer labor, rather they hire employees. As such, they will and damn well should comply with the various laws and regulations that all businesses are required to comply with. Starting with sanitary regs in the cafeterias, up to and including labor laws, OSHA regulations, min wage and child labor laws, required financial reporting, hazardous materials disposal, etc., etc. All of the laws that all similar businesses are required to comply with.

Better we should all vote for those politicians who respect the individual's right to worship as the individual chooses, and recognizes that the government has no business granting special favors, or giving special consideration to any business based on any sort of "religious" affiliation.

Talk about religious fanatics wanting to take over government!

Kettle... Meet pot

Believe and worship what you want, but keep Your religion out of Our government.

That is the "religious" part of the ideas this country was actually founded on.

As long as you keep the Catholics out of Christianity you may be right, Tree. But to you Catholics are the standards of Christianity, which makes you a bit of a hypocrite, Tree.
If you don't understand why a march of 1 million white people would be an issue there is nothing I can say that you would understand.

That's because you are a traitor. And your Cold War antics derived from Europe must be applied to this great country because you envy true freedom unless it is for the opposition. In Europe it was known as Communism which is basically anti-Americanism. So please, use your passport that makes you one of them to take you back home where you can have 1 million idiot anti-American march for all I care!

I don't know wtf hack means, only what he says

I suspect that more mosques are vandalized and or burnt in Muslim Dominated areas, that Christian churches, but I'm not going to research that. If patterns for human behavior hold up, that is what would be expected

Siggy boy,

I am not tree, and i do not equate catholics with Christians, just as a subset of them.

The pilgrims were puritans, one of the Two hundred and some "christian" sects that existed in England at the time.

They were like most, not so much persecuted, as they were ignored and left out of greater English society and life, which of course was dominated by the Church of England, which was the Roman Catholic church "reinvented" to suit Henry, and used/perpetuated by The Monarchy since.

Real spiritual goings on there.

Anyway, the puritans were pretty far out there, like extreme Amish or the like today. Strangely enough, having fled England to be able to live and worship in their particular manner, they immediately set out trying to impose thi err ways on other settlers.

And what Indians they could get to.

Behavior that suggested the ideal of religious freedom, without interference, by or in the new government, 168 years later.




A lot of the bs they fed you was just that

Bs, and designed to ensure that"they" remained in control
Not quite immediately, actually, it took a while for the"savages" to teach them how to survive, and a while longer for other settlers to show up for then to attempt to subjugate.

All three of the"revealed" religions are big on that. Imposing thier particular beliefs on others. Oddly, while there is plenty of violence based on beliefs, most other religions are not big on converting others. They just kill them out of pure hate,
I'm thinking that of all the recognizable..'groups' out there today, I'm opining that........I think the Unitarians may have the clearest view on all this God stuff.

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