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The Million Muslim March

If you don't understand why a march of 1 million white people would be an issue there is nothing I can say that you would understand.

Personally , I'm sick and tired of the White Male population being blamed for everyone else's short comings. I went to school with black children, hispanic, you name it............all sitting in the same class room, learning the SAME sh!t.
Hell, some of those black, hispanic kids might even be millionaires...........good for them.........I don't want their money........unlike others !
And also, don't blame me for their parents shortcomings!
Personally, My Million Man White march would be about taking responsibility for yourseld and stop blaming others and nothing more !
Welcome to the 21st century..........Libtards !

I don't know wtf hack means, only what he says

I suspect that more mosques are vandalized and or burnt in Muslim Dominated areas, that Christian churches, but I'm not going to research that. If patterns for human behavior hold up, that is what would be expected

Siggy boy,

I am not tree, and i do not equate catholics with Christians, just as a subset of them.

The pilgrims were puritans, one of the Two hundred and some "christian" sects that existed in England at the time.

They were like most, not so much persecuted, as they were ignored and left out of greater English society and life, which of course was dominated by the Church of England, which was the Roman Catholic church "reinvented" to suit Henry, and used/perpetuated by The Monarchy since.

Real spiritual goings on there.

Anyway, the puritans were pretty far out there, like extreme Amish or the like today. Strangely enough, having fled England to be able to live and worship in their particular manner, they immediately set out trying to impose thi err ways on other settlers.

And what Indians they could get to.

Behavior that suggested the ideal of religious freedom, without interference, by or in the new government, 168 years later.




A lot of the bs they fed you was just that

Bs, and designed to ensure that"they" remained in control

Oh really.............the peaceful religion of Islam, shines again !

Attacks Rise Against Egypt’s Christians!

"Across Egypt, churches were burned and Christians terrorized. A Coptic Christian group, the Maspero Youth Union, recorded at least six deaths and the destruction of at least 38 churches, as well as attacks on at least 23 more. An activist with the group, Beshoy Tamry,primarily blamed Islamist leaders for “charging their followers with hate” and trying to destabilize the country by attacking its weakest citizens."

When was the last time a countrys Christian population did the same to other religions.............1600 and something?
Up to your editing charades again, I see!
You remind me of the only fly, at the picnic, that everyone tolerates, barely !
I didn't defend any religion, peaceful islamists or radicals

Odds are that they burn more mosques than churches
They being the "locals", usually...

Of whatever religious persuasion.

Generally they burn or vandalize more of their own broad fellow whatevers', but different sects' stuff than that of "other" people's stuff.

I didn't and am not going to research that re Muslim dominated countries in general, or Egypt in particular.

No question things are, shall we say, volatile in Egypt nowadays.

Christians are no doubt being targeted, but it seems everyone is.

You are being obtuse and I am trying to type meaningful responses on a phone
Personally , I'm sick and tired of the White Male population being blamed for everyone else's short comings. I went to school with black children, hispanic, you name it............all sitting in the same class room, learning the SAME sh!t.
Hell, some of those black, hispanic kids might even be millionaires...........good for them.........I don't want their money........unlike others !
And also, don't blame me for their parents shortcomings!
Personally, My Million Man White march would be about taking responsibility for yourseld and stop blaming others and nothing more !
Welcome to the 21st century..........Libtards !

I'll see what I can do to rewrite history and modify the present day reality to suit your POV.
Catholics - Evangelical/Protestant "Whack-jobs - Muslims - Jews ...etc. etc.

Just ANOTHER reason I love NORWAY (The Happiest, Healthiest LEAST Religious country in the world) !

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