The Gun Control Issue:

You are correct, not to change the subject but where is that liberal tolerance? Conservatives tolerated Obama for eight years hell Trumps only been in office for two. You have six more years to go, how much more butthurt can you get?
Um....what you call "tolerance" for the 8 years of Obama sounded a lot like virtiol. Indeed...the current occupant of the Mar a Lago was demanding Obama's birth certificate for a longer period of time than he's been president.
No KC going belly up when the odds are against you isn't being a realist. But you tell yourself that if it makes you feel better. History is replete with People that have overcome insurmountable odds and emerged victorious. Also to use the actions of a few mentally ill people to disarm the vast majority of lawful gun owners is pretty lame also. As horrifying as those events are it doesn't trump the rights of people to defend themselves. Not all gun owners kill kids or concert goers. That implication is also pretty lame.

You're right all gun owners don't kill kids and concertgoers. I never said they did. What I DID say was that ALL the guns that are most threatened...the non automatic automatic weapons, were explicitly designed to kill as many humans as possible in as short a period of time as possible. 100% of them. And SOME of those gun owners used them for the purpose they were designed for.
You're right all gun owners don't kill kids and concertgoers. I never said they did. What I DID say was that ALL the guns that are most threatened...the non automatic automatic weapons, were explicitly designed to kill as many humans as possible in as short a period of time as possible. 100% of them.
You clearly know nothing about guns. Nothing. But hey part of being a leftist is having very little to no practical knowledge of the subject you're talking/arguing about.
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Let he who is not stoned, roll the first joint.
The world according to Dude..:D
Let it be written and consumed...:eek:
STILL as far as protecting you from a tyrannical government, they won't do diddly squat.
Since you are so knowledgeable please tell me what all these have in common.

Turkey 1915-1917

The Soviet Union 1929-1953

Germany 1939-1945

China 1948-1952

Uganda 1971-1979

Cambodia 1975-1977

Guatemala 1981-1984

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