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Pro Gun control Mayor Bloomberg comments on the Colorado massacre

Once I heard of this tragedy I knew it would not take long for the subject of gun control and conceal carry laws to come up. Gun control people say this is yet another example of the need for stricter laws. Well the shooter as we all know purchased his guns legally and trying to ban guns outright is not going to happen so you might as well forget about that.

The other side says only if someone was carrying a weapon. Since Colorado has a concealed carry law that's not the issue. It would appear that there are people who have a John Wayneish fantasy of taking the killer out with a well-placed shot. You’re in a dark theatre when someone throws in tear gas, he's wearing head to toe body armor including ballistic helmet and ballistic gloves. Which means the only way to have stopped him dead in his tracks would be to hit him from the eyebrows down to the bottom of the neck. I guess if you’re a Navy SEAL or Delta operator I could see you making that shot. The average person, probably not.
I believe I read he had on neck armor as well so your target just got a weee bit smaller.

Something that could have been addressed is the fact that he bought 6,000 rounds of ammo on line sight unseen. That should have set off some red flags. Also, from what I have read mom was not surprised that her little boy was in the news.
Once I heard of this tragedy I knew it would not take long for the subject of gun control and conceal carry laws to come up. Gun control people say this is yet another example of the need for stricter laws. Well the shooter as we all know purchased his guns legally and trying to ban guns outright is not going to happen so you might as well forget about that.

The other side says only if someone was carrying a weapon. Since Colorado has a concealed carry law that's not the issue. It would appear that there are people who have a John Wayneish fantasy of taking the killer out with a well-placed shot. You’re in a dark theatre when someone throws in tear gas, he's wearing head to toe body armor including ballistic helmet and ballistic gloves. Which means the only way to have stopped him dead in his tracks would be to hit him from the eyebrows down to the bottom of the neck. I guess if you’re a Navy SEAL or Delta operator I could see you making that shot. The average person, probably not.

The theatre has a no weapons policy, didn't you hear?
maybe instead of punishing the law abiding gun owners, maybe they should punished the criminal who uses a gun more harshly. instead of putting him in jail and giving him or her free cable, free room and board, free health care, and free food. how about putting him or her on a chain gang, or letting the victims family have some alone time with the person. maybe that would go a little farther than banning guns from law abiding citizens.
You know the NRA argument of legal guns just covers up the fact that there are some in their rank-and-file that may go over the edge.

People are sick and retarded. you have been warned
maybe instead of punishing the law abiding gun owners, maybe they should punished the criminal who uses a gun more harshly. instead of putting him in jail and giving him or her free cable, free room and board, free health care, and free food. how about putting him or her on a chain gang, or letting the victims family have some alone time with the person. maybe that would go a little farther than banning guns from law abiding citizens.

Perhaps you can tell me how people are being punished when the requirements are more stringent for me to by pseudoephedrine than to buy a gun.

While we are at it, why are gun proponents so reactive in stead of proactive?
No shitte?
So what of the theatre policy then?
Make you touchy feely going to a movie there?

And how exactly is a movie theatre going to enforce said policy? Are they going to frisk every person that buys a ticket there?
While we are at it, why are gun proponents so reactive in stead of proactive?

Guess you probably haven't heard of the Boy Scouts, eh?

Responsible firearm use is part of the program.

Maybe one reason some gun rights proponents are seen as reactive is because they're constantly under attack from do-gooders who want to impose their views on a Constitutional right...
Tell you what, you walk in the worst neighborhoods in my town without a gun and if you survive, I'm convinced...

...unless you are special.

I have been in my share of neighborhoods most people avoid.

Nothing special about not living in fear.