Trump got my vote because he’s not a politician. He was a wrenchbtobbe thrown into some very corrupt gears. That he has done. The establishment, Democrat and Republican was blown away by his win. Now watching the two parties scramble for damage control is a bit comical to me. Thus far I’m extremely happy with the out come of him being president. I think the vast majority of the people that voted for him are happy with the results. The problemIf you are a Christian and believe that this country needs a more Christian leader, then you should have abstained from voting for either candidate. The one they voted for is a serial adulterer, which according to that dang old Leviticus, should be subjected to the same punishment as two men who engage in sex.
That'st the funny thing about them. Their rise came about in 1980. They supported Reagan over the president who has lived the most "Christ like" life in our nations history. They want Christian values....they just want tax cuts more.
with Republican voters is that they have no one to vote for. Most Republican politicians are rollover piecesofshit and democrats are just dumbasses. So what is one to do? As for the religion aspect I left the church years ago and have been separating my self from the “Christian” moniker. I don’t put a whole lot of stock in it anymore. My dog tags say “Protestant” so that’s what I go with. I voted for a man that I thought was the best thing for this country. There wasn’t a single person lined up on that stage other than him that could have beaten Hillary which is the worst person in the country to have become president. So relax in knowing that the best person that we had available to us is now