The Gun Control Issue:

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  • #301

This meme is irrelevant to gun control. It's about London's mayor spending money on PR while the accumulative homicide rate is increasing.

"Of the 132 victims of homicide in London last year for whom data is available, 76 were stabbed, 15 were shot and 41 were killed by other means."*


I know you like to communicate primarily with memes, but you might learn something factual if you didn't blindly regurgitate them without vetting the source or understanding the true meaning.
Well it would seem the UK, and in this case, London in paticular, has banned guns so according to the "ban all guns crowd", their homicide rate should have gone down? ...... WRONG! It went up!...... Now how can that be?....... Well, it would seem, now the bad guys are running around stabbing people! And the only ones that gave up their guns were the good guys! So what's their answeer to this?...... And what, if anything can we learn from it?
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  • #303
Well it would seem the UK, and in this case, London in paticular, has banned guns so according to the "ban all guns crowd", their homicide rate should have gone down? ...... WRONG! It went up!...... Now how can that be?....... Well, it would seem, now the bad guys are running around stabbing people! And the only ones that gave up their guns were the good guys! So what's their answeer to this?...... And what, if anything can we learn from it?
Might have something to do with Muslim migrants assaulting, raping, and murdering people while the the members of the UN use threat of law and social engineering to silence critics of their insane social polices.
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  • #306
Maybe a little bit of a exaggeration, but you get the idea!
Put assault rifle bans on individual state(s) referendums .
The results would likely look like the mason/dixon line. A few northern states would object (PA. comes to mind) but I sure-as-helll could live with the results. Besides, who-in-helll would ever consider going to 'dumps' like Tex-ASSS, or North Carolina etc !
Trust me ,we have enough pieces of chit like yourself moving south without you being one. Though it’d be quite funny watching someone beat your ass.

And how well do YOU think you'd 'fare', walking the streets of BOS or NYC or PHL while speaking ' SHITKICKERESE ' ??????????
Some pug nosed Irishman, OR, Better still, some " I " Talian dude would be wiping up the sidewalk with you peckerwood asss, Y'ALL !
(For NORMAL folks, an " I " Talian is SHITKICKESE for an Italian) !!
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  • #311
Why is it, when a Liberal is losing a debate and made to look like a fool, they resort to name-calling and threats?
And how well do YOU think you'd 'fare', walking the streets of BOS or NYC or PHL while speaking ' SHITKICKERESE ' ??????????
Some pug nosed Irishman, OR, Better still, some " I " Talian dude would be wiping up the sidewalk with you peckerwood asss, Y'ALL !
(For NORMAL folks, an " I " Talian is SHITKICKESE for an Italian) !!
I’ve been to all three a number of times and never an issue at all ,seems no one there thinks the Civil war is going on right down the road like a dumbass I know does.
While an Irish or Italian guy might do me in(though doubtful)
I don’t worry about an arrogant internet knuckle dragging cave man like you doing it. You’re nothing but that c word women get up in arms about.

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