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The Boy Scout and Chik-Fil-A thread

If you want religion out of government so badly, why can't you keep government out of religion?
Can you give me an example of government in religion so I have a basis for the discussion?
Can you give me an example of government in religion so I have a basis for the discussion?

The several cities that have stated they will deny Chick Filet business permits due to the religious beliefs of it's owner and founder.

That by definition is government entities trying to control and punish a persons constitutionally protected beliefs.

Can you imagine the stink that would arise if cities and groups started denying permits and picketing Ben and Jerrys Ice cream for the Gay and lesbian beliefs and statements that they have made over the years. Would make the chick filet thing look like a family cookout.
I am just waiting for the Chicago, boston and other townships and cities that said they were going to deny Chick Filet business permits because of the owners relgious and personal views to do so.

Once they do it will be entertaining to watch Chick Filet (and owner) sue the piss out of each and everyone for violation of their 1st amendment rights. And win every case.

Even the Klan and the Nazi fringe groups 1st amendment rights could not be taken away.

I find it very interesting how the special interest groups of this country keep telling people how they have to be tolerant of their views and their lifestyle etc etc. But those same groups start raising hell when people state their beliefs in something that the gay community or other special interest group does not like. Tolerance works both ways you clowns.

Chick Fil A would not have to raise a finger. The ACLU would be all over that. I bet they are hoping some dumb ass politician tries to do that.

"The government can regulate discrimination in employment or against customers, but what the government cannot do is to punish someone for their words," Adam Schwartz, senior attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, told Fox News. "When an alderman refuses to allow a business to open because its owner has expressed a viewpoint the government disagrees with, the government is practicing viewpoint discrimination."

Protests are just a little bit different than legal prohibitions. Given the fact that 'you clowns' have been depriving people of equal rights by law for centuries I fail to see how you can sit here and complain when people become tired of the right wing BS and fight back.

Yes the politicians who made threats are idiots and they were just that threats. They is no legal basis to act on those threats. Even Bloomberg said that.

In spite of Bloomberg’s support of same-sex marriage, he said Friday morning on his radio show that “it’s inappropriate for a city government or a state government or the federal government to look at somebody’s political views and decide whether or not they can live in the city or operate a business in the city or work for somebody in the city.” Bloomberg’s even-handed sentiment stands apart from the damning remarks and open threats that Chick-fil-A has received in recent days from the mayors of Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. In the past two weeks, Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel have pledged to block the restaurant chain in their cities in response to Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy’s admission in recent interviews that he supports the biblical definition of marriage and not same-sex marriage

The gay community is pissed because here I yet another right wing group advocating the denial of rights, based on their religious dogma, to a segment of society. I would be pissed off as well. There is no legal chance in hell that anyone will succeed in depriving Chick Fil A of speaking their mind. The threats made by the mayors are short sighted and ignorant.
The several cities that have stated they will deny Chick Filet business permits due to the religious beliefs of it's owner and founder.

That by definition is government entities trying to control and punish a persons constitutionally protected beliefs.

Can you imagine the stink that would arise if cities and groups started denying permits and picketing Ben and Jerrys Ice cream for the Gay and lesbian beliefs and statements that they have made over the years. Would make the chick filet thing look like a family cookout.

Those are empty threats with no legal foundation. What might have been a better example were the legal challenges raised against the Mosque in NYC. How ever that argument is pretty weak as well since the challenges failed.

Can you site any successful government invasions of religion?
Protests are just a little bit different than legal prohibitions. Given the fact that 'you clowns' have been depriving people of equal rights by law for centuries I fail to see how you can sit here and complain when people become tired of the right wing BS and fight back.

So by your standards I am somehow to blame for events that happened mostly before my lifetime (and none by me) so that gives you the right to tell me that I must be tolerant of your viewpoint and not state my viewpoint?

My complaint is not the fact that Chick filet is being protested by a group. My complaint is the sh%t storm I would endure if I decided to go out and protest my local Ben and Gerrys for the EXACT SAME THING from the other side of the viewpoint

Everytime I hear somebody spew that double standard crap my initial reaction is "Clowns"
So by your standards I am somehow to blame for events that happened mostly before my lifetime (and none by me) so that gives you the right to tell me that I must be tolerant of your viewpoint and not state my viewpoint?

My complaint is not the fact that Chick filet is being protested by a group. My complaint is the sh%t storm I would endure if I decided to go out and protest my local Ben and Gerrys for the EXACT SAME THING from the other side of the viewpoint

Everytime I hear somebody spew that double standard crap my initial reaction is "Clowns"

Not sure where you got that from. I disagree with religion. I find no need for it in my life. I have never once advocate for any laws that restrict peoples right to speak about religion or to practice their beliefs so long as they are out of the public sector which my tax dollars help support. So in that regard, yes I do expect you to be tolerant of beliefs that are different and even opposed to your own. I have never said you may not or should not state your own POV.

I am not sure what POV you would like to protest. If a group of people disagreed with your protest then there would be a chit storm, if not, then no storm. I fail to see how a group protesting the actions of the Chick Fil A CFO are wrong in any way? People who are against abortion protest in front of clinics all the time. That is their right to do so. How is that any different? If you disagree with something or someone and you think it is worth it, protest it. That is your right as a person in the US.
By the way, were any of you guys up in arms when people were boycotting JC Penny for using Degeneres as a spokes person? How about the Dixie Chicks?n How about the NYPD reaction to Springsteens song back in 2000? There are plenty of other examples of conservatives boycotting places but I guess those boycotts are OK right?
But it's ok to go into a "PRIVATELY OWNED" business and commence a love-fest, in protest of Dan Cathy's right to free speech !

"Gay marriage supporters have pushed for a boycott of the chain and are seeking to block new Chick-fil-A outlets from opening. The mayors of Chicago and Boston have spoken out against the company, and same-sex couples around the country plan a kiss-in at Chick-fil-A restaurants on Friday."

So Tree, just how do you and your buddies plan on blocking new Chick fil A's from opening, without Big Brothers help ?

And if you have this guy backing you, all I can say is.................tough luck !
By the way, were any of you guys up in arms when people were boycotting JC Penny for using Degeneres as a spokes person? How about the Dixie Chicks?n How about the NYPD reaction to Springsteens song back in 2000? There are plenty of other examples of conservatives boycotting places but I guess those boycotts are OK right?

Yep, just like the boycott of chick filet.

But as you said in this thread earlier. You can say what you want just don't come crying to me when there are reprucussions. I.E. if you start seeing boycotts of pro gay businesses like Ben and Jerrys. We have already seen the backlash againt the protesters of chick filet in the form of yesterdays Pro chick filet customer appreciation day.

Judging from the backlash of the chick filet issue if the protesters continue to push it I would not be surprised at all if you see the same thing happen to pro gay businesses. If it's fine on one side its fine on the other side. The protesters and idiot mayors that are condoning the chick issue in effect are also condoning the boycott and permit sanctions of pro gay supporters.

As you said, "Say what you want, but expect reprucussions"
But it's ok to go into a "PRIVATELY OWNED" business and commence a love-fest, in protest of Dan Cathy's right to free speech !

"Gay marriage supporters have pushed for a boycott of the chain and are seeking to block new Chick-fil-A outlets from opening. The mayors of Chicago and Boston have spoken out against the company, and same-sex couples around the country plan a kiss-in at Chick-fil-A restaurants on Friday."

So Tree, just how do you and your buddies plan on blocking new Chick fil A's from opening, without Big Brothers help ?

And if you have this guy backing you, all I can say is.................tough luck !

If someone is going on private property and violating their policies it is not all right and they can be escorted off or placed in custody. Any other questions?

I guess I am giving you far too much credit. Read post #124.
The several cities that have stated they will deny Chick Filet business permits due to the religious beliefs of it's owner and founder.

That by definition is government entities trying to control and punish a persons constitutionally protected beliefs.

Can you imagine the stink that would arise if cities and groups started denying permits and picketing Ben and Jerrys Ice cream for the Gay and lesbian beliefs and statements that they have made over the years. Would make the chick filet thing look like a family cookout.

It certainly looks like their little hissy fit has backfired looking at the long lines and reported record sales by the company. I think Chik-Fil-A should thank these folks for all the free press they have gotten the past few days. I plan to take my wife to enjoy a Chik-Fil-A lunch on Friday in support of traditional marriage and then go enjoy a Ben and Jerry's ice cream because it's a quality product and I'm not offended by their support of the G&L community.
The final word will be in the financial. No one knows how many are not showing up. A few extra meals over a few days won't mean too much.
to the tree:
yet you agree with Fartinakan.
Waaa, waa, waaa. Itwasn't the Christians that impose d their laws on your country. Your country is made up of the lowest life-forms of other Countries. You got the criminals, the insane, and the ones that were not wanted in their Christian countries.

You are not my boss, and my timeline is when Iwill it. I'm a bigot yet you don't look in the mirror. You have no children, not because you married late but because you don't believe in values or have morals, things you need to teach children. Go ahead, fire away, I'm a bigot and your the supreme stone thrower that lives in a glass house. Write your opinion of me on toilet paper and I'll file it where the sun don't shine.

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