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The Boy Scout and Chik-Fil-A thread

Well it appears that the forces of Liberty have struck a blow. How many want to bet that tomorrow's "Kiss A Chick" event is a total failure in attendence term?

The turn out at the Chick-Fil-a Appreciation Day was essentially the majority of American giving the Politicallly Correct crowd the Middle Finger.

Could this event cause the "silent majority" rise up and speak out?
What does NAMBLA have to do with anything being discussed here?

Same thing a person's personal comments have to do with his business. I'm sure there are gays working at the chicken joint, and he doesn't discriminate. The fact that he stated his beliefs to a CHRISTIAN audience means it has nothing to do with his business since Christians aren't the only ones who eat or work there. Your media circus of liberals is running with it.

So I'll run with it, too. Are you better than me?
BTW, I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state. The two can peacefully co-excist, but shouldn't interfere in each others affairs. Here the same crowd that would protest a church interfering with a state's affair, feel that they(the state) can interfere with the church's affairs. That is the bottom line!

Not in my town!
Well it appears that the forces of Liberty have struck a blow. How many want to bet that tomorrow's "Kiss A Chick" event is a total failure in attendence term?

The turn out at the Chick-Fil-a Appreciation Day was essentially the majority of American giving the Politicallly Correct crowd the Middle Finger.

Could this event cause the "silent majority" rise up and speak out?

AH there is the drama we know an love. 'Forces of liberty'. A company made a statement and people protested. That's how the COTUS works. Just another day in America.

Majority of Americans? You are aware that there are over 300 million people in the US right?

Christians being silent. Now that is funny right there.
Well it appears that the forces of Liberty have struck a blow.

No they didn't. A bunch of people decided it'd be neat-o to take time out of their day to express their disdain for the LGBT community. There's no liberty in that.

The turn out at the Chick-Fil-a Appreciation Day was essentially the majority of American giving the Politicallly Correct crowd the Middle Finger.

... Or to score free food... A conservative group in my state doled out several hundred gift cards for Chik-fil-A yesterday as part of the religious right's call to support the chain.

Majority of Americans? Really? That's a pretty big number, SH. You sure about that?
Same thing a person's personal comments have to do with his business. I'm sure there are gays working at the chicken joint, and he doesn't discriminate. The fact that he stated his beliefs to a CHRISTIAN audience means it has nothing to do with his business since Christians aren't the only ones who eat or work there. Your media circus of liberals is running with it.

So I'll run with it, too. Are you better than me?

If a CFO of a company makes a statement it is going to be linked with his/her company. Other than that I have no idea what the rest of your post meant or how NAMBLA is linked to any of this.

I do not even know you. Why would I think you are better or worse than me? Besides, better in what? Wood working, auto repair, needle point? Am I a better person? I doubt it unless you have committed some sort of heinous crimes you have not shared with the class.
BTW, I am a firm believer in the separation of church and state. The two can peacefully co-excist, but shouldn't interfere in each others affairs. Here the same crowd that would protest a church interfering with a state's affair, feel that they(the state) can interfere with the church's affairs. That is the bottom line!

Not in my town!
The people protesting are not the state. The idots who have said they would ban Chick from coming to their town are idiots and would have no hope of winning in court so that is a non-issue. People have the right to protest. People had the right to protest JC Penny which was about as successful as the protests against Chick will be.

It is only a way for people to voice their opinion of something. This is not nearly important enough for enough people to come out and make a difference. I know I am not going to show up anywhere.
I'm tired of eating fish on Friday. I think Fridays should be CFA day.
So was the "Kiss a Chick" protest a bust? haven't seen a peep on the MSM.
No they didn't. A bunch of people decided it'd be neat-o to take time out of their day to express their disdain for the LGBT community. There's no liberty in that.

... Or to score free food... A conservative group in my state doled out several hundred gift cards for Chik-fil-A yesterday as part of the religious right's call to support the chain.

Majority of Americans? Really? That's a pretty big number, SH. You sure about that?

I have no disdain for the so called "LGBT Community" anymore than I do for the "Social Conservative Community". However I am very very tired of the whole "Gay Rights" Bull feces. The are no such thing as group rights, ONLY individual rights. This theory goes back to the days of Plato & Socrates so it's not some new Ron Paul thing.
And to be clear... BSA views boys as asexual. The stance on orientation is with regard to adult leaders.

Perhaps this is just the exception to the rule.

Missouri Boy Scout Kicked Out of Camp for Being Gay

But of course it's not an isolated case.

Boy Scouts Say ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Works

I guess so long as you deny who you are the Boy Scouts don't care. So much for honesty right? Just shut up about your life and we will let you stay.

Gay Ex-Boy Scout Still Thinks Fondly Of the Organization That Exiled Him

I guess you get the point. The BSA does not view boys as asexual. If they come out as gay, they are out.

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