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The Boy Scout and Chik-Fil-A thread

Hey Sparrow,

Any more info on that ME oil free gas station? I'm down to 1/4 tank and I need to fill up.

Chik-Fil-A Appreciation Day

Take a gay friend to lunch.

CHICAGO (CBS) — The culture clash over Chick-Fil-A could come to a head on Wednesday, with supporters in Chicago and around the country turning out for an “appreciation day” first proposed by former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.
Nationwide as of Wednesday morning, about 582,000 people planned to go to a Chick-Fil-A location and order something for Chick-Fil-A Appreciation Day.

Huckabee said on Facebook that the purpose is to support a business that operates on Biblical values and is being targeted by “vicious hate speech and intolerant bigotry from the left.”
Huckabee said further, “Too often, those on the left make corporate statements to show support for same sex marriage, abortion, or profanity, but if Christians affirm traditional values, we’re considered homophobic, fundamentalists, hate-mongers, and intolerant.”

Chick-Fil-A chief executive officer Dan Cathy is quoted in the July 16 Baptist Press article: “We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.”
Cathy further expressed his opposition to same-sex marriage in an interview last month on the radio program “The Ken Coleman Show.”
“I think we are inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say ‘we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,’ and I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about,” Cathy said on the radio program.

Huckabee said on Facebook that the purpose is to support a business that operates on Biblical values and is being targeted by “vicious hate speech and intolerant bigotry from the left.”
Huckabee said further, “Too often, those on the left make corporate statements to show support for same sex marriage, abortion, or profanity, but if Christians affirm traditional values, we’re considered homophobic, fundamentalists, hate-mongers, and intolerant.”

That right there is some funny stuff. One group supports the expansion of rights and treating all people equal under the law and the others .... not so much.
That right there is some funny stuff. One group supports the expansion of rights and treating all people equal under the law and the others .... not so much.

The funny stuff is the huge amount of people coming out in support of the companies Christian values. Can't say the same for the other side.
Meanwhile, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee has turned the table of the chain’s critics, calling them bigots, and has launched a “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day,” which is Wednesday.
I support the gay groups’ rights under the First Amendment to protest. The creed of Voltaire which hung over a newspaper portal where I once worked read: “I may disagree with you, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” I take this seriously. But what is upsetting is the high-minded, sanctimonious arrogance of politicians to use state power to punish religious dissent as illustrated by the mayors.

At issue here is the First Amendment which gives both sides of the same-sex issue the right to freely voice their viewpoints as long as the speech is not hateful, harmful or hinders the free expression of the other side.
Both sides have ratched up the rhetoric, as is their right under our constitution: Cathy said on the radio show that people advocating for same-sex marriage are “inviting God’s judgment on our nation.”. Equality Matters told the Associated Press last week: “This solidifies Chick-fil-A as being closely aligned with some of the most vicious anti-gay voices in the country.”
But since the First Amendment also guarantees the separation of church and state, what gives politicians the right to use their offices to threaten to punish one group over the other for expressing their religious view — or for not having any religious view at all, for that matter.
While most black pastors won’t support Huckabee’s call to action Wednesday because of his conservative views on civil rights, too many who support traditional marriages are too chicken to challenge the protesters’ stance themselves for fear of losing federal funds. Some who have spoken out have already been vilified by politicians for doing so. But silence only ensures a continual erosion of their First Amendment rights.
“I am worried about religious rights being taken away,” says Keith Magee, pastor of Berachah Church in Boston. “Will government continue to evolve where they dictate the affairs of the church? Will restaurants that speak and practice Christian principles be shut down? For Christians, this does not look like a happy ending.”
Reynolds is an ordained minister, a columnist for TheRootDC and the author of six books, including “Out of Hell and Living Well, Healing From the Inside Out.” She is a former editor and columnist for USA Today.
The funny stuff here is the GLBT usurping the separation of Church and State to try to get the government to tell the religious community what is acceptable.
Boy this goes counter to what the Tree said about Chik:

NASHUA, N.H.—The manager of a Chick-fil-A in Nashua, N.H., is donating sandwiches to an upcoming festival celebrating gay rights.

The support from franchise operator Anthony Piccola for the New Hampshire Pride Fest comes as the restaurant chain continues to be criticized for an executive's comments about gay marriage.

Piccola said Wednesday that the Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in its restaurants "is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect -- regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender." It followed a statement he made last week that said the Nashua restaurant at the Pheasant Lane Mall has gay employees and serves gay customers "with honor, dignity and respect."

How can gay people work in such a bigoted hate filled workplace?
Must be terrible.


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