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The Boy Scout and Chik-Fil-A thread

I have no disdain for the so called "LGBT Community" anymore than I do for the "Social Conservative Community". However I am very very tired of the whole "Gay Rights" Bull feces. The are no such thing as group rights, ONLY individual rights. This theory goes back to the days of Plato & Socrates so it's not some new Ron Paul thing.
I really do not know why you keep trying to propagate the lie that people are looking for gay rights. There is not a single example of case law that I have found that asks for 'gay rights'. Can you site a case law that is asking for gay rights? All the cases revolve about equal rights. The idea of gay rights is just a main stream media short hand to make people like you feel better about denying people equal rights. The movements are labeled gay right mainly due to the fact that gays are the ones who are seeking equal rights. Others will benefit from this as well. Polygamists, people who want to marry just to give benefits to each other but have no relationship to name two.
So was the "Kiss a Chick" protest a bust? haven't seen a peep on the MSM.

Probably a bust. I know I am not going to waste my time protesting CFA and I am sure I am not the only one. The people just should have kept their mouth shut and just avoided CFA like I will. This one seems to have back fired.

I do find it ironic that the people complaining about freedom of speech and all that BS (no ones speech was hindered in anyway) do not even remember the protest against the Dixie Chicks a few years back. Seems like everyone jumped on that band wagon. The Dixie Chicks spoke their mind and they suffered the consequences for it.

So for those of you who think that CFA was somehow wronged, you would have to say the same was true for the Dixie Chicks but somehow I doubt you will. You have freedom of speech, not freedom from consequences.
Dude gets fired from his job after filming himself harassing a Chick fil A employee, over Dan Cathy's right to free speech, who's only trying to do her job !

Viral video of man picking on Chick-fil-A worker gets him fired !


"On Thursday, Smith’s boss at Vante, CEO Roger Vogel, cashiered Smith.
“Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A,” the company said in a statement. “Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company."

Where can I donate money to Vante ?

Chick-Fil-A shattered sales records yesterday, breaking the old Chick-Fil-A record set in 1864 during Support Slavery Day."

About sums it up...
Well it appears that the forces of Liberty have struck a blow. How many want to bet that tomorrow's "Kiss A Chick" event is a total failure in attendence term?

The turn out at the Chick-Fil-a Appreciation Day was essentially the majority of American giving the Politicallly Correct crowd the Middle Finger.

Could this event cause the "silent majority" rise up and speak out?

2 thumbs up !

Personally, I think the silent majority is fed up with this politically correct bullsh!t , and is not going to stand around and let the rest of America become more spineless, than it already is !
Perhaps this is just the exception to the rule.

Missouri Boy Scout Kicked Out of Camp for Being Gay

Nope, it's the rule -- when you turn 18, you are no longer registered as a boy. You're registered as an adult. His Eagle is still his, though.

Boy Scouts Say ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ Works

I guess so long as you deny who you are the Boy Scouts don't care. So much for honesty right? Just shut up about your life and we will let you stay.

This guy was kicked out for using the Scout uniform to make a political statement.

Remember the guy in the National Guard who hopped on stage at the Iowa caucuses? How about airline employees who've appeared in uniform for purposes which are harmful to their employer's image?

Same rules apply, and are quite specific about not using the uniform at a non-approved function. When you become a member, you essentially agree to use it under license. Violate the license, it gets revoked.

I guess you get the point. The BSA does not view boys as asexual. If they come out as gay, they are out.

Apparently you don't get the point, which isn't surprising looking thru Google instead of being part of it...

There are many cases where a Scout has announced during their board of review for Eagle that they're gay, that they're questioning the existence of God, and any number of other things that the Scout Haters say would get a boy kicked out of Scouting.

The BOR is the last step before being awarded Eagle. In the cases I'm familiar with, those boys still received their Eagle. Sure, some chose to take the John Kerry approach and toss the medals out or return them. But they're still on the rolls as having earned the rank.

A 14 yr old making a political statement by saying he is gay? OK, sure.

i was a cub scout, weblow and boy scout. I decided I did not agree with their policies and never looked back. I am not disputing they have the right to run their program as they see fit. I am merely pointing out that they are homophobic in their beliefs and want people to know what they are getting into before investing time and money. If someone wants to support such behavior, so be it.
Whaaaaaaa Christians are the victims....whaaaaaaa. Do you even realize how stupid that sounds. Christians have imposed their will on this country since it inception with out any regard for rights of others...

When is this departure taking place? Id like to be there for the send off?

Again since you are twisting everything, you are full of $#!t! False Christians have imposed their will on your country not the TRUE Christians. Your country is the low-lifes of Europe and I will prove it. For the record, the so called Christians are nothing more than cults imposing their perceived rules on society. You say I don't provide proof. Well here is the pudding. Christ separated church and state yet some foolish atheists get credit just to tick off the so called Christians. CHRISTIANS TODAY ARE FOOLS DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. We should separate church and state(PERIOD).

My point is proven simply by the fact that in the USA, the word GOD is on your currency. If the LOVE of money is the root of ALL evil, why does your, a-hem, Christian based country put it on their money? What would happen if Jesus held up a quarter and said render unto Washington what is Washington and render unto God what is God's. He would have been laughed to scorn.

In God We Trust is a weasel statement. God is not a Spiritual God but a god of money. The god it refers to is your government, but if you want to believe its a spiritual god go for it. Your hillbilly country is the only nation that puts god on their money. E pluribus unum refers to the money not the people as many believe. Saying Christians imposed their laws is as laughable as Catholics worshipping statues and images that are a blasphemy to God.

True Christians haven't imposed their laws on anybody but the fools that believe their false prophets. And remember those who claim they are Christians are nothing else but those who impose their false beliefs on society, or Caesar's world. This chicken attack is an attack on Christianity, because again the audience was Christian but your media says that this are his spiritual beliefs and they reflect on his Caesar business.

Remember that idiot judge and the 10 commandments controversy when he wanted a mega stone carving in his couyrthouse? The 10 commandments are Judeo law, why did the idiot Christians protest and not the intended Jews? Because Christians are idiots and their cult leaders want their IN GOD WE TRUST currency. Otherwise keep God in your house of worship and let Caesar run his own house.

Mark my words...by this becoming an issue it IS about the state(gay marriage) wanting to impose laws on the church(God foridden gay marriage) because your stupid Christian denominations thinking that this nation is based on some Christian values that are based on sinners, scumbags, lowlife forefather interpretation of the Holy Bible, that goes against the concept of the true Word. They deserve what they get.
Nope, it's the rule -- when you turn 18, you are no longer registered as a boy. You're registered as an adult. His Eagle is still his, though.

This guy was kicked out for using the Scout uniform to make a political statement.

Remember the guy in the National Guard who hopped on stage at the Iowa caucuses? How about airline employees who've appeared in uniform for purposes which are harmful to their employer's image?

Same rules apply, and are quite specific about not using the uniform at a non-approved function. When you become a member, you essentially agree to use it under license. Violate the license, it gets revoked.

Apparently you don't get the point, which isn't surprising looking thru Google instead of being part of it...

There are many cases where a Scout has announced during their board of review for Eagle that they're gay, that they're questioning the existence of God, and any number of other things that the Scout Haters say would get a boy kicked out of Scouting.

The BOR is the last step before being awarded Eagle. In the cases I'm familiar with, those boys still received their Eagle. Sure, some chose to take the John Kerry approach and toss the medals out or return them. But they're still on the rolls as having earned the rank.

Why are Boy Scouts even considered some Christian organization? Boy Scouts are about camping and having fun. As long as a gay kid doesn't make unwanted advances on a straight boy, I personally don't see why it is an issue. Oh that's right because the shield they hide behind says God somewhere and what God doesn't like it is wrong.

My point about separation of church and state. I didn't join the BSA because it was sunday school. I njoined because of the skills and the knowledge of outdoor survival.
2 thumbs up !

Personally, I think the silent majority is fed up with this politically correct bullsh!t , and is not going to stand around and let the rest of America become more spineless, than it already is !

While I can't speak for anyone else I've been fed up with the PC BS for a long long time. If this controversy is the spark that lights the fire then Praise God or a least Don Cathy.
Dude gets fired from his job after filming himself harassing a Chick fil A employee, over Dan Cathy's right to free speech, who's only trying to do her job !

Viral video of man picking on Chick-fil-A worker gets him fired !


"On Thursday, Smith’s boss at Vante, CEO Roger Vogel, cashiered Smith.
“Vante regrets the unfortunate events that transpired yesterday in Tucson between our former CFO/Treasurer Adam Smith and an employee at Chick-fil-A,” the company said in a statement. “Effective immediately, Mr. Smith is no longer an employee of our company."

Where can I donate money to Vante ?

Bravo CEO Vogel for firing the drive-thru-tool. Hopefully, karma will find him dipping ice cream at Ben and Jerry's or handing me my Venti of Starbucks. Companies that probably embrace his values.

Karma will also have it that the CFA employee should graduate U of A with a finance degree be offered a CFO position at Vante.
Bravo CEO Vogel for firing the drive-thru-tool. Hopefully, karma will find him dipping ice cream at Ben and Jerry's or handing me my Venti of Starbucks. Companies that probably embrace his values.

Karma will also have it that the CFA employee should graduate U of A with a finance degree be offered a CFO position at Vante.

We can hope and pray can't we? Unless of course we do it in a Government building then Ms Tree will get us with an assault rifle.
I have no disdain for the so called "LGBT Community" anymore than I do for the "Social Conservative Community".

You might not, but it's clear that many other people-and groups- do. Wrapping themselves in the "free speech" fallacy is simply providing them w/ a convenient springboard to air those views.

However I am very very tired of the whole "Gay Rights" Bull feces. The are no such thing as group rights, ONLY individual rights.

Pretty sure the idea of the LGBT movement is to secure rights for individuals. Rights that people in our "group" (ie straight, male) already enjoy.

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