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The Best Manager To Your Opinion

I have to agree with Wings, Uncle Ed started this whole mess. I say this because of two words, MIRROR IMAGE. Uncle Ed could not think out of the box and bring the best of PSA and PI to HIS Airline. Instead we did everything HIS way and now it's the Highway for over 20,000 Employees and soon to be another 28,000.
Hope777 said:
I have to agree with Wings, Uncle Ed started this whole mess. I say this because of two words, MIRROR IMAGE. Uncle Ed could not think out of the box and bring the best of PSA and PI to HIS Airline. Instead we did everything HIS way and now it's the Highway for over 20,000 Employees and soon to be another 28,000.
Thinking out of the box is not what was needed, being psychic was, and not many are very good at being psychic. Of course if it makes you feel good you are allowed to blame the old man.
cavalier said:
Thinking out of the box is not what was needed, being psychic was...
Being psychic was not needed. He didn't understand what to do with a merger. Before jamming your business down their throats, you need to look at what made the acquirees successful businesses, and take the creme de la creme.

To be sure, there are instances where businesses succeed in spite of not doing this, but they never do as well.
Hope777 said:
I have to agree with Wings, Uncle Ed started this whole mess. I say this because of two words, MIRROR IMAGE. Uncle Ed could not think out of the box and bring the best of PSA and PI to HIS Airline. Instead we did everything HIS way and now it's the Highway for over 20,000 Employees and soon to be another 28,000.
yes and you are right.
we merged with piedmont and never had any type of merger related thinning out,duplicate jobs were allowed to exist because they didn't want to "hurt " anybody.they paid out way overrated severence packages when it did come.
then PSA.....what a debacle.
ran from the west coast like light speed.offed the engine shop then tried to buy all the tooling back and found out it was now 2 or 3 times what they sold it for.
and it is quite blatant they still have no plan...except cut wages...quick fix no long term.....l
The histroy is nice, but is there ANYBODY currently managing at U that is worthy of mention?
cavalier said:
Thinking out of the box is not what was needed, being psychic was, and not many are very good at being psychic. Of course if it makes you feel good you are allowed to blame the old man.
Sticking around long enough to see your project thru is what ED needed to do. None of us expected him to see into the future, he just needed to guide the company towards it. He ran off within a short time, and left a huge mess for Seth to deal with. We all know that Seth did what he could, but was not equipped to do the job. The company flirted with CH-11 back then, and only the BA cash along with the sale of some A/C kept us out of it. IF ED had set the company in a better direction before he left, things MAY have been better today. The company has only had 2 profitable years since 1989. I am not giving the full blame to Ed, but the bad times started to form in his era.....and they haven't stopped. MAYBE things could have been better had he taken care of the loose ends before heading off into the sunset. At least he could have put a decent marketing department together to see that the airline was competitive.
Ed accomplished his goal of getting rid of the competition, so U did not have to compete (purchasing PI) and maybe avoiding being purchased by TWA, but I'm not really up on that.

He had no vision, because it didn't go beyond getting rid of PI.
I refuse to go along with the slam Ed mentality going on.

But what I will say is if he had no vision all the others CEO’s sure in the hell didn’t either. The only difference is the CEO’s that followed, all become very wealthy. Hmmm, maybe they should all thank uncle Ed for becoming filthy rich since they were supposed to fix everything and set us on the right path.

Backset driver Monday morning quarter backs.

Most employees would give their right arm to have uncle Ed's style of management return where employees were considered an asset and not a liability. That was a time when punishment was handed out only when it was truly merited, not like now where you’re fired for frivolous actions, where kindness ruled and not tyranny.

Considering both styles of management reaped the same results, why is it that Jerry Glass and his ruthless tyrannically style been chosen over a more compassionate style. Looking at what we have now, a bunch of pissed of IAM members willing to bring the house down, myself included, one can only reason that they no longer want us. They waltz in here and cause havoc and upheaval without batting an eye, saying basically to leave if you don’t like it.

I predict that U is going to become history, another Eastern, because treating employees as the enemy will never work no matter what the business plan is. The kind of environment we are in is enough of a challenge without having a bunch of disgruntled employees who no longer care. It’s very unhealthy and very telling of U’s future as a ongoing concern.
I have known several good station level managers, but they pretty much all have to follow the lead of their managers and usually wind up just being the mouth piece for their regional and directors. Not much any of them can really do except what they're told to do. Thats the culture of this company now. It's not going to change until the rat's nest in CCY is fumigated and cleaned out.
Bob we agree.

Your comment reinforces my prediction of the demise of this franchise.

MW said he would start completely over and that's is probably not far off base as to what it will actually take, but it would be too late anyway.

If they would give me my severance I would leave today.
Hope777 said:
I have to agree with Wings, Uncle Ed started this whole mess. I say this because of two words, MIRROR IMAGE. Uncle Ed could not think out of the box and bring the best of PSA and PI to HIS Airline. Instead we did everything HIS way and now it's the Highway for over 20,000 Employees and soon to be another 28,000.

I can read between the lines, and sounds to me you didn't like being acquired. If it was not USAir that acquired, surely you must know you would have been gobbled up by some airline...maybe American. And look what they did to TWA.

No. I think folks here are trying to "pin the nail on the donkey" blind folded. To blame U 20 year past managment for todays problems is as logical as Delta, and American, Northwest, and the rest of the Legacies for their past management of 20 years ago.

All I know is that All the employees of the legacy carriers were able to maintain employment, support their families, educate their familes, provide affordable, decent medical coverage, and fund retirement ALL THESE YEARS. So did managemt. And I believe, the stockholders and investors of these carriers reaped as well.



And this present strategy of BK, ATSB bull crap, threats of liquidation, robbing folks of their retirments and retirement medical, furloughs, terminations of the topped-out older worker with unrealistic corporate punitive policies....is a perfect corporate plan... is the only way to do it , if we allow, to infinity.

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