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The Benfit Of Negotiating

savyinvestor said:
USA320Pilot said:
Bob Owens:

As an AA employee every time the idea of contract changes come up you come out of the woods. Your motives are transparent. Your desire is for US Airways to fail so that AA has less competition.



He reminds me of a poster that continually spouts off about UAL. How does it feel when the shoe is on the other foot? Most respectfully, Savy
Ohh but he is "different". Must be because he is a "Pilot" when his wife lets him go out and play.

Savvy said: "He reminds me of a poster that continually spouts off about UAL. How does it feel when the shoe is on the other foot?"

USA320Pilot comments: I do not know what you mean unless you are referring to the fact that United has probably less than a 50-50 chance of getting the loan guarantee and a higher chance of not emerging from Chapter 11.



P.S. Tic...Toc...Tic...Toc
USA320Pilot said:

Savvy said: "He reminds me of a poster that continually spouts off about UAL. How does it feel when the shoe is on the other foot?"

USA320Pilot comments: I do not know what you mean unless you are referring to the fact that United has probably less than a 50-50 chance of getting the loan guarantee and a higher chance of not emerging from Chapter 11.



P.S. Tic...Toc...Tic...Toc

Bob Owens comments:

United is a huge carrier.

What would be left of USAIR of any value after they sell the Shuttle?

The sad truth is that the chances of you becoming a soccer mom are greater than the chance of UAL liquidating.

Over and out!
A320, just because you don't desire to support your family doesn't mean that the rest of the hard working people at U haven't started to consider a Plan B for themselves and their families. Do you worry that she may get resentful working everyday because you don't feel like looking for employment?
UAL is on a glidepath to oblivion. It has to be true because USA320pilot says so. Never mind the fact that he glommed on to some useless editorial in AWST. Lighten up Chip and enjoy the ride. If things get too bad you can always play Flight Simulator 2004 while living off of your wife.
737nCH11 said:
UAL is on a glidepath to oblivion. It has to be true because USA320pilot says so. Never mind the fact that he glommed on to some useless editorial in AWST. Lighten up Chip and enjoy the ride. If things get too bad you can always play Flight Simulator 2004 while living off of your wife.
If things get too bad you can always play Flight Simulator 2004 while living off of your wife.

I'm the flight attendant voice on that game! :up: (I bet he wouldn't want to listen to my voice though 😛 )

Fly said: "A320, just because you don't desire to support your family doesn't mean that the rest of the hard working people at U haven't started to consider a Plan B for themselves and their families. Do you worry that she may get resentful working everyday because you don't feel like looking for employment?"

USA320Pilot comments: Fly, she has a MBA and our kids go to school full time. She has spent the past 9 years raising our kids and she wants to finish her doctorate and re-enter the job market, where she previously held a vice-president postion in a Fortune 500 company.

Do I want my company, your company (UA), or Bob Owens' (AA) company to fail? Absolutely not, but my comments here are in response to posts by uninformed people or sophists who believe I have ulterior motives.

The point is our family has options, but many US Airways employees do not and it will be sad to see them end up like Sam Wood.


USA320Pilot said:

Fly said: "A320, just because you don't desire to support your family doesn't mean that the rest of the hard working people at U haven't started to consider a Plan B for themselves and their families. Do you worry that she may get resentful working everyday because you don't feel like looking for employment?"

USA320Pilot comments: Fly, she has a MBA and our kids go to school full time. She has spent the past 9 years raising our kids and she wants to finish her doctorate and re-enter the job market, where she previously held a vice-president postion in a Fortune 500 company.

Do I want my company, your company (UA), or Bob Owens' (AA) company to fail? Absolutely not, but my comments here are in response to posts by uninformed people or sophists who believe I have a ulterior motive.

The point is our family has options, but many US Airways employees do not and it will be sad to see them end up like Sam Wood.


So now I'm a "sophist".
Please tell me what I said that was sophistic? Like your feigned concern for a mechanic in Florida? Like your posts on the UAL website?

Come on some of your wifes sophistication must surely have rubbed off on you? Maybe you should be granted an MBA by proxy! I'm sophistic-ated because my wife is!

You made the charge, now back it up! Surely you will make minxmeat out of any arguement put forth by some simple minded gease monkey mechanic who is so desperate for employment that he should be willing to work for next to nothing!

Go ahead now Chip away!
USA320Pilot comments: I do not know what you mean unless you are referring to the fact that United has probably less than a 50-50 chance of getting the loan guarantee and a higher chance of not emerging from Chapter 11.

This has been posted on another thread, but it looks like it's necessary here too: That is NOT a fact, that is speculation. In a perfect world, US Air would become the worlds most beloved airline, and all the scummy, disgusting employees from United would find themselves unemployed and unemployable. Luckily for us, neither will happen. Good luck my friend, life has obviously not treated you fairly. I honestly hope you find some happiness.

Bob said: "The sad truth is that the chances of you becoming a soccer mom are greater than the chance of UAL liquidating."

USA320Pilot: I understand the chances of United liquidating are high. In regard to working with children, I believe there is nothing finer to do in life than to favorably impact a child. I spend most of my time away from US Airways working with children because my wife and I believe children our God's way of continuing the world. In fact, I would not be hurt real bad if US Airways fails and I could coach my kids year-round (which I essentially do now) and be home with my family all of the time.

See Bob, it's all about priorities. A great Successorie quote is "A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."


USA320Pilot said:
The point is our family has options, but many US Airways employees do not and it will be sad to see them end up like Sam Wood.
I think you will find that many of your co-workers have at least as many options as you, or your immediate family does.

Which might be why the current management team is practically begging the unions to return to the table.

I think it speaks volumes that Dave has sunk to the "have your family watch" tactics. If he had a solid plan that inspired confidence, there would be no need for FUD.
USA320Pilot said:
I believe labor and the unions should sit down and discuss the issues. Then the parties have the option of striking a deal or not and sending it out for membership ratification.

Why? If the cost-effective agreements, which in the end will probably be like JetBlue or America West contracts, are unacceptable, then the employee has a choice: either quit working for the company or stay at US Airways.

However, without a competitive cost structure -- across-the-board -- the airline will fail because the new ATSB agreement does not give much time before the airline must be profitable.

For those filled with anger or bitterness, cost cuts are coming one way or another, whether it’s liquidation or consensual.

Therefore, when it’s all said and done for those who find the potential new agreements unacceptable, I believe it's better to have a job, with an income, medical benefits, dental benefits, travel privileges, etc. than to have only unemployment, while you seek other employment.


USA320Pilot said:

Bob said: "The sad truth is that the chances of you becoming a soccer mom are greater than the chance of UAL liquidating."

USA320Pilot: I understand the chances of United liquidating are high. In regard to working with children, I believe there is nothing finer to do in life than to favorably impact a child. I spend most of my time away from US Airways working with children because my wife and I believe children our God's way of continuing the world. In fact, I would not be hurt real bad if US Airways fails and I could coach my kids year-round (which I essentially do now) and be home with my family all of the time.

See Bob, it's all about priorities. A great Successorie quote is "A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove, but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."


You are right, it is all about priorities. But food, shelter and education are of a higher priority than having your Dad coach your soccer team. You can take all that for granted, but most people dont have the money you claim to have, so therefore money becomes a prominent issue. Money buys you the freedom to do the things you do, and there is a minimum that is needed to provide the basics before one can move things like coaching and "quality time" up in priority.

You are asking your coworkers to take an even deeper cut, cuting into the basics, in order to preserve your idylic lifestyle.

You see the fact is in our society, money buys freedom. Problems managing money and over consumption often cancel out the benifit of an increased income but I can say that from what I see, among my peers, overconsumption is not the problem, its underearnings. Most of the people I work with drive basic cars with many years on them, dont take lavish vacations or have huge homes.

You are right about how in a hundred years, it wont matter, but in less time than that it wont matter if USAIR goes out of business. The employees of USAIR have skills. They worked under a high pressure job with a huge emphasis on schedule. Airline workers usually have little difficulty finding employment because they are highly employable.Like I said before, the secret to life, and it has worked in your case is "charge more, work less". That has allowed you to live the life you live.

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