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The Airline Problem vs The Union Solution

"I had my doubts that just didn't sound right. One thing that I didn't doubt though was that you guys would set it straight. Not many jumped at the opportunity though so I must think that they didn't know as well.

You know what they say about things not sounding right PTO? If something does'nt sound right it's probably not. Would not have been very hard to have done a litlte research on your own.

"Like I said before we have a few here in DTW. Talk is there are a bunch more in MSP. That I have not verified. I never said that the majority of the Original Scabs were X-Eastern. But to add to this I have learned that there are a bunch of AMFA Scabs here that are X-Eastern that came to Northwest via Republic."

See now you are telling lies again. You state that you never said that the majority of the original scabs were x-Eastern. However in your original post to which I replied to you stated "The majority of Original Scabs up there are X-Eastern Mechanics". Seems to be a direct contradiction to what you said if you ask me.

"However a union contract never expires, I simply wouldn't be surprised if a union did indeed try to pull off such a stunt."

And this opinion is based on years of expereince being a memeber of or dealing with unions? Well we already know that's not the case. No, your uniformed opinion is based on persoanl prejuidces having nothing to do with how things actaully work.