Dog Wonder
No grief here, just patience.
No grief here, just patience.
And what are these “changes” you are expecting to happen?Sleep well at night. Know sooner (most likely) or later, things will change.
Wow! Just WOW! For a country that is a Republic you Democrats have fallen off the deepend. Talk about some seriously twisted minds. Are you guys really that stupid? Just take a look at all the Democratic run cities and you will get a good idea of where you are wanting to push this country. I used to be totally against abortion till I looked at the demographics of the majority of abortions then thought just maybe it’s a necessary evil just for the sake of the country. Do you think it could at least be contained to the first trimester? Also what’s so wrong with removing federal funding for abortions? Let the local, state or charities pay for them. Not so sure why the Federal government should have to flip the bill.
The most unlikely is you will gain the social skills allowing you to graduate from troll school.
Wow! Just WOW! For a country that is a Republic you Democrats have fallen off the deepend. Talk about some seriously twisted minds. Are you guys really that stupid? Just take a look at all the Democratic run cities and you will get a good idea of where you are wanting to push this country. I used to be totally against abortion till I looked at the demographics of the majority of abortions then thought just maybe it’s a necessary evil just for the sake of the country. Do you think it could at least be contained to the first trimester? Also what’s so wrong with removing federal funding for abortions? Let the local, state or charities pay for them. Not so sure why the Federal government should have to flip the bill.
Remember that guy who spit at you and called you a baby killer when you came home? That was probably him.
Sorry I forgot...if it's more than a meme or a gif, it's too much for you to digest.Your answer to this is just another long winded word salad brought to you by KCFlyer restaurants.
Ninety nine percent of what you have written is garbage. It has been proven over and over again, “Planned Parenthood” is an oxymoron for what it really is. It is an abortion clinic there is no other services provided. It is also a money laundering schemes for the Democratic Party."abortion business". What's the pro life solution to deal with the consequences?
Ninety nine percent of what you have written is garbage. It has been proven over and over again, “Planned Parenthood” is an oxymoron for what it really is. It is an abortion clinic there is no other services provided. It is also a money laundering schemes for the Democratic Party.
It’s called “personal responsibility”, I know that is a notion you Democrats have issues with but it is a real thing. Believe it or not some people actually live by it and do very well for themselves.
There’s dozens of videos just like that. Better yet call them yourself. Why do you democrats always ignore the facts that don’t go along with your narrative? Your hypothetical situation has been played out countless times since the beginning of mankind. So either take responsibility for the child or go get your abortion within the first trimester and pay for it yourself. Why should the federal government have to pay hundreds of millions if dollars for your indescrtions? It makes no sense.I find it interesting that all the "undisputible proof" anybody posts comes from "live action news" site or video. Do you know what happens when a woman is in a PP clinic and the pregnancy test she took comes back positive? THAT is where they counsel on options...not from some setup from the "news" organization calling in to discuss adoptions. Damn you people buy ANYTHING.
But...let's say you guys win...No more federal money to Planned Parenthood. Zero. Zip. Nada. A bunch of people now have to exercise "personal responsibility".
How about this - you talk to your son about personal responsibility. I talk to my daughter about the same thing. Your son REALLY likes my daughter. He thinks she's pretty hot. He wants to have sex with her. He pushes. She says no. He pushes harder, finally saying "if you really loved me....". And she gives in to his wishes. Then she gets pregnant. Which one of them exercised less personal responsibility? Because it seems that that argument gets put on the WOMAN'S shoulders. But what if it's your SON that is the baby daddy? What if it's your SON that pressured and pushed and coerced a woman to have sex with HIM...and he wouldn't even buy a damn condom? Does HE bear any responsibility? How about she carry the baby to term and give it to HIM to raise. Let HIM figure out how to provide food, shelter and health care AND pay for daycare so he can go to work. Or...maybe turn to YOU to help pay for your grandchild's needs. Do you give HIM another "personal responsibility" speech?
Also...I am pleased to know so many men on this board who, in their younger years, either remained celibate OR who never once had sex without first putting a condom on. Because if you ever once had sex without weren't exercising very good personal responsibility. You were just damned lucky. So was she.
There’s dozens of videos just like that. Better yet call them yourself. Why do you democrats always ignore the facts that don’t go along with your narrative? Your hypothetical situation has been played out countless times since the beginning of mankind. So either take responsibility for the child or go get your abortion within the first trimester and pay for it yourself. Why should the federal government have to pay hundreds of millions if dollars for your indescrtions? It makes no sense.